There are 22 possible improvement measures, designated from A to V. This must record measures deselected by DEA
(A to V is the full set, only E, N, U and V are considered at the moment for new build).
Various measurements for each wall of a particular storey.
Unique name which identifies this wall within its storey. Can be just a number, e.g. "1". However, a wall cannot have the same name as an opening or a roof.
Descriptive notes about the wall.
Type of wall (exposure).
Total wall area in square metres, inclusive of any openings.
Exposed wall U-value.
Whether the wall is curtain walling, i.e. a facade construction consisting of a frame of aluminium vertical and horizontal members, infilled with glazing units and opaque panels.
Heat capacity per unit area in kJ/m²K.
Various measurements for each exposed roof that makes up a particular Building-Part.
Unique name which identifies this roof. Can be just a number, e.g. "1". However, a roof cannot have the same name as a wall.
Descriptive notes about the roof.
Total roof area in square metres, inclusive of any openings.
Exposed roof U-value.
Heat capacity per unit area in kJ/m²K.
Community heating systems used by the property.
Various measurements for each thermal bridge that makes up a particular Building-Part.
Code to indicate a particular type of thermal bridge; only if thermal bridge code is: user defined (individual values).
Length of the thermal bridge in metres; only if thermal bridge code is: user defined (individual values).
Linear thermal transmittance (psi-value); only if thermal bridging is user defined individual values.
Reference to the details of the calculation of the psi-value.
Various measurements for each exposed opening that makes up a particular Building-Part.
Unique name which identifies this opening. Can be just a number, e.g. "1". However, an opening cannot have the same name as a wall.
The name of the SAP-Opening-Type for this opening.
Name of the wall or roof which contains the opening.
Compass direction in which the opening faces.
The width of the opening in metres. If the Width field is used to record the opening area, set the Height to 1.
The height of the opening in metres. If the Height field is used to record the opening area, set the Width to 1.
Pitch of roof containing roof window.
Exposed openings that make up a particular Building-Part.
Exposed roofs that make up a particular Building-Part.
Details of a community system which heats the Main Building.
The name of the community heating system
the community heating CO2 emission factor
The community heating Primary Energy Factor
Specifies what kind of heating the community system is used for.
Community heating, cylinder in dwelling?
Community heating, HIU in dwelling?
Heat Interface Unit index number, if present.
Community heating distribution
To be provided when there is no Heat-Network-Index-Number.
Used when Community-Heating-Distribution-Type is calculated.
Used for hot-water-only systems.
Index number of heat network, if applicable.
The name by which the sub community heat network is known.
Whether the heat network is existing or new.
Storeys that make up a particular Building-Part.
Thermal bridges that make up a particular Building-Part.
Code which indicates how the thermal bridge data has been recorded.
Global y-value for all thermal bridges in watts per square metre per kelvin; only if thermal bridge code is: user defined (global y-value)
Reference to the details of the calculation of the global y-value; only if thermal bridging is user defined global y-value.
Exposed walls that make up a particular Storey.
Various measurements for a particular type of exposed opening that makes up a particular property. Opening types are used to capture common features shared by multiple openings, to avoid having to record the same data explicitly for each opening.
Unique name which identifies this opening type. Can be just a number, e.g. "1".
Descriptive notes about the opening type.
The source of the data for this type of opening.
The (physical) type of opening that this opening type represents.
The type of glazing; if U-value is from BFRC or manufacturer declaration, give as one of
- single
- double
- triple.
Gap between glass panes; only if SAP table and double, triple glazed or secondary glazing.
Is the opening argon-filled? Only if SAP table.
Is the opening krypton-filled? Only if SAP table.
The type of frame, only if data source is SAP table and it is a window, roof window or half-glazed door.
The solar transmittance; not if a door.
The frame factor; not if a door.
The U-value. For rooflights, the U-value should be in the horizontal plane.
Types of exposed openings that make up a particular property. Opening types are used to capture common features shared by multiple openings, to avoid having to record the same data explicitly for each opening.
Details of the means by which the building is ventilated
The number of Closed Flues or chimneys in the Property.
The number of Open Flues in the Property.
The number of Boiler Flues or chimneys in the Property.
The number of Other Flues or chimneys in the Property.
The number of Open Chimneys in the Property.
The number of Blocked Chimneys in the Property.
For backward compatibility only, do not use.
The number of flueless gas fires in the Property.
Whether there has been a pressure test, or whether an assumed value is used for the air permeability.
The pressure test certificate number or test engineer reference.
Air permeability; only if pressure test (yes or assumed).
The type of ground floor; nly if no pressure test.
The construction of the walls; only if no pressure test.
Is there a draft lobby? Only if no pressure test.
Draughtstripping percentage; only if no pressure test.
The number of sheltered sides in the Property.
The type of ventilation.
Source of mechanical ventilation data; only if mechanical ventilation.
Mechanical vent system index number; if mechanical vent data from database (MEV c, MEV dc, MV, MVHR).
Mechanical ventilation Commissioning certificate number .
Mechanical ventilation installation engineer registration reference.
Mechanical ventilation system make and model.
Number of wet rooms, including the kitchen; if mech vent data from manufacturer declaration or database (MEV c, MV, MVHR).
Mechanical vent specific fan power in watts per (litres per second); if mechanical vent data (PIV from outside, MEV c or dc, MV, MVHR).
Mechanical vent heat recovery efficiency percentage; if mechanical vent (MVHR).
Mechanical vent duct type; if MEV c, MV or MVHR.
Mechanical vent duct insulation; if MVHR.
Mechanical vent duct insulation; if MVHR.
Mechanical ventilation duct insulation; if MVHR.
Mechanical ventilation SPF measured in situ; if MVHR or balanced.
MEV dc, number of fans in room, kitchen; if mechanical vent data from database or manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, specific fan power of fans in room, kitchen, in watts per (litres per second); if mechanical vent data from manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, number of fans in room, rooms other than kitchen; if mechanical vent data from database or manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, specific fan power of fans in room, rooms other than kitchen, in watts per (litres per second); if mechanical vent data from manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, number of fans via duct, kitchen; if mechanical vent data from database or manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, specific fan power of fans via duct, kitchen, in watts per (litres per second); if mechanical vent data from manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, number of fans via duct, rooms other than kitchen; if mechanical vent data from database or manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, specific fan power of fans via duct, rooms other than kitchen, in watts per (litres per second); if mechanical vent data from manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, number of fans through wall, kitchen; if mechanical vent data from database or manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, specific fan power of fans through wall, kitchen, in watts per (litres per second); if mechanical vent data from manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, number of fans through wall, rooms other than kitchen; if mechanical vent data from database or manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
MEV dc, specific fan power of fans through wall, rooms other than kitchen, in watts per (litres per second); if mechanical vent data from manufacturer declaration (MEV dc).
Mechanical vent ducts index number; if applicable.
These are the specific data-items collected by the HI / EA needed to perform the SAP calculation.
Type of SAP data that has been collected.
Various measurements a particular Property.
The type of Property, such as House, Flat, Mansion, Maisonette etc.
The building type of the Property e.g. Detached, Semi-Detached, Terrace etc.
Together with the Property Type, the Built Form provides a structured description of the property.
The size of the living area in square metres. The living area is the room marked on a plan as the lounge or living room, or the largest public room (irrespective of usage by particular occupants), together with any rooms not separated from the lounge or living room by doors, and including any cupboards directly accessed from the lounge or living room. Living area does not, however, extend over more than one storey, even when stairs enter the living area directly.
The Area of the lowest storey in square meters including unheated or communal areas such as garages or corridors.
The orientation of the front of the property.
Type of conservatory.
Terrain type. Needed for wind-turbines and for applying measures.
For backwards compatibility only, do not use.
For backwards compatibility only, do not use.
For backwards compatibility only, do not use.
For backwards compatibility only, do not use.
For backwards compatibility only, do not use.
For backwards compatibility only, do not use.
Is property in a smoke control area? Only if a solid fuel appliance is used.
What is the cold water source? Either mains or header tank.
Average amount of overshading of windows.
Average thermal mass parameter for the dwelling in kJ/m²K. If omitted it is calculated using the kappa values of each element.
Additional allowable electricity generation applicable to this dwelling in kWh per square metre; only if Zero Carbon Home assessment.
Diverter present.
Battery capacity if diverter present.
Whether the wind turbine is connected to the Dwelling's meter.
Design limit for total water use.
Indication of where a flat is located in a building.
Count of number of storeys present in the block of flats.
Details of the main lighting for the property
The record of a lighting type within the building.
Fixed lighting present in the property.
Various details for each fixed lighting type in the property.
The efficacy of the lighting type in lumens/Watt.
The power of the selected lighting type in Watts.
The number of light fitting outlets of that type.
Various measurements for the floor of a particular storey.
A name describing the floor dimensioned.
Building storey on which the floor is located.
Descriptive notes about the floor.
Type of floor (exposure).
The total floor area of the storey in square metres.
Average height of the storey in metres.
The estimated total heat loss area for the floor in square metres.
Heat loss floor U-value.
Heat capacity of floor per unit area in kJ/m²K.
Heat capacity of ceiling below. Applies to the non-heat-loss area of an upper floor.
Details of the significant building parts that comprise the main habitable building in the property. The main habitable area generally consists of a single main building but can over time be extended to include extensions such as new wings and additional storeys.
For the purpose of calculating the overall Energy Assessment for the property details of each distinct Building Part, such as its construction, have to be gathered because different materials have different insulation ratings (obviously) which affects the overall rating.
A permanent structure that forms part of the Property and is built primarily for human habitation. A Building Part is usually made up of one or more Storey's and may contain a number of Internal Structural Features. An extension is also a Building Part.
An integer value which uniquely identifies the building part in the property. The value "1" must be assigned to the main dwelling.
Identifier for the Building part - generally only required if there are more that one Building Parts of the same type e.g. "West Wing" and "East Wing" Extensions
The year when this building part was constructed. Not used if 'Construction-Age-Band' is used.
The age band when this building part was constructed. Not used if 'Construction-Year' is used.
Details of the main Electricity supply to the Property.
Type of electricity tariff.
Electricity generated by hydro-electric generator, in kWh/year. To be provided if Hydro-Electric-Generation-Month is not provided.
Reference to certification of hydro electric output.
Electricity generated by hydro-electric generator, in kWh/month. To be provided if Hydro-Electric-Generation is not provided.
Whether the hydro-electric station is connected to dwelling's electricity meter
Details of the means by which the Main Building is heated.
The type of Water Heating present in the Property.
The type of fuel used to power the central heating e.g. Gas, Electricity. Not used if water system is main or secondary system.
Hot water cylinder?
Category of heating system for the secondary heating system.
Source of secondary heating system data; only if secondary heating system.
Secondary heating system commisioning certificate number.
Secondary heating installation engineer registration reference.
Type of secondary heating present in the property; only if required and if heating data source is SAP table.
The type of fuel used to power the secondary heating e.g. Gas, Electricity; only if required.
PCDF index number of the fuel type, only if Secondary-Fuel-Type is 99 (fuel from database).
Secondary flue type; only if secondary efficiency is manufacturer declaration and if there is a flue.
The type of thermal store; not used if main heating system is community heating scheme.
Fixed air conditioning?
The type of immersion heating; only if immersion.
Is heat pump assisted by immersion? Applicable only to hot water only heat pumps
Is heat pump installed to MIS standard? Only if water heating from hot water only heat pump.
Immersion for summer use? Only if main heating is solid fuel fire or room heater with boiler.
Secondary heating appliance is HETAS approved? Only if solid fuel.
Store Manufacturer name.
Store Model name.
Store comissioning certificate number.
Store installer engineer registration number.
Hot water store size in litres; if there is a hot water store. Store refers to hot water store type which can be cylinder (if thermal store is "none"), hot-water only thermal store or integrated thermal store. Not applicable if (a) combi boiler whose data source database or (b) instantaneous combi boiler or (c) combi boiler from SAP table or (d) instantaneous water heater.
Used when a heat pump is associated with a separate and specified hot water vessel.
The source of the hot water store heat loss information; if there is a hot water store. Not applicable if (a) combi boiler whose data source database or (b) instantaneous combi boiler or (c) combi boiler from SAP table or (d) instantaneous water heater.
Hot water store declared loss in kWh/day; only if there is a hot water store and if manufacturer declared loss. Not applicable if (a) combi boiler whose data source database or (b) instantaneous combi boiler or (c) combi boiler from SAP table or (d) instantaneous water heater.
Hot water store insulation; only if there is a hot water store and if loss from SAP table. Not applicable if (a) combi boiler whose data source database or (b) instantaneous combi boiler or (c) combi boiler from SAP table or (d) instantaneous water heater.
Hot water store insulation thickness in mm; only if there is a hot water store and if loss from SAP table. Not applicable if (a) combi boiler whose data source database or (b) instantaneous combi boiler or (c) combi boiler from SAP table or (d) instantaneous water heater.
Thermal store connected to boiler by no more than 1.5 m of insulated pipework? Only if thermal store. Not applicable if combi boiler or instantaneous water heater.
Thermal store or CPSU in airing cupboard? Only if (a) boiler with integrated or hot-water-only thermal store, or (b) main heating is CPSU.
Hot water cylinder thermostat? Not applicable if combi boiler or instantaneous water heater.
Hot water cylinder in heated space? Not applicable if combi boiler or instantaneous water heater.
Hot water separately timed? Not applicable if combi boiler or instantaneous water heater.
Use when manufacturer’s declared values.
Not applicable to combi boiler or instantaneous water heater.
Waste Water Heat Recovery System.
Data set includes either class or SEER, not both.
Identifies the main heating as system 1 or system 2. System 1 must always be present, system 2 is included only when there are two systems.
Category of heating system for the main heating system.
Source of main heating system data.
The ID of the heating system from the product database, if system from database.
Main heating installation engineer registration reference.
Is the boiler a condensing boiler? If boiler efficiency is manufacturer declaration.
The temperature distribution of the condensing boiler.
The temperature distribution of the heat pump, for wet systems only.
Boiler type; if boiler efficiency is manufacturer declaration and fuel is gas or oil.
Combi boiler type; if it is a combi boiler and boiler efficiency is manufacturer declaration.
Case heat emission at full load in kW; if it is a range cooker boiler and boiler efficiency is manufacturer declaration.
Heat transfer to water at full load in kW; if it is a range cooker boiler and boiler efficiency is manufacturer declaration.
Boiler type; if boiler efficiency is manufacturer declaration and fuel is solid.
Main heating code; when heating data source is SAP table.
The type of fuel used to power the central heating e.g. Gas, Electricity; not used if main heating system is community heating scheme.
PCDF index number of the fuel type, only if Main-Fuel-Type is 99 (fuel from database).
Type of Main Control for the Heating System.
Identifies the means by which the central heating system (if present) emits heat; only when wet system (radiators or underfloor).
Means by which an underfloor heating system (if present) emits heat; only when wet system (underfloor).
The type of main heating flue; only if flued appliance.
Indicates whether the heating system contains a fan flue; only if boiler.
Central heating pump in heated space? Only when wet system (radiators or underfloor).
Oil pump in heated space? Only if oil boiler.
Interlocked system? Only when wet system (radiators or underfloor).
True if there is a delayed start control separate from a controller in the database.
The type of boiler fuel feed; only if solid fuel boiler with manufacturer declaration.
Main heating appliance is HETAS approved? Only if solid fuel.
Electric CPSU operating temperature in Celcius; only if main heating is electric CPSU.
Fraction of main heating provided by this system, is 1 if only one main system.
To be used if main heating data is manufacturer declaration and Efficiency-Type is winter and summer.
To be used if main heating data is manufacturer declaration and Efficiency-Type is winter and summer.
If main heating is any system other than heat network.
Main heating system type or technology, for e.g., combi boiler, air source heat pump, etc.
Flue Gas Heat Recovery System.
FGHRS index number; only if FGHRS.
Gas and oil boilers and heat pump from database: 0, 1, 3 or 4
Other heat pump 0, 2 or 4.
Other systems NA.
Whether heat pump was installed under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme.
Included for systems with a central heating pump, i.e. wet system.
The ID of the controller from the product database.
Fraction of heat for the system provided by this heat source.
Heat efficiency in %.
Power efficiency in %. Include when heat source is CHP.
CHP Electricity generation options from table 12f.
Air change rate in month.
Hydro electricity in kWh in month.
Peak kW of photovoltaics (PVs) (kWp); 0.0 if none.
PV orientation; only if peak kWp > 0.
PV pitch; only if peak kWp > 0.
PV overshading; only if peak kWp > 0 and no MCS certificate.
Does the installation have a MCS certificate.
MCS certificate reference number
Manufacturer of PV panels
Overshading factor calculated according to MCS.
Wind turbine manufacturer name.
Wind turbine certificate.
Wind turbine rotor diameter in metres; only if wind turbine.
Wind turbine hub height above building in metres; only if wind turbine.
Energy saved or generated in kWh/year.
Energy used in kWh/year.
For Appendix Q procedure that provides air change rates. Only one Special Feature can have data on air change rates.
Emissions saved in kg/year.
Additional emissions in kg/year.
Panel manufacturer
Solar heating certificate
Panel aperture area in square metres.
Type of solar panel collector.
Source of solar panel collector data.
Collector zero-loss efficiency; only if declared values.
Collector heat loss rate; for backward compatibility only, do not use.
Collector linear heat loss coefficient; only if declared values.
Collector 2nd order heat loss coefficient; only if declared values.
Collector orientation.
Dedicated solar store volume in litres.
Collector loop efficiency; only if declared values.
Incidence angle modifier; only if declared values.
Overall heat loss coefficient of system; only if declared values.
Omit if no second system.
Dedicated store volume in litres.
Shower outlets present in the dwelling. If there are more than 5 then only include the 5 with the highest flow rates used.
Various details for each shower outlet.
Hot water type for this shower outlet.
The flow rate. Only when a shower is not instantaneous electric. Leave blank if NO flow limiter fitted.
The shower power, only if shower outlet type is instantaneous electric.
The WWHRS with which the shower is connected. If shower outlet type is instantaneous electric shower then only a storage WWHRS can be selected or none.
The number of storage heaters with this index number.
The index number of the heater from the product database.
Whether heater is high heat retention type.