require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper]) require TireSwing.path(%w(spec grammars assignments)) describe AssignmentsLanguage::Grammar do it "has nodes defined" do consts = AssignmentsLanguage::Grammar.constants consts.should include("Assignments") consts.should include("Assignment") consts.should include("BlankLine") end end describe AssignmentsLanguage::Parser, ".parse" do before(:each) do @input = fixtures assignments.txt))) end it "parses a file and returns a TireSwing AST" do AssignmentsLanguage::Parser.parse(@input).should be_a_kind_of(TireSwing::Node) end end describe AssignmentsLanguage do it "has a string visitor defined" do AssignmentsLanguage.const_get("StringVisitor").ancestors.should include(TireSwing::Visitor) end end describe AssignmentsLanguage::StringVisitor do before(:each) do @input = fixtures assignments.txt))) @ast = AssignmentsLanguage::Parser.parse(@input) end describe "#visit" do it "traverses the AST and collects the values" do AssignmentsLanguage::StringVisitor.visit(@ast).should == "foo = bar\nbaz = blech\nno = way\n" end end end