module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK = :SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID = :SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON = :SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON end class SetGithubReleaseAction < Action def UI.important("Creating release of #{params[:repository_name]} on tag \"#{params[:tag_name]}\" with name \"#{params[:name]}\".") UI.important("Will also upload assets #{params[:upload_assets]}.") if params[:upload_assets] repo_name = params[:repository_name] api_token = params[:api_token] server_url = params[:server_url] tag_name = params[:tag_name] payload = { 'tag_name' => params[:tag_name], 'name' => params[:name], 'body' => params[:description], 'draft' => !!params[:is_draft], 'prerelease' => !!params[:is_prerelease] } payload['target_commitish'] = params[:commitish] if params[:commitish] server_url: server_url, api_token: api_token, http_method: 'POST', path: "repos/#{repo_name}/releases", body: payload, error_handlers: { 422 => proc do |result| UI.error(result[:body]) UI.error("Release on tag #{tag_name} already exists!") return nil end, 404 => proc do |result| UI.error(result[:body]) UI.user_error!("Repository #{repo_name} cannot be found, please double check its name and that you provided a valid API token (GITHUB_API_TOKEN)") end, 401 => proc do |result| UI.error(result[:body]) UI.user_error!("You are not authorized to access #{repo_name}, please make sure you provided a valid API token (GITHUB_API_TOKEN)") end, '*' => proc do |result| UI.error("GitHub responded with #{result[:status]}:#{result[:body]}") return nil end } ) do |result| json = result[:json] html_url = json['html_url'] release_id = json['id'] UI.success("Successfully created release at tag \"#{tag_name}\" on GitHub") UI.important("See release at \"#{html_url}\"") Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK] = html_url Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID] = release_id Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON] = json assets = params[:upload_assets] if assets && assets.count > 0 # upload assets self.upload_assets(assets, json['upload_url'], api_token) # fetch the release again, so that it contains the uploaded assets server_url: server_url, api_token: api_token, http_method: 'GET', path: "repos/#{repo_name}/releases/#{release_id}", error_handlers: { '*' => proc do |get_result| UI.error("GitHub responded with #{get_result[:status]}:#{get_result[:body]}") UI.user_error!("Failed to fetch the newly created release, but it *has been created* successfully.") end } ) do |get_result| Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON] = get_result[:json] UI.success("Successfully uploaded assets #{assets} to release \"#{html_url}\"") return get_result[:json] end else return json || result[:body] end end end def self.upload_assets(assets, upload_url_template, api_token) assets.each do |asset| self.upload(asset, upload_url_template, api_token) end end def self.upload(asset_path, upload_url_template, api_token) # if it's a directory, zip it first in a temp directory, because we can only upload binary files absolute_path = File.absolute_path(asset_path) # check that the asset even exists UI.user_error!("Asset #{absolute_path} doesn't exist") unless File.exist?(absolute_path) if Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpzip = File.join(dir, File.basename(absolute_path) + '.zip') sh "cd \"#{File.dirname(absolute_path)}\"; zip -r --symlinks \"#{tmpzip}\" \"#{File.basename(absolute_path)}\" 2>&1 >/dev/null" self.upload_file(tmpzip, upload_url_template, api_token) end else self.upload_file(absolute_path, upload_url_template, api_token) end end def self.upload_file(file, url_template, api_token) require 'addressable/template' file_name = File.basename(file) expanded_url = file_name).to_s headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/zip' } # works for all binary files UI.important("Uploading #{file_name}") api_token: api_token, http_method: 'POST', headers: headers, url: expanded_url, raw_body:, error_handlers: { '*' => proc do |result| UI.error("GitHub responded with #{result[:status]}:#{result[:body]}") UI.user_error!("Failed to upload asset #{file_name} to GitHub.") end } ) do |result| UI.success("Successfully uploaded #{file_name}.") end end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "This will create a new release on GitHub and upload assets for it" end def self.details "Creates a new release on GitHub. You must provide your GitHub Personal token (get one from, the repository name and tag name. By default that's 'master'. If the tag doesn't exist, one will be created on the commit or branch passed-in as commitish. Out parameters provide the release's id, which can be used for later editing and the release html link to GitHub. You can also specify a list of assets to be uploaded to the release with the upload_assets parameter." end def self.available_options [ :repository_name, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_REPOSITORY_NAME", description: "The path to your repo, e.g. 'fastlane/fastlane'", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please only pass the path, e.g. 'fastlane/fastlane'") if value.include? "" UI.user_error!("Please only pass the path, e.g. 'fastlane/fastlane'") if value.split('/').count != 2 end), :server_url, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_RELEASE_SERVER_URL", description: "The server url. e.g. '' (Default: '')", default_value: "", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please include the protocol in the server url, e.g. https://your.github.server/api/v3") unless value.include? "//" end), :api_token, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_RELEASE_API_TOKEN", description: "Personal API Token for GitHub - generate one at", sensitive: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, is_string: true, default_value: ENV["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"], optional: false), :tag_name, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG_NAME", description: "Pass in the tag name", is_string: true, optional: false), :name, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_NAME", description: "Name of this release", is_string: true, optional: true), :commitish, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_COMMITISH", description: "Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists. Default: the repository's default branch (usually master)", is_string: true, optional: true), :description, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_DESCRIPTION", description: "Description of this release", is_string: true, optional: true, default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::FL_CHANGELOG]), :is_draft, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_IS_DRAFT", description: "Whether the release should be marked as draft", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), :is_prerelease, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_IS_PRERELEASE", description: "Whether the release should be marked as prerelease", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), :upload_assets, env_name: "FL_SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_UPLOAD_ASSETS", description: "Path to assets to be uploaded with the release", optional: true, is_string: false, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("upload_assets must be an Array of paths to assets") unless value.kind_of? Array end) ] end def self.output [ ['SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_HTML_LINK', 'Link to your created release'], ['SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_RELEASE_ID', 'Release id (useful for subsequent editing)'], ['SET_GITHUB_RELEASE_JSON', 'The whole release JSON object'] ] end def self.return_value [ "A hash containing all relevant information of this release", "Access things like 'html_url', 'tag_name', 'name', 'body'" ].join("\n") end def self.return_type :hash_of_strings end def self.authors ["czechboy0", "tommeier"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.example_code [ 'github_release = set_github_release( repository_name: "fastlane/fastlane", api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], name: "Super New actions", tag_name: "v1.22.0", description: ("changelog") rescue "No changelog provided"), commitish: "master", upload_assets: ["example_integration.ipa", "./pkg/built.gem"] )' ] end def self.category :source_control end end end end