require 'spec_helper' module FakeRedis describe "KeysMethods" do before(:each) do @client = end it "should delete a key" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.set("key2", "2") @client.del("key1", "key2") expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq(nil) end it "should delete multiple keys" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.set("key2", "2") @client.del(["key1", "key2"]) expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq(nil) expect(@client.get("key2")).to eq(nil) end it "should error deleting no keys" do expect { @client.del }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'del' command") expect { @client.del [] }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'del' command") end it "should return true when setnx keys that don't exist" do expect(@client.setnx("key1", "1")).to eq(true) end it "should return false when setnx keys exist" do @client.set("key1", "1") expect(@client.setnx("key1", "1")).to eq(false) end it "should return true when setting expires on keys that exist" do @client.set("key1", "1") expect(@client.expire("key1", 1)).to eq(true) end it "should return true when setting pexpires on keys that exist" do @client.set("key1", "1") expect(@client.pexpire("key1", 1)).to eq(true) end it "should return false when attempting to set expires on a key that does not exist" do expect(@client.expire("key1", 1)).to eq(false) end it "should return false when attempting to set pexpires on a key that does not exist" do expect(@client.pexpire("key1", 1)).to eq(false) end it "should determine if a key exists" do @client.set("key1", "1") expect(@client.exists("key1")).to eq(true) expect(@client.exists("key2")).to eq(false) end it "should set a key's time to live in seconds" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.expire("key1", 1) expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(1) end it "should set a key's time to live in miliseconds" do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(1000) @client.set("key1", "1") @client.pexpire("key1", 2200) expect(@client.pttl("key1")).to be_within(0.1).of(2200) allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_call_original end it "should set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.expireat("key1", + 2) expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(2) end it "should not have an expiration after re-set" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.expireat("key1", + 2) @client.set("key1", "1") expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(-1) end it "should not have a ttl if expired (and thus key does not exist)" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.expireat("key1", expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(-2) end it "should not find a key if expired" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.expireat("key1", expect(@client.get("key1")).to be_nil end it "should not find multiple keys if expired" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.set("key2", "2") @client.expireat("key1", expect(@client.mget("key1", "key2")).to eq([nil, "2"]) end it "should only find keys that aren't expired" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.set("key2", "2") @client.expireat("key1", expect(@client.keys).to eq(["key2"]) end it "should not exist if expired" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.expireat("key1", expect(@client.exists("key1")).to be false end it "should find all keys matching the given pattern" do @client.set("key:a", "1") @client.set("key:b", "2") @client.set("key:c", "3") @client.set("akeyd", "4") @client.set("key1", "5") @client.mset("database", 1, "above", 2, "suitability", 3, "able", 4) expect(@client.keys("key:*")).to match_array(["key:a", "key:b", "key:c"]) expect(@client.keys("ab*")).to match_array(["above", "able"]) end it "should remove the expiration from a key" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.expireat("key1", + 1) expect(@client.persist("key1")).to eq(true) expect(@client.persist("key1")).to eq(false) expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(-1) end it "should return a random key from the keyspace" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.set("key2", "2") expect(["key1", "key2"].include?(@client.randomkey)).to eq(true) end it "should rename a key" do @client.set("key1", "2") @client.rename("key1", "key2") expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq(nil) expect(@client.get("key2")).to eq("2") end it "should rename a key, only if new key does not exist" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.set("key2", "2") @client.set("key3", "3") @client.renamenx("key1", "key2") @client.renamenx("key3", "key4") expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq("1") expect(@client.get("key2")).to eq("2") expect(@client.get("key3")).to eq(nil) expect(@client.get("key4")).to eq("3") end it "should determine the type stored at key" do # Non-existing key expect(@client.type("key0")).to eq("none") # String @client.set("key1", "1") expect(@client.type("key1")).to eq("string") # List @client.lpush("key2", "1") expect(@client.type("key2")).to eq("list") # Set @client.sadd("key3", "1") expect(@client.type("key3")).to eq("set") # Sorted Set @client.zadd("key4", 1.0, "1") expect(@client.type("key4")).to eq("zset") # Hash @client.hset("key5", "a", "1") expect(@client.type("key5")).to eq("hash") end it "should convert the value into a string before storing" do @client.set("key1", 1) expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq("1") @client.setex("key2", 30, 1) expect(@client.get("key2")).to eq("1") @client.getset("key3", 1) expect(@client.get("key3")).to eq("1") end it "should return 'OK' for the setex command" do expect(@client.setex("key4", 30, 1)).to eq("OK") end it "should convert the key into a string before storing" do @client.set(123, "foo") expect(@client.keys).to include("123") expect(@client.get("123")).to eq("foo") @client.setex(456, 30, "foo") expect(@client.keys).to include("456") expect(@client.get("456")).to eq("foo") @client.getset(789, "foo") expect(@client.keys).to include("789") expect(@client.get("789")).to eq("foo") end it "should only operate against keys containing string values" do @client.sadd("key1", "one") expect { @client.get("key1") }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value") expect { @client.getset("key1", 1) }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value") @client.hset("key2", "one", "two") expect { @client.get("key2") }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value") expect { @client.getset("key2", 1) }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value") end it "should move a key from one database to another successfully" do @client.set("key1", "1") expect(@client.move("key1", 1)).to eq(true) expect(@client.get("key1")).to be_nil expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq("1") end it "should fail to move a key that does not exist in the source database" do expect(@client.get("key1")).to be_nil expect(@client.move("key1", 1)).to eq(false) expect(@client.get("key1")).to be_nil expect(@client.get("key1")).to be_nil end it "should fail to move a key that exists in the destination database" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.set("key1", "2") expect(@client.move("key1", 1)).to eq(false) expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq("1") expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq("2") end it "should fail to move a key to the same database" do @client.set("key1", "1") expect { @client.move("key1", 0) }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR source and destination objects are the same") expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq("1") end it "should scan all keys in the database" do 100.times do |x| @client.set("key#{x}", "#{x}") end cursor = 0 all_keys = [] loop { cursor, keys = @client.scan(cursor) all_keys += keys break if cursor == "0" } expect(all_keys.uniq.size).to eq(100) expect(all_keys[0]).to match(/key\d+/) end it "should match keys to a pattern when scanning" do 50.times do |x| @client.set("key#{x}", "#{x}") end @client.set("miss_me", 1) @client.set("pass_me", 2) cursor = 0 all_keys = [] loop { cursor, keys = @client.scan(cursor, :match => "key*") all_keys += keys break if cursor == "0" } expect(all_keys.uniq.size).to eq(50) end it "should specify doing more work when scanning" do 100.times do |x| @client.set("key#{x}", "#{x}") end cursor, all_keys = @client.scan(cursor, :count => 100) expect(cursor).to eq("0") expect(all_keys.uniq.size).to eq(100) end context "with extended options" do it "uses ex option to set the expire time, in seconds" do ttl = 7 expect(@client.set("key1", "1", { :ex => ttl })).to eq("OK") expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(ttl) end it "uses px option to set the expire time, in miliseconds" do ttl = 7000 expect(@client.set("key1", "1", { :px => ttl })).to eq("OK") expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(ttl / 1000) end # Note that the redis-rb implementation will always give PX last. # Redis seems to process each expiration option and the last one wins. it "prefers the finer-grained PX expiration option over EX" do ttl_px = 6000 ttl_ex = 10 @client.set("key1", "1", { :px => ttl_px, :ex => ttl_ex }) expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(ttl_px / 1000) @client.set("key1", "1", { :ex => ttl_ex, :px => ttl_px }) expect(@client.ttl("key1")).to eq(ttl_px / 1000) end it "uses nx option to only set the key if it does not already exist" do expect(@client.set("key1", "1", { :nx => true })).to eq(true) expect(@client.set("key1", "2", { :nx => true })).to eq(false) expect(@client.get("key1")).to eq("1") end it "uses xx option to only set the key if it already exists" do expect(@client.set("key2", "1", { :xx => true })).to eq(false) @client.set("key2", "2") expect(@client.set("key2", "1", { :xx => true })).to eq(true) expect(@client.get("key2")).to eq("1") end it "does not set the key if both xx and nx option are specified" do expect(@client.set("key2", "1", { :nx => true, :xx => true })).to eq(false) expect(@client.get("key2")).to be_nil end end describe "#dump" do it "returns nil for unknown key" do expect(@client.exists("key1")).to be false expect(@client.dump("key1")).to be nil end it "dumps a single known key successfully" do @client.set("key1", "zomgwtf") value = @client.dump("key1") expect(value).not_to eq nil expect(value).to be_a_kind_of(String) end it "errors with more than one argument" do expect { @client.dump("key1", "key2") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#restore" do it "errors with a missing payload" do expect do @client.restore("key1", 0, nil) raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR DUMP payload version or checksum are wrong") end it "errors with an invalid payload" do expect do @client.restore("key1", 0, "zomgwtf not valid") raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR DUMP payload version or checksum are wrong") end describe "with a dumped value" do before do @client.set("key1", "original value") @dumped_value = @client.dump("key1") @client.del("key1") expect(@client.exists("key1")).to be false end it "restores to a new key successfully" do response = @client.restore("key1", 0, @dumped_value) expect(response).to eq "OK" end it "errors trying to restore to an existing key" do @client.set("key1", "something else") expect do @client.restore("key1", 0, @dumped_value) raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR Target key name is busy.") end it "restores successfully with a given expire time" do @client.restore("key2", 2000, @dumped_value) expect(@client.ttl("key2")).to eq 2 end it "restores a list successfully" do @client.lpush("key1", "val1") @client.lpush("key1", "val2") expect(@client.type("key1")).to eq "list" dumped_value = @client.dump("key1") response = @client.restore("key2", 0, dumped_value) expect(response).to eq "OK" expect(@client.type("key2")).to eq "list" end it "restores a set successfully" do @client.sadd("key1", "val1") @client.sadd("key1", "val2") expect(@client.type("key1")).to eq "set" dumped_value = @client.dump("key1") response = @client.restore("key2", 0, dumped_value) expect(response).to eq "OK" expect(@client.type("key2")).to eq "set" end end end end end