module Acfs::Model # == Acfs Attributes # # Allows to specify attributes of a class with default values and type safety. # # class User # include Acfs::Model # attribute :name, :string, default: 'Anon' # attribute :age, :integer # attribute :special, My::Special::Type # end # # For each attribute a setter and getter will be created and values will be # type casted when set. # module Attributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern def initialize(*attrs) # :nodoc: self.class.attributes.each { |k, v| public_send :"#{k}=", v } super *attrs end # Returns ActiveModel compatible list of attributes and values. # # class User # include Acfs::Model # attribute :name, type: String, default: 'Anon' # end # user = 'John') # user.attributes # => { "name" => "John" } # def attributes self.class.attributes.keys.inject({}) { |h, k| h[k.to_s] = public_send k; h } end # Update all attributes with given hash. # def attributes=(attributes) self.attributes.each do |key, _| send :"#{key}=", attributes[key] if attributes.has_key? key end end module ClassMethods # :nodoc: # Define a model attribute by name and type. Will create getter and # setter for given attribute name. Existing methods will be overridden. # # class User # include Acfs::Model # attribute :name, :string, default: 'Anon' # end # # Available types can be found in `Acfs::Model::Attributes::*`. # def attribute(name, type, opts = {}) if type.is_a? Symbol or type.is_a? String type = "::Acfs::Model::Attributes::#{type.to_s.classify}".constantize end define_attribute name.to_sym, type, opts end # Return list of possible attributes and default values for this model class. # # class User # include Acfs::Model # attribute :name, :string # attribute :age, :integer, default: 25 # end # User.attributes # => { "name": nil, "age": 25 } # def attributes @attributes ||= {} end private def define_attribute(name, type, opts = {}) # :nodoc: @attributes ||= {} @attributes[name] = type.cast opts.has_key?(:default) ? opts[:default] : nil self.send :define_method, name do instance_variable_get :"@#{name}" end self.send :define_method, :"#{name}=" do |value| instance_variable_set :"@#{name}", type.cast(value) end end end end end # Load attribute type classes. # Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/attributes/*.rb"].sort.each do |path| filename = File.basename(path) require "acfs/model/attributes/#{filename}" end