require "reflexive/coderay_ruby_scanner" require "coderay/scanners/ruby" describe Reflexive::CodeRayRubyScanner do def reflexive_tokens(src) end def reflexive_tokens_without_meta_and_tags(src) reject { |t| t[1] == :meta_scope }. reject { |t| t[0] == :method_call }. map { |t| t[2].is_a?(Hash) ? t[0..1] : t } end def coderay_tokens(src) squeezed_tokes = [] do |token| if squeezed_tokes.size > 0 && squeezed_tokes[-1][1] == token[1] squeezed_tokes[-1][0] << token[0] else squeezed_tokes << token end end end pending "squeezes constants" do src = <<-RUBY class ConstRef < Const::PathRef RefenceConstInClassBody = ::TopConstRef def m Const::PathRef end end class Const::PathRef < ::TopConstRef def self.m reference_in_method_body ::TopConstRef end end class ::TopConstRef end class Const::Deeply::Nested::PathRef < ConstRef end RUBY tokens = reflexive_tokens(src) tokens.should include(["ConstRef", :constant, { :scope => nil }]) tokens.should include(["Const::PathRef", :constant, { :scope => ["ConstRef"] }]) tokens.should include(["Const::PathRef", :constant, { :scope => nil }]) tokens.should include(["::TopConstRef", :constant, { :scope => nil }]) tokens.should include(["::TopConstRef", :constant, { :scope => ["Const::PathRef"] }]) tokens.should include(["Const::Deeply::Nested::PathRef", :constant, { :scope => nil }]) end it "injects load_path tags" do reflexive_tokens("require('f')").should include(["f", :content, { :load_path => true }]) reflexive_tokens("require 'f'").should include(["f", :content, { :load_path => true }]) end it "injects instance method tags" ONE_LINERS = <<-RUBY.gsub(/^ */, "") %Q{str} %r :symbol :@instance_var_symbol :@@class_var_symbol :$global_var_symbol :ConstantSymbol :+ :if #!/usr/bin/env ruby %q[haha! [nesting [rocks] ] ! ] %Q[hehe! \#{ %Q]nesting \#{"really"} rocks] } ! ] some_string.to_i /\\s+/ S = 'bla' * 100 + "\n" + "\t"*4 :"\#{undef :blubb}\#@@cv" undef :"bla", /, :"\#{undef :blubb}\#@@cv" @hash.delete_if { |o,| yield(o) } "double quoted string" # comment "a \#{ b + "c"}" 42 if true /regexp with modifiers/xm a = ?s q = "\\n" call_something() a = 1 && 2 || 3 @ivar = 123 @@cvar = 345 $gvar = 345 float = 1.2345 `shell` v = %w(w1 w2) "a\#{" b \#{@c} d" if @c} d \#{@e}; f." RUBY # ONE_LINERS.split("\n").each do |src| # it "should parse `#{ src }' just as CodeRay parser does" do # reflexive_tokens(src).should == coderay_tokens(src) # end # end it "generates CodeRay compatible token stream" do src = <<-RUBY.gsub(/^ */, "") #{ ONE_LINERS } [].each do |*args, &block| self.class.define_method do end end class Qwe < Asd alias qwe asd module Sdf def end end end =begin heredoc1 =end <<-QWE QWE if 1 > 0 elsif false end begin 42 rescue Exception => e [] << 'q' end def `(cmd) end RUBY expected_tokens = [ [:open, :string], ["%Q{", :delimiter], ["str", :content], ["}", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], [:open, :regexp], ["%r<", :delimiter], ["regexp", :content], [">", :delimiter], [:close, :regexp], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["symbol", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["@instance_var_symbol", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["@@class_var_symbol", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["$global_var_symbol", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["ConstantSymbol", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["+", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["if", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["\n", :space], ["#!/usr/bin/env ruby\n", :comment], [:open, :string], ["%q[", :delimiter], ["haha! [nesting [rocks] ] ! ", :content], ["]", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], [:open, :string], ["%Q[", :delimiter], ["hehe! ", :content], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], [" ", :space], [:open, :string], ["%Q]", :delimiter], ["nesting ", :content], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["really", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], [" rocks", :content], ["]", :delimiter], [:close, :string], [" ", :space], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], [" ! ", :content], ["]", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], ["some_string", :ident], [".", :operator], ["to_i", :ident], [" ", :space], [:open, :regexp], ["/", :delimiter], ["\\s+", :content], ["/", :delimiter], [:close, :regexp], ["\n", :space], ["S", :constant], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], [:open, :string], ["'", :delimiter], ["bla", :content], ["'", :delimiter], [:close, :string], [" ", :space], ["*", :operator], [" ", :space], ["100", :integer], [" ", :space], ["+", :operator], [" ", :space], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["\n", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], [" ", :space], ["+", :operator], [" ", :space], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["\t", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["*", :operator], ["4", :integer], ["\n", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":\"", :delimiter], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], ["undef", :content], [:close, :symbol], [" ", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["blubb", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], ["#", :escape], ["@@cv", :class_variable], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], ["undef", :reserved], [" ", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":\"", :delimiter], ["bla", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :symbol], [",", :operator], [" ", :space], ["/,", :operator], [" ", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":\"", :delimiter], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], ["undef", :content], [:close, :symbol], [" ", :space], [:open, :symbol], [":", :delimiter], ["blubb", :content], [:close, :symbol], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], ["#", :escape], ["@@cv", :class_variable], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], ["@hash", :instance_variable], [".", :operator], ["delete_if", :ident], [" ", :space], ["{", :operator], [" ", :space], ["|", :operator], ["o", :ident], [",|", :operator], [" ", :space], ["yield", :reserved], ["(", :operator], ["o", :ident], [")", :operator], [" ", :space], ["}", :operator], ["\n", :space], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["double quoted string", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], ["# comment\n", :comment], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["a ", :content], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], [" ", :space], ["b", :ident], [" ", :space], ["+", :operator], [" ", :space], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["c", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], ["42", :integer], [" ", :space], ["if", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["true", :reserved], ["\n", :space], [:open, :regexp], ["/", :delimiter], ["regexp with modifiers", :content], ["/xm", :delimiter], [:close, :regexp], ["\n", :space], ["a", :ident], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], ["?s", :integer], ["\n", :space], ["q", :ident], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["\\n", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], ["call_something", :ident], ["()", :operator], ["\n", :space], ["a", :ident], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], ["1", :integer], [" ", :space], ["&&", :operator], [" ", :space], ["2", :integer], [" ", :space], ["||", :operator], [" ", :space], ["3", :integer], ["\n", :space], ["@ivar", :instance_variable], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], ["123", :integer], ["\n", :space], ["@@cvar", :class_variable], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], ["345", :integer], ["\n", :space], ["$gvar", :global_variable], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], ["345", :integer], ["\n", :space], ["float", :ident], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], ["1.2345", :float], ["\n", :space], [:open, :shell], ["`", :delimiter], ["shell", :content], ["`", :delimiter], [:close, :shell], ["\n", :space], ["v", :ident], [" ", :space], ["=", :operator], [" ", :space], ["%w(w1 w2)", :content], ["\n", :space], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], ["a", :content], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], [:open, :string], ["\"", :delimiter], [" b ", :content], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], ["@c", :instance_variable], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], [" d", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], [" ", :space], ["if", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["@c", :instance_variable], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], [" d ", :content], [:open, :inline], ["\#{", :inline_delimiter], ["@e", :instance_variable], ["}", :inline_delimiter], [:close, :inline], ["; f.", :content], ["\"", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n\n", :space], ["[].", :operator], ["each", :ident], [" ", :space], ["do", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["|*", :operator], ["args", :ident], [",", :operator], [" ", :space], ["&", :operator], ["block", :ident], ["|", :operator], ["\n", :space], ["self", :reserved], [".", :operator], ["class", :ident], [".", :operator], ["define_method", :ident], [" ", :space], ["do", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["class", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["Qwe", :constant], [" ", :space], ["<", :operator], [" ", :space], ["Asd", :constant], ["\n", :space], ["alias", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["qwe", :ident], [" ", :space], ["asd", :ident], ["\n", :space], ["module", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["Sdf", :constant], ["\n", :space], ["def", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["self", :reserved], [".", :operator], ["sm", :ident], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["=begin\nheredoc1\n=end\n", :comment], ["<<-QWE", :heredoc_beg], ["\n", :space], ["if", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["1", :integer], [" ", :space], [">", :operator], [" ", :space], ["0", :integer], ["\n", :space], ["elsif", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["false", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["begin", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["42", :integer], ["\n", :space], ["rescue", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["Exception", :constant], [" ", :space], ["=>", :operator], [" ", :space], ["e", :ident], ["\n", :space], ["[]", :operator], [" ", :space], ["<<", :operator], [" ", :space], [:open, :string], ["'", :delimiter], ["q", :content], ["'", :delimiter], [:close, :string], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space], ["def", :reserved], [" ", :space], ["`", :method], ["(", :operator], ["cmd", :ident], [")", :operator], ["\n", :space], ["end", :reserved], ["\n", :space]] reflexive_tokens_without_meta_and_tags(src).should == expected_tokens end end