module Fog module Rackspace class Queues class Real # This operation lists queues for the project. The queues are sorted alphabetically by name. # @note A request to list queues when you have no queues in your account returns 204, instead of 200, because there was no information to send back. # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :marker - Specifies the name of the last queue received in a previous request, or none to get the first page of results. # @option options [Integer] :limit - Specifies the name of the last queue received in a previous request, or none to get the first page of results. # @option options [Boolean] :detailed - Determines whether queue metadata is included in the response. The default value for this parameter is false, which excludes t # @return [Excon::Response] response # @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Queues::NotFound] - HTTP 404 # @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Queues::BadRequest] - HTTP 400 # @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Queues::InternalServerError] - HTTP 500 # @raise [Fog::Rackspace::Queues::ServiceError] # @see def list_queues(options={}) request( :expects => [200, 204], :method => 'GET', :path => 'queues', :query => options ) end end class Mock def list_queues(options={}) limit = options[:limit] || 10 marker = options[:marker] detailed = options[:detailed] || false queue_names = data.keys.sort start_index = marker.nil? ? 0 : queue_names.count { |name| name <= marker } stop_index = start_index + limit queue_names = queue_names[start_index..stop_index] queue_data = do |qname| { "href" => "#{PATH_BASE}/#{qname}", "name" => qname } end if detailed queue_data.each { |d| d["metadata"] = data[d["name"]].metadata } end response = if data.empty? response.status = 204 else response.status = 200 response.body = { "queues" => queue_data, "links" => [{ "href" => "#{PATH_BASE}?marker=#{queue_names.last}", "rel" => "next" }] } end response end end end end end