module Beaker module DSL module InstallUtils # # This module contains default values for FOSS puppet paths and directorys per-platform # module FOSSDefaults #Here be the default download URLs FOSS_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_URLS = { :win_download_url => "", :mac_download_url => "", :pe_promoted_builds_url => "", :release_apt_repo_url => "", :release_yum_repo_url => "", :nightly_apt_repo_url => "", :nightly_yum_repo_url => "", :nightly_win_download_url => "", :nightly_mac_download_url => "", :dev_builds_url => "", } #Here be the pathing and default values for FOSS installs # FOSS_DEFAULTS = { 'freebsd' => { 'puppetserver-confdir' => '/etc/puppetserver/conf.d', 'puppetservice' => 'puppetmaster', 'puppetpath' => '/usr/local/etc/puppet/modules', 'puppetvardir' => '/var/lib/puppet', 'puppetbin' => '/usr/bin/puppet', 'puppetbindir' => '/usr/bin', 'hieralibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/lib', 'hierapuppetlibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib', 'hierabindir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/bin', 'hieradatadir' => '/usr/local/etc/puppet/modules/hieradata', 'hieraconf' => '/usr/local/etc/puppet/modules/hiera.yaml', 'distmoduledir' => '/usr/local/etc/puppet/modules', 'sitemoduledir' => '/usr/share/puppet/modules', }, 'openbsd' => { 'puppetserver-confdir' => '/etc/puppetserver/conf.d', 'puppetservice' => 'puppetmaster', 'puppetpath' => '/etc/puppet/modules', 'puppetvardir' => '/var/puppet', 'puppetbin' => '/usr/local/bin/puppet', 'puppetbindir' => '/usr/local/bin', 'hieralibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/lib', 'hierapuppetlibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib', 'hierabindir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/bin', 'hieradatadir' => '/etc/puppet/hieradata', 'hieraconf' => '/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml', 'distmoduledir' => '/etc/puppet/modules', 'sitemoduledir' => '/usr/local/share/puppet/modules', }, 'mac' => { 'puppetserver-confdir' => '/etc/puppetserver/conf.d', 'puppetservice' => 'puppetmaster', 'puppetpath' => '/etc/puppet', 'puppetconfdir' => '/etc/puppet', 'puppetcodedir' => '/etc/puppet', 'puppetvardir' => '/var/lib/puppet', 'puppetbin' => '/usr/bin/puppet', 'puppetbindir' => '/usr/bin', 'hieralibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/lib', 'hierapuppetlibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib', 'hierabindir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/bin', 'hieradatadir' => '/etc/puppet/hieradata', 'hieraconf' => '/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml', 'distmoduledir' => '/etc/puppet/modules', 'sitemoduledir' => '/usr/share/puppet/modules', }, 'unix' => { 'puppetserver-confdir' => '/etc/puppetserver/conf.d', 'puppetservice' => 'puppetmaster', 'puppetpath' => '/etc/puppet', 'puppetconfdir' => '/etc/puppet', 'puppetvardir' => '/var/lib/puppet', 'puppetbin' => '/usr/bin/puppet', 'puppetbindir' => '/usr/bin', 'privatebindir' => '/usr/bin', 'hieralibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/lib', 'hierapuppetlibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib', 'hierabindir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/bin', 'hieradatadir' => '/etc/puppet/hieradata', 'hieraconf' => '/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml', 'distmoduledir' => '/etc/puppet/modules', 'sitemoduledir' => '/usr/share/puppet/modules', }, 'archlinux' => { 'puppetserver-confdir' => '/etc/puppetserver/conf.d', 'puppetservice' => 'puppetmaster', 'puppetpath' => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet', 'puppetconfdir' => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet', 'puppetvardir' => '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', 'puppetbin' => '/usr/bin/puppet', 'puppetbindir' => '/usr/bin', 'privatebindir' => '/usr/bin', 'hieralibdir' => '/var/lib/hiera', 'hierapuppetlibdir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib', 'hierabindir' => '/usr/bin', 'hieradatadir' => '/etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera', 'hieraconf' => '/etc/hiera.yaml', 'distmoduledir' => '/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules', 'sitemoduledir' => '/usr/share/puppet/modules', }, 'windows' => { #cygwin windows 'puppetpath' => '`cygpath -smF 35`/PuppetLabs/puppet/etc', 'puppetconfdir' => '`cygpath -smF 35`/PuppetLabs/puppet/etc', 'puppetcodedir' => '`cygpath -smF 35`/PuppetLabs/puppet/etc', 'hieraconf' => '`cygpath -smF 35`/Puppetlabs/puppet/etc/hiera.yaml', 'puppetvardir' => '`cygpath -smF 35`/PuppetLabs/puppet/var', 'distmoduledir' => '`cygpath -smF 35`/PuppetLabs/puppet/etc/modules', 'sitemoduledir' => 'C:/usr/share/puppet/modules', 'hieralibdir' => '`cygpath -w /opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/lib`', 'hierapuppetlibdir' => '`cygpath -w /opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera-puppet/lib`', #let's just add both potential bin dirs to the path 'puppetbindir' => '/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Puppet Labs/Puppet/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Puppet Labs/Puppet/bin', 'privatebindir' => '/usr/bin', 'hierabindir' => '/opt/puppet-git-repos/hiera/bin', }, 'pswindows' => { #windows windows 'distmoduledir' => 'C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\puppet\\etc\\modules', 'sitemoduledir' => 'C:\\usr\\share\\puppet\\modules', 'hieralibdir' => 'C:\\opt\\puppet-git-repos\\hiera\\lib', 'hierapuppetlibdir' => 'C:\\opt\\puppet-git-repos\\hiera-puppet\\lib', 'hierabindir' => 'C:\\opt\\puppet-git-repos\\hiera\\bin', 'puppetpath' => '"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\etc";"C:\\Program Files\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\etc"', 'hieraconf' => '"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\etc\\hiera.yaml";"C:\\Program Files\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\etc\\hiera.yaml"', 'puppetvardir' => '"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\var";"C:\\Program Files\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\var"', 'puppetbindir' => '"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\bin";"C:\\Program Files\\Puppet Labs\\Puppet\\bin"', }, } # Add the appropriate foss defaults to the host object so that they can be accessed using host[option], set host[:type] = foss # @param [Host] host A single host to act upon # @param [String] platform The platform type of this host, one of windows, pswindows, freebsd, mac & unix def add_platform_foss_defaults(host, platform) FOSS_DEFAULTS[platform].each_pair do |key, val| host[key] = val end # add the group and type for backwards compatability if host['platform'] =~ /windows/ host['group'] = 'Administrators' else host['group'] = 'puppet' end host['type'] = 'foss' end # Add the appropriate foss defaults to an array of hosts # @param [Host, Array, String, Symbol] hosts One or more hosts to act upon, # or a role (String or Symbol) that identifies one or more hosts. def add_foss_defaults_on(hosts) block_on hosts do | host | case host.class.to_s.downcase when /aix|unix/ platform = 'unix' when /freebsd/ platform = 'freebsd' when /openbsd/ platform = 'openbsd' when /mac/ platform = 'mac' when /pswindows/ platform = 'pswindows' when /archlinux/ platform = 'archlinux' else platform = 'windows' end add_platform_foss_defaults(host, platform) end end # Remove the appropriate foss defaults from the host object so that they can no longer be accessed using host[option], set host[:type] = nil # @param [Host] host A single host to act upon # @param [String] platform The platform type of this host, one of windows, pswindows, freebsd, mac & unix def remove_platform_foss_defaults(host, platform) FOSS_DEFAULTS[platform].each_pair do |key, val| host.delete(key) end host['group'] = nil host['type'] = nil end # Remove the appropriate foss defaults from an array of hosts # @param [Host, Array, String, Symbol] hosts One or more hosts to act upon, # or a role (String or Symbol) that identifies one or more hosts. def remove_foss_defaults_on(hosts) block_on hosts do | host | case host.class.to_s.downcase when /aix|unix/ platform = 'unix' when /freebsd/ platform = 'freebsd' when /openbsd/ platform = 'openbsd' when /mac/ platform = 'mac' when /pswindows/ platform = 'pswindows' else platform = 'windows' end remove_platform_foss_defaults(host, platform) end end end end end end