require 'markaby/tags' module Markaby # The Markaby::Builder class is the central gear in the system. When using # from Ruby code, this is the only class you need to instantiate directly. # # mab = # mab.html do # head { title "" } # body do # h1 " has great deals" # ul do # li "$49 for a canoe" # li "$39 for a raft" # li "$29 for a huge boot that floats and can fit 5 people" # end # end # end # puts mab.to_s # class Builder @@default = { :indent => 0, :output_helpers => true, :output_xml_instruction => true, :output_meta_tag => true, :auto_validation => true, :tagset => Markaby::XHTMLTransitional, :root_attributes => { :xmlns => '', :'xml:lang' => 'en', :lang => 'en' } } def self.set(option, value) @@default[option] = value end def self.ignored_helpers @@ignored_helpers ||= [] end def self.ignore_helpers(*helpers) ignored_helpers.concat helpers end attr_accessor :output_helpers, :tagset # Create a Markaby builder object. Pass in a hash of variable assignments to # +assigns+ which will be available as instance variables inside tag construction # blocks. If an object is passed in to +helpers+, its methods will be available # from those same blocks. # # Pass in a +block+ to new and the block will be evaluated. # # mab = { # html do # body do # h1 "Matching Mole" # end # end # } # def initialize(assigns = {}, helpers = nil, &block) @streams = [[]] @assigns = assigns.dup @helpers = helpers @elements = {} @@default.each do |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", @assigns.delete(k) || v) end @assigns.each do |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) end @builder = => @indent, :target => @streams.last) text(capture(&block)) if block end # Returns a string containing the HTML stream. Internally, the stream is stored as an Array. def to_s @streams.last.to_s end # Write a +string+ to the HTML stream without escaping it. def text(string) @builder << string.to_s nil end alias_method :<<, :text alias_method :concat, :text # Captures the HTML code built inside the +block+. This is done by creating a new # stream for the builder object, running the block and passing back its stream as a string. # # >> { h1 "TEST"; h2 "CAPTURE ME" } # => "




\n" # def capture(&block) @streams.push( = []) @builder.level += 1 str = instance_eval(&block) str = @streams.last.join if @streams.last.any? @streams.pop @builder.level -= 1 = @streams.last str end # Create a tag named +tag+. Other than the first argument which is the tag name, # the arguments are the same as the tags implemented via method_missing. def tag!(tag, *args, &block) ele_id = nil if @auto_validation and @tagset if !@tagset.tagset.has_key?(tag) raise InvalidXhtmlError, "no element `#{tag}' for #{tagset.doctype}" elsif args.last.respond_to?(:to_hash) attrs = args.last.to_hash if @tagset.forms.include?(tag) and attrs[:id] attrs[:name] ||= attrs[:id] end attrs.each do |k, v| atname = k.to_s.downcase.intern unless k =~ /:/ or @tagset.tagset[tag].include? atname raise InvalidXhtmlError, "no attribute `#{k}' on #{tag} elements" end if atname == :id ele_id = v.to_s if @elements.has_key? ele_id raise InvalidXhtmlError, "id `#{ele_id}' already used (id's must be unique)." end end end end end if block str = capture(&block) block = proc { text(str) } end f = fragment { @builder.method_missing(tag, *args, &block) } @elements[ele_id] = f if ele_id f end # This method is used to intercept calls to helper methods and instance # variables. Here is the order of interception: # # * If +sym+ is a helper method, the helper method is called # and output to the stream. # * If +sym+ is a Builder::XmlMarkup method, it is passed on to the builder object. # * If +sym+ is also the name of an instance variable, the # value of the instance variable is returned. # * If +sym+ has come this far and no +tagset+ is found, +sym+ and its arguments are passed to tag! # * If a tagset is found, though, +NoMethodError+ is raised. # # method_missing used to be the lynchpin in Markaby, but it's no longer used to handle # HTML tags. See html_tag for that. def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) if @helpers.respond_to?(sym, true) && !self.class.ignored_helpers.include?(sym) r = @helpers.send(sym, *args, &block) if @output_helpers and r.respond_to? :to_str @helpers.output_buffer = '' if @helpers.respond_to?(:output_buffer=) fragment { @builder << r } else r end elsif @assigns.has_key?(sym) @assigns[sym] elsif @assigns.has_key?(stringy_key = sym.to_s) # Rails' ActionView assigns hash has string keys for # instance variables that are defined in the controller. @assigns[stringy_key] elsif instance_variables.include?(ivar = "@#{sym}") instance_variable_get(ivar) elsif !@helpers.nil? && @helpers.instance_variables.include?(ivar) @helpers.instance_variable_get(ivar) elsif ::Builder::XmlMarkup.instance_methods.include?(sym.to_s) @builder.__send__(sym, *args, &block) elsif @tagset.nil? tag!(sym, *args, &block) else raise NoMethodError, "no such method `#{sym}'" end end # Every HTML tag method goes through an html_tag call. So, calling div is equivalent # to calling html_tag(:div). All HTML tags in Markaby's list are given generated wrappers # for this method. # # If the @auto_validation setting is on, this method will check for many common mistakes which # could lead to invalid XHTML. def html_tag(sym, *args, &block) if @auto_validation and @tagset.self_closing.include?(sym) and block raise InvalidXhtmlError, "the `#{sym}' element is self-closing, please remove the block" elsif args.empty? and block.nil?, @streams.last, sym) else tag!(sym, *args, &block) end end XHTMLTransitional.tags.each do |k| class_eval %{ def #{k}(*args, &block) html_tag(#{k.inspect}, *args, &block) end } end remove_method :head # Builds a head tag. Adds a meta tag inside with Content-Type # set to text/html; charset=utf-8. def head(*args, &block) tag!(:head, *args) do tag!(:meta, "http-equiv" => "Content-Type", "content" => "text/html; charset=utf-8") if @output_meta_tag instance_eval(&block) end end # Builds an html tag. An XML 1.0 instruction and an XHTML 1.0 Transitional doctype # are prepended. Also assumes :xmlns => "", # :lang => "en". def xhtml_transitional(attrs = {}, &block) self.tagset = Markaby::XHTMLTransitional xhtml_html(attrs, &block) end # Builds an html tag with XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype instead. def xhtml_strict(attrs = {}, &block) self.tagset = Markaby::XHTMLStrict xhtml_html(attrs, &block) end # Builds an html tag with XHTML 1.0 Frameset doctype instead. def xhtml_frameset(attrs = {}, &block) self.tagset = Markaby::XHTMLFrameset xhtml_html(attrs, &block) end private def xhtml_html(attrs = {}, &block) instruct! if @output_xml_instruction declare!(:DOCTYPE, :html, :PUBLIC, *tagset.doctype) tag!(:html, @root_attributes.merge(attrs), &block) end def fragment stream = @streams.last start = stream.length yield length = stream.length - start, start, length) end end # Every tag method in Markaby returns a Fragment. If any method gets called on the Fragment, # the tag is removed from the Markaby stream and given back as a string. Usually the fragment # is never used, though, and the stream stays intact. # # For a more practical explanation, check out the README. class Fragment < ::Builder::BlankSlate def initialize(*args) @stream, @start, @length = args end def method_missing(*args, &block) # We can't do @stream.slice!(@start, @length), # as it would invalidate the @starts and @lengths of other Fragment instances. @str = @stream[@start, @length].to_s @stream[@start, @length] = [nil] * @length def self.method_missing(*args, &block) @str.send(*args, &block) end @str.send(*args, &block) end end class XmlMarkup < ::Builder::XmlMarkup attr_accessor :target, :level end end