- fix TZ bug - fix doc bug regarding runners - crontab option - make tickle easier - eval option - flesh out the cli interface - it's a test only at this point - commands need quoting, esp for windows, "c:\Documents And..." etc - the whole gem_path thing is still fubar - signals not operating properly on windows , non critical error tho... - need to figure out how to cache connections for Bj.in(...) - ttl will be added. maxing it out will cause auto-resubmission (Steve Midgley) - is having the runner thread try forever to start the process the best thing? - allow easy way to run ruby code. perhaps ./script/runner 'eval STDIN.read' is good enough - allow easy way to run ruby code that persists - allow specification of runner on submit (--runner) - allow specification of tags a runner will consume (--tag) - test in windows ================================================================================ X ./script/console submission hangs on windows X default PATH setting X install issues for dave? - gem_path... X main only loaded for (bin|script)/bj X make it possible to declare externally managed runners X restartable will be added. true by default (Steve Midgley) X do the lifeline inline with the loop X need to address the serialzable writer issue (:lock => true ??) X migrations use --force X i forget to add "#{ Bj.ruby } ... " to the generate command X ./script/bj must be found in path before c:/.....bin/bj X make sure database.yml is loaded via YAML::load(ERB.new(File.read * "config/database.yml").result)