# frozen_string_literal: true %w[ rake ostruct rubygems bundler English celluloid/current waterdrop pathname timeout logger kafka sidekiq envlogic thor fileutils yajl dry-configurable dry-validation active_support/callbacks active_support/core_ext/class/subclasses active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access active_support/descendants_tracker active_support/inflector karafka/loader karafka/setup/config karafka/status karafka/routing/router ].each(&method(:require)) # Karafka library module Karafka extend Envlogic class << self # @return [Logger] logger that we want to use. Will use ::Karafka::Logger by default def logger @logger ||= App.config.logger end # @return [::Karafka::Monitor] monitor that we want to use. Will use dummy monitor by default def monitor @monitor ||= App.config.monitor end # @return [String] root path of this gem def gem_root Pathname.new(File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__)) end # @return [String] Karafka app root path (user application path) def root Pathname.new(ENV['KARAFKA_ROOT_DIR'] || File.dirname(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])) end # @return [String] path to Karafka gem root core def core_root Pathname.new(File.expand_path('../karafka', __FILE__)) end # @return [String] path to a default file that contains booting procedure etc # @note By default it is a file called 'app.rb' but it can be specified as you wish if you # have Karafka that is merged into a Sinatra/Rails app and app.rb is taken. # It will be used for console/workers/etc # @example Standard only-Karafka case # Karafka.boot_file #=> '/home/app_path/app.rb' # @example Non standard case # KARAFKA_BOOT_FILE='/home/app_path/karafka.rb' # Karafka.boot_file #=> '/home/app_path/karafka.rb' def boot_file Pathname.new(ENV['KARAFKA_BOOT_FILE'] || File.join(Karafka.root, 'app.rb')) end end end Karafka::Loader.new.load!(Karafka.core_root)