#include Briar::TextView Then /^I clear text view named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| res = query("textView marked:'#{name}'") if res set_text("textView marked:'#{name}'", "") end end Then /^I should not see "([^"]*)" text view$/ do |name| should_not_see_text_view (name) end Then /^I should see the text I just entered in the "([^"]*)" text view$/ do |text_view_id| should_see_text_view text_view_id text = query("textView marked:'#{text_view_id}'", :text).first unless @text_entered_by_keyboard.eql? text screenshot_and_raise "i expected to see '#{@text_entered_by_keyboard}' in text view '#{text_view_id}' but found '#{text}'" end end Then /^I am done text editing$/ do touch_navbar_item "done text editing" end Then /^I should see text view "([^"]*)" with placeholder text "([^"]*)"$/ do |text_view, placeholder| tv_exists = !query("textView marked:'#{text_view}'").empty? unless tv_exists screenshot_and_raise "could not find text view #{text_view}" end ph_arr = query("textView marked:'#{text_view}' child label", :text) if ph_arr.empty? screenshot_and_raise "could not find placeholder label in text view #{text_view}" end actual = ph_arr[0] unless actual.eql? placeholder screenshot_and_raise "could not find placeholder text '#{placeholder}'" end end Then /^I touch text view "([^"]*)"$/ do |text_view| touch("textView marked:'#{text_view}'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end