require "pathname" require "manageiq/appliance_console/postgres_admin" require "linux_admin" module ManageIQ module ApplianceConsole class InternalDatabaseConfiguration < DatabaseConfiguration attr_accessor :disk, :run_as_evm_server DEDICATED_DB_SHARED_BUFFERS = "'1GB'".freeze SHARED_DB_SHARED_BUFFERS = "'128MB'".freeze def self.postgres_dir PostgresAdmin.data_directory.relative_path_from("/")) end def self.postgresql_template PostgresAdmin.template_directory.join(postgres_dir) end def initialize(hash = {}) set_defaults super end def set_defaults = 'localhost' self.username = "root" self.database = "vmdb_production" self.run_as_evm_server = true end def activate if PostgresAdmin.initialized? say(<<-EOF.gsub!(/^\s+/, "")) An internal database already exists. Choose "Reset Configured Database" to reset the existing installation EOF return false end initialize_postgresql_disk if disk initialize_postgresql run_as_evm_server ? (return super) : save true end def ask_questions choose_disk check_disk_is_mount_point self.run_as_evm_server = !ask_yn?(<<-EOS.gsub!(/^ +/m, ""), "N") Should this appliance run as a standalone database server? NOTE: * The #{I18n.t("")} application will not be running. * This is required when using highly available database deployments. * CAUTION: This is not reversible. EOS # TODO: Assume we want to create a region for a new internal database disk # until we allow for the internal selection against an already initialized disk. create_new_region_questions(false) if run_as_evm_server ask_for_database_credentials end def choose_disk @disk = ask_for_disk("database disk", false, true) end def check_disk_is_mount_point error_message = "Internal databases require a volume mounted at #{mount_point}. Please add an unpartitioned disk and try again." raise error_message unless disk || pg_mount_point? end def initialize_postgresql_disk log_and_feedback(__method__) do => disk, :mount_point => mount_point, :name => "pg", :volume_group_name => PostgresAdmin.volume_group_name, :filesystem_type => PostgresAdmin.database_disk_filesystem, :logical_volume_path => PostgresAdmin.logical_volume_path).setup end # if we mounted the disk onto the postgres user's home directory, fix the permissions if mount_point.to_s == "/var/lib/pgsql" FileUtils.chown(PostgresAdmin.user,, "/var/lib/pgsql") FileUtils.chmod(0o700, "/var/lib/pgsql") end end def initialize_postgresql log_and_feedback(__method__) do PostgresAdmin.prep_data_directory run_initdb configure_ssl relabel_postgresql_dir configure_postgres start_postgres create_postgres_root_user create_postgres_database apply_initial_configuration end end def configure_postgres copy_template "postgresql.conf" copy_template "pg_hba.conf" copy_template "pg_ident.conf" end def post_activation start_evm if run_as_evm_server end private def mount_point PostgresAdmin.mount_point end def copy_template(src) FileUtils.cp(self.class.postgresql_template.join(src), PostgresAdmin.data_directory) end def pg_mount_point? LinuxAdmin::LogicalVolume.mount_point_exists?(mount_point.to_s) end def run_initdb!("postgresql-setup", :params => {:initdb => nil, :unit => PostgresAdmin.service_name}) end def start_postgres block_until_postgres_accepts_connections end def restart_postgres block_until_postgres_accepts_connections end def block_until_postgres_accepts_connections loop do break if"psql -U postgres -c 'select 1'").success? end end def create_postgres_root_user PostgresAdmin.with_pg_connection do |conn| esc_pass = conn.escape_string(password) conn.exec("CREATE ROLE #{username} WITH LOGIN CREATEDB SUPERUSER PASSWORD '#{esc_pass}'") end end def create_postgres_database PostgresAdmin.with_pg_connection do |conn| conn.exec("CREATE DATABASE #{database} OWNER #{username} ENCODING 'utf8'") end end def relabel_postgresql_dir!("/sbin/restorecon -R -v #{mount_point}") end def apply_initial_configuration shared_buffers = run_as_evm_server ? SHARED_DB_SHARED_BUFFERS : DEDICATED_DB_SHARED_BUFFERS PostgresAdmin.with_pg_connection { |conn| conn.exec("ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_buffers TO #{shared_buffers}") } restart_postgres end def configure_ssl cert_file = PostgresAdmin.data_directory.join("server.crt").to_s key_file = PostgresAdmin.data_directory.join("server.key").to_s!("/usr/bin/", :env => {"NEW_CERT_FILE" => cert_file, "NEW_KEY_FILE" => key_file}) FileUtils.chown("postgres", "postgres", cert_file) FileUtils.chown("postgres", "postgres", key_file) FileUtils.chmod(0644, cert_file) FileUtils.chmod(0600, key_file) end end end end