= DB Charmer - ActiveRecord Connection Magic Plugin
+DbCharmer+ is a simple yet powerful plugin for ActiveRecord that does a few things:
1. Allows you to easily manage AR models' connections (+switch_connection_to+ method)
2. Allows you to switch AR models' default connections to a separate servers/databases
3. Allows you to easily choose where your query should go (Model.on_* methods family)
4. Allows you to automatically send read queries to your slaves while masters would handle all the updates.
5. Adds multiple databases migrations to ActiveRecord
== Installation
There are two options when approaching db-charmer installation:
* using the gem (recommended)
* install as a Rails plugin
To install as a gem, add this to your environment.rb:
config.gem 'db-charmer', :lib => 'db_charmer', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org'
And then run the command:
sudo rake gems:install
To install db-charmer as a Rails plugin use this:
script/plugin install git://github.com/kovyrin/db-charmer.git
== Easy ActiveRecord Connection Management
As a part of this plugin we've added +switch_connection_to+ method that accepts many different kinds
of db connections specifications and uses them on a model. We support:
1. Strings and symbols as the names of connection configuration blocks in database.yml.
2. ActiveRecord models (we'd use connection currently set up on a model).
3. Database connections (Model.connection)
4. Nil values to reset model to default connection.
Sample code:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Model; end
The +switch_connection_to+ method has an optional second parameter +should_exist+ which is true
by default. This parameter is used when the method is called with a string or a symbol connection
name and there is no such connection configuration in the database.yml file. If this parameter
is +true+, an exception would be raised, otherwise, the error would be ignored and no connection
change would happen.
This is really useful when in development mode or in a tests you do not want to create many different
databases on your local machine and just want to put all your tables in a single database.
*Warning*: All the connection switching calls would switch connection *only* for those classes the
method called on. You can't call the +switch_connection_to+ method and switch connection for a
base class in some hierarchy (for example, you can't switch AR::Base connection and see all your
models switched to the new connection, use the classic +establish_connection+ instead).
== Multiple DB Migrations
In every application that works with many databases, there is need in a convenient schema migrations mechanism.
All Rails users already have this mechanism - rails migrations. So in +DbCharmer+, we've made it possible
to seamlessly use multiple databases in Rails migrations.
There are two methods available in migrations to operate on more than one database:
1. Global connection change method - used to switch whole migration to a non-default database.
2. Block-level connection change method - could be used to do only a part of a migration on a non-default db.
Migration class example (global connection rewrite):
class MultiDbTest < ActiveRecord::Migration
db_magic :connection => :second_db
def self.up
create_table :test_table, :force => true do |t|
t.string :test_string
def self.down
drop_table :test_table
Migration class example (block-level connection rewrite):
class MultiDbTest < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
on_db :second_db do
create_table :test_table, :force => true do |t|
t.string :test_string
def self.down
on_db :second_db { drop_table :test_table }
By default in development and test environments you could skip this :second_db
connection from your database.yml files and rails would create the tables in your single database,
but in production you'd specify it and get the table created on a separate server and/or in a
separate database.
This behaviour is controlled by the DbCharmer.migration_connections_should_exist
configuration attribute which could be set from a rails initializer.
== Using Models in Master-Slave Environments
Master-slave replication is the most popular scale-out technique in a medium-sized and
large database-centric applications today. There are some rails plugins out there that help
developers to use slave servers in their models but none of them were flexible enough
for us to start using them in a huge application we work on.
So, we've been using ActsAsReadonlyable plugin for a long time and have made tons
of changes in its code over the time. But since that plugin has been abandoned
by its authors, we've decided to collect all of our master-slave code in one plugin
and release it for rails 2.2+. +DbCharmer+ adds the following features to Rails models:
=== Auto-Switching all Reads to the Slave(s)
When you create a model, you could use db_magic :slave => :blah or
db_magic :slaves => [ :foo, :bar ] commands in your model to set up reads
redirection mode when all your find/count/exist/etc methods will be reading data
from your slave (or a bunch of slaves in a round-robin manner). Here is an example:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
db_magic :slave => :slave01
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
db_magic :slaves => [ :slave01, :slave02 ]
=== Default Connection Switching
If you have more than one master-slave cluster (or simply more than one database)
in your database environment, then you might want to change the default database
connection of some of your models. You could do that by using
db_magic :connection => :foo call from your models. Example:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
db_magic :connection => :foo
Sample model on a separate master-slave cluster (so, separate main connection +
a slave connection):
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
db_magic :connection => :bar, :slave => :bar_slave
=== Per-Query Connection Management
Sometimes you have select queries that you know you want to run on the master.
This could happen for example when you have just added some data and need to read
it back and not sure if it made it all the way to the slave yet or no. For this
situation and a few others there is a set of methods we've added to ActiveRecord models:
1) +on_master+ - this method could be used in two forms: block form and proxy form.
In the block form you could force connection switch for a block of code:
User.on_master do
user = User.find_by_login('foo')
user.update_attributes!(:activated => true)
In the proxy form this method could be used to force one query to be performed on
the master database server:
Comment.on_master.last(:limit => 5)
User.on_master.exists?(:login => login, :password => password)
2) +on_slave+ - this method is used to force a query to be run on a slave even in
situations when it's been previously forced to use the master. If there is more
than one slave, one would be selected randomly. Tis method has two forms as
well: block and proxy.
3) on_db(connection) - this method is what makes two previous methods
possible. It is used to switch a model's connection to some db for a short block
of code or even for one statement (two forms). It accepts the same range of values
as the +switch_connection_to+ method does. Example:
=== Associations Connection Management
ActiveRecord models can have an associations with each other and since every model has its
own database connections, it becomes pretty hard to manage connections in a chained calls
like User.posts.count. With a class-only connection switching methods this call
would look like the following if we'd want to count posts on a separate database:
Post.on_db(:olap) { User.posts.count }
Apparently this is not the best way to write the code and we've implemented an on_*
methods on associations as well so you could do things like this:
@user.posts.on_slave.find(:title => 'Hello, world!')
Notice: Since ActiveRecord associations implemented as proxies for resulting
objects/collections, it is possible to use our connection switching methods even without
chained methods:
@post.user.on_slave - would return post's author
@photo.owner.on_slave - would return photo's owner
Starting with +DbCharmer+ release 1.4 it is possible to use prefix notation for has_many
and HABTM associations connection switching:
=== Named Scopes Support
To make it easier for +DbCharmer+ users to use connections switching methods with named scopes,
we've added on_* methods support on the scopes as well. All the following scope chains
would do exactly the same way (the query would be executed on the :foo database connection):
And now, add this feature to our associations support and here is what we could do:
== Documentation
For more information on the plugin internals, please check out the source code. All the plugin's
code is ~100% covered with a tests that were placed in a separate staging rails project located
at http://github.com/kovyrin/db-charmer-sandbox. The project has unit tests for all or at least the
most of the parts of plugin's code.
== What Ruby and Rails implementations does it work for?
We have a continuous integration setups for this plugin on MRI 1.8.6 with Rails 2.2 and 2.3.
We use the plugin in production on Scribd.com with MRI (rubyee) 1.8.6 and Rails 2.2.
== Who are the authors?
This plugin has been created in Scribd.com for our internal use and then the sources were opened for
other people to use. All the code in this package has been developed by Alexey Kovyrin for Scribd.com
and is released under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.