require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../lib/poolparty/helpers/binary' describe "Binary" do before(:each) do Dir.stub!(:[]).and_return %w(init console) end it "should have the binary location set on Binary" do Binary.binary_directory.should =~ /lib\/poolparty\/helpers\/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\/bin/ end it "should be able to list the binaries in the bin directory" do Binary.available_binaries_for("pool").should == %w(console init) end it "should be able to say the binary is in the binary_directory" do Binary.available_binaries_for("pool").include?("console") end describe "get_existing_spec_location" do before(:each) do ::File.stub!(:readable?).and_return false ::File.stub!(:readable?).with("#{Base.storage_directory}/pool.spec").and_return true end it "should be a String" do Binary.get_existing_spec_location.class.should == String end end end