var React = require('react'); var Mui = require('material-ui'); var ChannelItem = require('./ChannelItem'); var ContextButton = require('./ContextButton'); var GlobalButton = require('./GlobalButton'); var ButtonInteractionsMixin = require('./ButtonInteractionsMixin'); var TextField = require('./material-ui/text-field.jsx'); var FloatingActionButton = Mui.FloatingActionButton; var PoolRow = React.createClass({ mixins: [ButtonInteractionsMixin], handleSelectedChannel: function(ch) { this.props.onSelectedChannel(ch); }, handleAddedChannel: function(chId) { var newChannels = this.insertNewChannel(this.props.resourceWithChannels.channels, chId); this.handleUpdatedChannel(newChannels); }, handleRemovedChannel: function(chId) { var newChannels = this.removeChannel(this.props.resourceWithChannels.channels, chId); this.handleUpdatedChannel(newChannels); }, /** * Deep copies data structure at this level with the local changes. * Has to be reimplemented at each level of the hierarchy. * @param newChannels */ handleUpdatedChannel: function(newChannels) { var textFieldValue = this.refs['textField' + this.props.rowIndex].getValue(); // create new object for single resource var resourceMapping = { name: textFieldValue, channels: newChannels }; // pass update upwards this.props.onUpdatedMapping(resourceMapping, this.props.rowIndex); }, /** * Removes all the channels from this row. */ handleRemovedChannels: function() { var newChannels = []; this.handleUpdatedChannel(newChannels); }, /** * Updates the mapping structure at each text field input change. * TODO performance? */ handleTextFieldChange: function() { this.handleUpdatedChannel(this.props.resourceWithChannels.channels); }, handleDeleteRow: function() { this.props.onDeleteRow(this.props.rowIndex); }, render: function () { var self=this; // populate row of channels var channelsList = []; this.props.resourceWithChannels.channels.forEach(function (chId) { // set selected channel in resources list var resourcesSelected = null; if(self.props.selectedChannel && self.props.selectedChannel.imgNode == { resourcesSelected = true; } var itsChannel = self.props.channels[chId]; if(itsChannel) { channelsList.push(); } }); // check if the selected channel is already present in this row var itsChannels = self.props.resourceWithChannels.channels; var isChannelAllowed = function(ch) { if(! return; for(var i=0; i; } else { button=; } } else { button=; } var tdButtonStyle = { 'textAlign': 'center' }; return (
{channelsList} {button} ); } }); module.exports = PoolRow;