# Translation helpers extending the Rails +translate+ helper to support # translation inheritance over the controller class hierarchy. module I18nHelper # Translates the passed key by looking it up over the controller hierarchy. # The key is searched in the following order: # - {controller}.{current_partial}.{key} # - {controller}.{current_action}.{key} # - {controller}.global.{key} # - {parent_controller}.{current_partial}.{key} # - {parent_controller}.{current_action}.{key} # - {parent_controller}.global.{key} # - ... # - global.{key} def translate_inheritable(key, variables = {}) partial = defined?(@virtual_path) ? @virtual_path.gsub(/.*\/_?/, '') : nil defaults = inheritable_translation_defaults(key, partial) variables[:default] ||= defaults t(defaults.shift, variables) end alias ti translate_inheritable # Translates the passed key for an active record association. This helper is # used for rendering association dependent keys in forms like :no_entry, # :none_available or :please_select. # The key is looked up in the following order: # - activerecord.associations.models.{model_name}.{association_name}.{key} # - activerecord.associations.{association_model_name}.{key} # - global.associations.{key} def translate_association(key, assoc = nil, variables = {}) if assoc && assoc.options[:polymorphic].nil? variables[:default] ||= [association_klass_key(assoc, key).to_sym, :"global.associations.#{key}"] t(association_owner_key(assoc, key), variables) else t("global.associations.#{key}", variables) end end alias ta translate_association private # General translation key based on the klass of the association. def association_klass_key(assoc, key) k = 'activerecord.associations.' k << assoc.klass.model_name.singular k << '.' k << key.to_s end # Specific translation key based on the owner model and the name # of the association. def association_owner_key(assoc, key) k = 'activerecord.associations.models.' k << assoc.active_record.model_name.singular k << '.' k << assoc.name.to_s k << '.' k << key.to_s end def inheritable_translation_defaults(key, partial) defaults = [] current = controller.class while current < ActionController::Base folder = current.controller_path if folder.present? append_controller_translation_keys(defaults, folder, partial, key) end current = current.superclass end defaults << :"global.#{key}" end def append_controller_translation_keys(defaults, folder, partial, key) defaults << :"#{folder}.#{partial}.#{key}" if partial defaults << :"#{folder}.#{action_name}.#{key}" defaults << :"#{folder}.global.#{key}" end end