'Unordered list item',
'[list][*]item 1[*] item2[/list]',
'Ordered list (numerical)' => [
'Ordered list numerically',
'[list=1][*]item 1[*] item2[/list]',
'Ordered list (alphabetical)' => [
'Ordered list alphabetically',
'[list=a][*]item 1[*] item2[/list]',
'Definition List' => [
'List of terms/items and their definitions',
'[dl][dt]Fusion Reactor[/dt][dd]Chamber that provides power to your... nerd stuff[/dd][dt]Mass Cannon[/dt][dd]A gun of some sort[/dd][/dl]',
'Definition Term' => [
'Definition definitions',
'[dd]my definition[/dd',
'Quote' => [
'Quote with citation',
"[quote=mike]Now is the time...[/quote]",
'Quote (Sourceless)' => [
'Quote (sourceclass)',
"[quote]Now is the time...[/quote]",
'Link' => [
'Hyperlink to somewhere else',
'Maybe try looking on [url=http://google.com]Google[/url]?',
'Link (Implied)' => [
'Hyperlink (implied)',
"Maybe try looking on [url]http://google.com[/url]",
'Link (Automatic)' => [
' \1',
'Hyperlink (automatic)',
'Maybe try looking on http://www.google.com',
'Image (Resized)' => [
/\[img(:.+)? size=(['"]?)(\d+)x(\d+)\2\](.*?)\[\/img\1?\]/im,
'Display an image with a set width and height',
'[img size=96x96]http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif[/img]',
'Image (Alternative)' => [
'Display an image (alternative format)',
'Image' => [
'Display an image',
'Check out this crazy cat: [img]http://catsweekly.com/crazycat.jpg[/img]',
'YouTube' => [
# '',
'Display a video from YouTube.com',
'YouTube (Alternative)' => [
# '',
'Display a video from YouTube.com (alternative format)',
'Google Video' => [
'Display a video from Google Video',
'Email' => [
'Link to email address',
class << self
# Convert a string with BBCode markup into its corresponding HTML markup
# === Basic Usage
# The first parameter is the string off BBCode markup to be processed
# text = "[b]some bold text to markup[/b]"
# output = BBRuby.to_html(text)
# # output => "some bold text to markup"
# === Custom BBCode translations
# You can supply your own BBCode markup translations to create your own custom markup
# or override the default BBRuby translations (parameter is a hash of custom translations).
# The hash takes the following format: "name" => [regexp, replacement, description, example, enable_symbol]
# custom_blockquote = {
# 'Quote' => [
# /\[quote(:.*)?=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/quote\1?\]/mi,
# '
# 'Quote with citation',
# '[quote=mike]please quote me[/quote]',
# :quote
# ]
# }
# === Enable and Disable specific tags
# BBRuby will allow you to only enable certain BBCode tags, or to explicitly disable certain tags.
# Pass in either :disable or :enable to set your method, followed by the comma-separated list of tags
# you wish to disable or enable
# BBRuby.to_html(text, {}, true, :enable, :image, :bold, :quote)
# BBRuby.to_html(text, {}, true, :disable, :image, :video, :color)
def to_html(text, tags_alternative_definition={}, escape_html=true, method=:disable, *tags)
text = text.clone
# escape "<, >, &" to remove any html
if escape_html
text.gsub!( '&', '&' )
text.gsub!( '<', '<' )
text.gsub!( '>', '>' )
tags_definition = @@tags.merge(tags_alternative_definition)
# parse bbcode tags
case method
when :enable
tags_definition.each_value { |t| text.gsub!(t[0], t[1]) if tags.include?(t[4]) }
when :disable
# this works nicely because the default is disable and the default set of tags is [] (so none disabled) :)
tags_definition.each_value { |t| text.gsub!(t[0], t[1]) unless tags.include?(t[4]) }
# parse spacing
text.gsub!( /\r\n?/, "\n" )
text.gsub!( /\n/, " \n" )
# return markup
# Returns the list of tags processed by BBRuby in a Hash object
def tag_list
end # class << self
end # class BBRuby
class String
# Convert a string with BBCode markup into its corresponding HTML markup
# === Basic Usage
# text = "[b]some bold text to markup[/b]"
# output = text.bbcode_to_html
# # output => "some bold text to markup"
# === Custom BBCode translations
# You can supply your own BBCode markup translations to create your own custom markup
# or override the default BBRuby translations (parameter is a hash of custom translations).
# The hash takes the following format: "name" => [regexp, replacement, description, example, enable_symbol]
# custom_blockquote = {
# 'Quote' => [
# /\[quote(:.*)?=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/quote\1?\]/mi,
# '
# 'Quote with citation',
# '[quote=mike]please quote me[/quote]',
# :quote
# ]
# }
# output = text.bbcode_to_html(custom_blockquote)
# === Enable and Disable specific tags
# BBRuby will allow you to only enable certain BBCode tags, or to explicitly disable certain tags.
# Pass in either :disable or :enable to set your method, followed by the comma-separated list of tags
# you wish to disable or enable
# output = text.bbcode_to_html({}, true, :enable, :image, :bold, :quote)
# output = text.bbcode_to_html({}, true, :disable, :image, :video, :color)
# === HTML auto-escaping
# By default, BBRuby will auto-escape HTML. You can prevent this by passing in false as the second
# parameter
# output = text.bbcode_to_html({}, false)
def bbcode_to_html(tags_alternative_definition = {}, escape_html=true, method=:disable, *tags)
BBRuby.to_html(self, tags_alternative_definition, escape_html, method, *tags)
# Replace the string contents with the HTML-converted markup
def bbcode_to_html!(tags_alternative_definition = {}, escape_html=true, method=:disable, *tags)
self.replace(BBRuby.to_html(self, tags_alternative_definition, escape_html, method, *tags))