module Rails module Html XPATHS_TO_REMOVE = %w{.//script .//form comment()} class Sanitizer # :nodoc: def sanitize(html, options = {}) raise NotImplementedError, "subclasses must implement sanitize method." end private def remove_xpaths(node, xpaths) node.xpath(*xpaths).remove node end def properly_encode(fragment, options) fragment.xml? ? fragment.to_xml(options) : fragment.to_html(options) end end # === Rails::Html::FullSanitizer # Removes all tags but strips out scripts, forms and comments. # # full_sanitizer = # full_sanitizer.sanitize("Bold no more! See more here...") # # => Bold no more! See more here... class FullSanitizer < Sanitizer def sanitize(html, options = {}) return unless html return html if html.empty? loofah_fragment = Loofah.fragment(html) remove_xpaths(loofah_fragment, XPATHS_TO_REMOVE) loofah_fragment.scrub!( properly_encode(loofah_fragment, encoding: 'UTF-8') end end # === Rails::Html::LinkSanitizer # Removes +a+ tags and +href+ attributes leaving only the link text. # # link_sanitizer = # link_sanitizer.sanitize('Only the link text will be kept.') # # => 'Only the link text will be kept.' class LinkSanitizer < Sanitizer def initialize @link_scrubber = @link_scrubber.tags = %w(a) @link_scrubber.attributes = %w(href) end def sanitize(html, options = {}) Loofah.scrub_fragment(html, @link_scrubber).to_s end end # === Rails::Html::SafeListSanitizer # Sanitizes html and css from an extensive safe list (see link further down). # # === Whitespace # We can't make any guarantees about whitespace being kept or stripped. # Loofah uses Nokogiri, which wraps either a C or Java parser for the # respective Ruby implementation. # Those two parsers determine how whitespace is ultimately handled. # # When the stripped markup will be rendered the users browser won't take # whitespace into account anyway. It might be better to suggest your users # wrap their whitespace sensitive content in pre tags or that you do # so automatically. # # === Options # Sanitizes both html and css via the safe lists found here: # # # SafeListSanitizer also accepts options to configure # the safe list used when sanitizing html. # There's a class level option: # Rails::Html::SafeListSanitizer.allowed_tags = %w(table tr td) # Rails::Html::SafeListSanitizer.allowed_attributes = %w(id class style) # # Tags and attributes can also be passed to +sanitize+. # Passed options take precedence over the class level options. # # === Examples # safe_list_sanitizer = # # Sanitize css doesn't take options # safe_list_sanitizer.sanitize_css('background-color: #000;') # # Default: sanitize via a extensive safe list of allowed elements # safe_list_sanitizer.sanitize(@article.body) # # Safe list via the supplied tags and attributes # safe_list_sanitizer.sanitize(@article.body, tags: %w(table tr td), # attributes: %w(id class style)) # # Safe list via a custom scrubber # safe_list_sanitizer.sanitize(@article.body, scrubber: class SafeListSanitizer < Sanitizer class << self attr_accessor :allowed_tags attr_accessor :allowed_attributes end self.allowed_tags = em b i p code pre tt samp kbd var sub sup dfn cite big small address hr br div span h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ul ol li dl dt dd abbr acronym a img blockquote del ins)) self.allowed_attributes = src width height alt cite datetime title class name xml:lang abbr)) def initialize @permit_scrubber = end def sanitize(html, options = {}) return unless html return html if html.empty? loofah_fragment = Loofah.fragment(html) if scrubber = options[:scrubber] # No duck typing, Loofah ensures subclass of Loofah::Scrubber loofah_fragment.scrub!(scrubber) elsif allowed_tags(options) || allowed_attributes(options) @permit_scrubber.tags = allowed_tags(options) @permit_scrubber.attributes = allowed_attributes(options) loofah_fragment.scrub!(@permit_scrubber) else remove_xpaths(loofah_fragment, XPATHS_TO_REMOVE) loofah_fragment.scrub!(:strip) end properly_encode(loofah_fragment, encoding: 'UTF-8') end def sanitize_css(style_string) Loofah::HTML5::Scrub.scrub_css(style_string) end private def loofah_using_html5? # future-proofing, see Loofah.respond_to?(:html5_mode?) && Loofah.html5_mode? end def remove_safelist_tag_combinations(tags) if !loofah_using_html5? && tags.include?("select") && tags.include?("style") warn("WARNING: #{self.class}: removing 'style' from safelist, should not be combined with 'select'") tags.delete("style") end tags end def allowed_tags(options) if options[:tags] remove_safelist_tag_combinations(options[:tags]) else self.class.allowed_tags end end def allowed_attributes(options) options[:attributes] || self.class.allowed_attributes end end WhiteListSanitizer = SafeListSanitizer end end