# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Ryo Onodera # Copyright (C) 2011 Kouhei Sutou # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA require 'stringio' module NginxAccessLogParserTests module Data private def time_log_component times = ["03/Aug/2011:16:58:01 +0900", runtime, request_time].compact "[#{times.join(', ')}]" end def usual_log_line " - - #{time_log_component} " + "\"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200 613 \"-\" \"Ruby\"" end def usual_log_entry_options { :remote_address => "", :remote_user => "-", :time_local => Time.local(2011, 8, 3, 16, 58, 1), :runtime => runtime, :request_time => request_time, :request => "GET / HTTP/1.1", :status => 200, :body_bytes_sent => 613, :http_referer => "-", :http_user_agent => "Ruby", } end def usual_log_entry create_log_entry(usual_log_entry_options) end def not_found_log_line " - - #{time_log_component} " + "\"GET /the-truth.html HTTP/1.1\" 404 613 \"-\" \"Ruby\"" end def not_found_log_entry options = { :status => 404, :request => "GET /the-truth.html HTTP/1.1", } create_log_entry(usual_log_entry_options.merge(options)) end def utf8_path "/トップページ.html" end def valid_utf8_log_line path = utf8_path " - - #{time_log_component} " + "\"GET #{path} HTTP/1.1\" 200 613 \"-\" \"Ruby\"" end def valid_utf8_log_entry options = { :request => "GET #{utf8_path} HTTP/1.1", } create_log_entry(usual_log_entry_options.merge(options)) end def garbled_path "/#{Random.new.bytes(10)}".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def invalid_utf8_log_line path = garbled_path " - - #{time_log_component} " + "\"GET #{path} HTTP/1.1\" 200 613 \"-\" \"Ruby\"" end def bad_log_line "bad" end end module Environment private def create_log_entry(options) Racknga::LogEntry.new(options) end def create_log_file(string) StringIO.new(string) end def create_log_parser(file) Racknga::NginxAccessLogParser.new(file) end def create_reversed_log_parser(file) Racknga::ReversedNginxAccessLogParser.new(file) end def join_lines(*lines) lines.collect do |line| line + "\n" end.join end def parse(string) file = create_log_file(string) parser = create_log_parser(file) parser.collect.to_a end def reversed_parse(string) file = create_log_file(string) parser = create_reversed_log_parser(file) parser.collect.to_a end end module Tests def test_usual_nginx_access_log accesses = parse(join_lines(usual_log_line)) access = accesses.first assert_equal(usual_log_entry, access) end def test_no_access_log accesses = parse(join_lines()) assert_equal([], accesses) end def test_multiple_nginx_access_log accesses = parse(join_lines(usual_log_line, usual_log_line, not_found_log_line)) assert_equal([usual_log_entry, usual_log_entry, not_found_log_entry], accesses) end def test_reversed_nginx_access_log accesses = reversed_parse(join_lines(usual_log_line, usual_log_line, not_found_log_line)) assert_equal([usual_log_entry, usual_log_entry, not_found_log_entry].reverse, accesses) end def test_bad_nginx_access_log assert_raise(Racknga::NginxAccessLogParser::FormatError) do parse(join_lines(bad_log_line)) end end def test_invalid_utf8_log_line_ignored accesses = parse(join_lines(valid_utf8_log_line, invalid_utf8_log_line, valid_utf8_log_line)) assert_equal([valid_utf8_log_entry, valid_utf8_log_entry], accesses) end end class CombinedLogTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Environment include Data include Tests def runtime nil end def request_time nil end end class CombinedWithTimeLogTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Environment include Data include Tests def runtime 0.000573 end def request_time 0.001 end end end