# Note: We really only need "cgi/util" here but Ruby 2.4.1 has an issue: # https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13539 require "cgi" module Instana class Rack def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) kvs = { :http => {} } kvs[:http][:method] = env['REQUEST_METHOD'] kvs[:http][:url] = ::CGI.unescape(env['PATH_INFO']) if env.key?('HTTP_HOST') kvs[:http][:host] = env['HTTP_HOST'] elsif env.key?('SERVER_NAME') kvs[:http][:host] = env['SERVER_NAME'] end if ENV.key?('INSTANA_SERVICE_NAME') kvs[:service] = ENV['INSTANA_SERVICE_NAME'] end if ::Instana.agent.extra_headers ::Instana.agent.extra_headers.each { |custom_header| # Headers are available in this format: HTTP_X_CAPTURE_THIS rack_header = 'HTTP_' + custom_header.upcase rack_header.tr!('-', '_') if env.key?(rack_header) unless kvs[:http].key?(:header) kvs[:http][:header] = {} end kvs[:http][:header][custom_header.to_sym] = env[rack_header] end } end # Check incoming context incoming_context = {} if env.key?('HTTP_X_INSTANA_T') incoming_context[:trace_id] = ::Instana::Util.header_to_id(env['HTTP_X_INSTANA_T']) incoming_context[:span_id] = ::Instana::Util.header_to_id(env['HTTP_X_INSTANA_S']) if env.key?('HTTP_X_INSTANA_S') incoming_context[:level] = env['HTTP_X_INSTANA_L'] if env.key?('HTTP_X_INSTANA_L') end ::Instana.tracer.log_start_or_continue(:rack, {}, incoming_context) status, headers, response = @app.call(env) if ::Instana.tracer.tracing? kvs[:http][:status] = status if !status.is_a?(Integer) || status.between?(500, 511) # Because of the 5xx response, we flag this span as errored but # without a backtrace (no exception) ::Instana.tracer.log_error(nil) end # Save the IDs before the trace ends so we can place # them in the response headers in the ensure block trace_id = ::Instana.tracer.current_span.trace_id span_id = ::Instana.tracer.current_span.id end [status, headers, response] rescue Exception => e ::Instana.tracer.log_error(e) raise ensure if headers && ::Instana.tracer.tracing? # Set reponse headers; encode as hex string headers['X-Instana-T'] = ::Instana::Util.id_to_header(trace_id) headers['X-Instana-S'] = ::Instana::Util.id_to_header(span_id) end ::Instana.tracer.log_end(:rack, kvs) end end end