# encoding: UTF-8 if defined? Redis # ## Plezi Redis Automation # ## ==== # ## # ## sets up Plezi to use Radis broadcast. # ## this is less recommended then writing your own tailored solution # ## # ## If Plezi Redis Automation is enabled: # ## Plezi creates is own listening thread for each Controller class that broadcasts using Redis. # ## (using the Controller.redis_connection and Controller.redis_channel_name class methods) # ## # ## this overrides the default Controller#broadcast method which is very powerful but # ## is limited to one process. # ## # ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] = ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL'] ||= ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] ||= "redis://username:password@my.host:6389" # ## create a listening thread - rewrite the following code for your own Redis tailored solution. # ## # ## the following is only sample code for you to change: # RADIS_CHANNEL = appsecret # RADIS_URI = URI.parse(ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL'] || "redis://username:password@my.host:6389") # RADIS_CONNECTION = Redis.new(host: RADIS_URI.host, port: RADIS_URI.port, password: RADIS_URI.password) # RADIS_THREAD = Thread.new do # Redis.new(host: RADIS_URI.host, port: RADIS_URI.port, password: RADIS_URI.password).subscribe(RADIS_CHANNEL) do |on| # on.message do |channel, msg| # msg = JSON.parse(msg) # # do stuff # end # end # end end