# frozen_string_literal: true describe 'Ridgepole::Client#diff -> migrate' do context 'when change column (add collation)' do let(:actual_dsl) do erbh(<<-ERB) create_table "employee_clubs", <%= i cond({ ">= 5.1, < 6.1" => { id: :bigint, unsigned: true }, ">= 6.1" => { id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true } } }, { unsigned: true }) %>, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "emp_no", null: false t.integer "club_id", null: false, unsigned: true t.string "string", null: false, collation: "ascii_bin" t.text "text", <%= i cond(5.0, limit: 65535) %>, null: false end ERB end let(:expected_dsl) do erbh(<<-ERB) create_table "employee_clubs", <%= i cond({ ">= 5.1, < 6.1" => { id: :bigint, unsigned: true }, ">= 6.1" => { id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true } } }, { unsigned: true }) %>, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "emp_no", null: false t.integer "club_id", null: false, unsigned: true t.string "string", null: false, collation: "ascii_bin" t.text "text", <%= i cond(5.0, limit: 65535) %>, null: false, collation: "utf8mb4_bin" end ERB end before { subject.diff(actual_dsl).migrate } subject { client } specify do delta = subject.diff(expected_dsl) expect(delta.differ?).to be_truthy expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby actual_dsl delta.migrate expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby expected_dsl end end context 'when change column (delete collation)' do let(:actual_dsl) do erbh(<<-ERB) create_table "employee_clubs", <%= i cond({ ">= 5.1, < 6.1" => { id: :bigint, unsigned: true }, ">= 6.1" => { id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true } } }, { unsigned: true }) %>, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "emp_no", null: false t.integer "club_id", null: false, unsigned: true t.string "string", null: false, collation: "ascii_bin" t.text "text", <%= i cond(5.0, limit: 65535) %>, null: false, collation: "utf8mb4_bin" end ERB end let(:expected_dsl) do erbh(<<-ERB) create_table "employee_clubs", <%= i cond({ ">= 5.1, < 6.1" => { id: :bigint, unsigned: true }, ">= 6.1" => { id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true } } }, { unsigned: true }) %>, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "emp_no", null: false t.integer "club_id", null: false, unsigned: true t.string "string", null: false, collation: "ascii_bin" t.text "text", <%= i cond(5.0, limit: 65535) %>, null: false end ERB end before { subject.diff(actual_dsl).migrate } subject { client } specify do delta = subject.diff(expected_dsl) expect(delta.differ?).to be_truthy expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby actual_dsl delta.migrate expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby expected_dsl end end context 'when change column (change collation)' do let(:actual_dsl) do erbh(<<-ERB) create_table "employee_clubs", <%= i cond({ ">= 5.1, < 6.1" => { id: :bigint, unsigned: true }, ">= 6.1" => { id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true } } }, { unsigned: true }) %>, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "emp_no", null: false t.integer "club_id", null: false, unsigned: true t.string "string", null: false, collation: "ascii_bin" t.text "text", <%= i cond(5.0, limit: 65535) %>, null: false, collation: "utf8mb4_bin" end ERB end let(:expected_dsl) do erbh(<<-ERB) create_table "employee_clubs", <%= i cond({ ">= 5.1, < 6.1" => { id: :bigint, unsigned: true }, ">= 6.1" => { id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true } } }, { unsigned: true }) %>, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "emp_no", null: false t.integer "club_id", null: false, unsigned: true t.string "string", null: false, collation: "utf8mb4_bin" t.text "text", <%= i cond(5.0, limit: 65535) %>, null: false, collation: "ascii_bin" end ERB end before { subject.diff(actual_dsl).migrate } subject { client } specify do delta = subject.diff(expected_dsl) expect(delta.differ?).to be_truthy expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby actual_dsl delta.migrate expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby expected_dsl end end context 'when change column (no change collation)' do let(:actual_dsl) do erbh(<<-ERB) create_table "employee_clubs", <%= i cond({ ">= 5.1, < 6.1" => { id: :bigint, unsigned: true }, ">= 6.1" => { id: { type: :bigint, unsigned: true } } }, { unsigned: true }) %>, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "emp_no", null: false t.integer "club_id", null: false, unsigned: true t.string "string", null: false, collation: "ascii_bin" t.text "text", <%= i cond(5.0, limit: 65535) %>, null: false, collation: "utf8mb4_bin" end ERB end before { subject.diff(actual_dsl).migrate } subject { client } specify do delta = subject.diff(actual_dsl) expect(delta.differ?).to be_falsey expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby actual_dsl delta.migrate expect(subject.dump).to match_ruby actual_dsl end describe '#diff' do specify do Tempfile.open("#{File.basename __FILE__}.#{$PROCESS_ID}") do |f| f.puts(actual_dsl) f.flush opts = ['--dump-without-table-options'] out, status = run_ridgepole('--diff', "'#{JSON.dump(conn_spec)}'", f.path, *opts) # v6.0.3 is the oldest version that doesn't produce any kwargs warnings with Ruby 2.7 if condition('< 6.0.3') # https://github.com/jeremyevans/ruby-warning/blob/1.1.0/lib/warning.rb#L18 out = out.lines.grep_v(/: warning: (?:Using the last argument (?:for `.+' )?as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe \*\* should be added to the call|Passing the keyword argument (?:for `.+' )?as the last hash parameter is deprecated|Splitting the last argument (?:for `.+' )?into positional and keyword parameters is deprecated|The called method (?:`.+' )?is defined here)\n\z/).join end expect(out).to be_empty expect(status.success?).to be_truthy end end end end end