/* array.c Ruby/GSL: Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library) (C) Copyright 2001-2006 by Yoshiki Tsunesada Ruby/GSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include "include/rb_gsl_common.h" #include "include/rb_gsl_array.h" #include "include/rb_gsl_complex.h" #include "include/rb_gsl_with_narray.h" /* global variables */ VALUE cgsl_block, cgsl_block_int; VALUE cgsl_block_uchar; VALUE cgsl_block_complex; VALUE cgsl_vector, cgsl_vector_view; VALUE cgsl_vector_view_ro; VALUE cgsl_vector_col_view_ro; VALUE cgsl_matrix_view_ro; VALUE cgsl_vector_complex; VALUE cgsl_vector_complex_view; VALUE cgsl_matrix; VALUE cgsl_matrix_view; VALUE cgsl_matrix_complex; VALUE cgsl_matrix_complex_view; VALUE cgsl_vector_complex_view_ro; VALUE cgsl_matrix_complex_view_ro; VALUE cgsl_permutation; VALUE cgsl_index; VALUE cgsl_vector_col, cgsl_vector_col_view; VALUE cgsl_vector_complex_col, cgsl_vector_complex_col_view; VALUE cgsl_vector_int, cgsl_vector_int_col; VALUE cgsl_vector_int_view, cgsl_vector_int_col_view; VALUE cgsl_vector_int_view_ro, cgsl_vector_int_col_view_ro; VALUE cgsl_matrix_int, cgsl_matrix_int_view, cgsl_matrix_int_view_ro; double* get_vector_ptr(VALUE ary, size_t *stride, size_t *n) { gsl_vector *v = NULL; gsl_vector_complex *vc = NULL; gsl_matrix *m; if (VECTOR_P(ary)) { Data_Get_Struct(ary, gsl_vector, v); *stride = v->stride; *n = v->size; return v->data; } else if (VECTOR_COMPLEX_P(ary)) { Data_Get_Struct(ary, gsl_vector_complex, vc); *stride = vc->stride; *n = vc->size*2; return vc->data; } else if (MATRIX_P(ary)) { Data_Get_Struct(ary, gsl_matrix, m); *stride = 1; *n = m->size1*m->size2; return m->data; #ifdef HAVE_NARRAY_H } else if (NA_IsNArray(ary)) { VALUE ary2; *n = NA_TOTAL(ary); *stride = 1; ary2 = na_change_type(ary, NA_DFLOAT); return NA_PTR_TYPE(ary2,double*); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NMATRIX_H } else if (NM_IsNMatrix(ary)) { *n = NM_DENSE_COUNT(ary); *stride = 1; if (NM_STORAGE(ary)->dtype != FLOAT64) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "NMatrix must be :float64"); } return (double*)NM_DENSE_ELEMENTS(ary); #endif } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(ary))); } } gsl_vector* get_cvector(VALUE obj) { gsl_vector *v = NULL; if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, cgsl_vector)) { Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_vector, v); #ifdef HAVE_NARRAY_H } else if (NA_IsArray(obj)) { v = make_cvector_from_rarrays(obj); #endif } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); } return v; } VALUE make_rarray_from_cvector(const gsl_vector *v) { size_t i; VALUE ary; ary = rb_ary_new2(v->size); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { rb_ary_store(ary, i, rb_float_new(gsl_vector_get(v, i))); } return ary; } VALUE make_rarray_from_cvector_int(const gsl_vector_int *v) { size_t i; VALUE ary; ary = rb_ary_new2(v->size); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { rb_ary_store(ary, i, INT2FIX(gsl_vector_int_get(v, i))); } return ary; } VALUE make_rarray_from_cpermutation(const gsl_permutation *v) { size_t i; VALUE ary; ary = rb_ary_new2(v->size); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { rb_ary_store(ary, i, rb_float_new(gsl_permutation_get(v, i))); } return ary; } gsl_vector* get_vector(VALUE ary) { gsl_vector *v = NULL; if (CLASS_OF(ary) == rb_cRange) ary = rb_gsl_range2ary(ary); if (TYPE(ary) == T_ARRAY) { return make_cvector_from_rarray(ary); #ifdef HAVE_NARRAY_H } else if (NA_IsNArray(ary)) { return make_cvector_from_narray(ary); #endif } else if (VECTOR_P(ary)) { Data_Get_Struct(ary, gsl_vector, v); return v; } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(ary))); } } gsl_vector* make_cvector_from_rarrays(VALUE ary) { if (CLASS_OF(ary) == rb_cRange) ary = rb_gsl_range2ary(ary); if (TYPE(ary) == T_ARRAY) { return make_cvector_from_rarray(ary); #ifdef HAVE_NARRAY_H } else if (NA_IsNArray(ary)) { return make_cvector_from_narray(ary); #endif } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(ary))); } } void cvector_set_from_carray(gsl_vector *v, const double *a) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) gsl_vector_set(v, i, a[i]); } void carray_set_from_cvector(double *a, const gsl_vector *v) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) a[i] = gsl_vector_get(v, i); } void carray_set_from_rarrays(double *a, VALUE ary) { if (CLASS_OF(ary) == rb_cRange) ary = rb_gsl_range2ary(ary); if (TYPE(ary) == T_ARRAY) { return carray_set_from_rarray(a, ary); #ifdef HAVE_NARRAY_H } else if (NA_IsNArray(ary)) { return carray_set_from_narray(a, ary); #endif } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(ary))); } } void carray_set_from_rarray(double *a, VALUE ary) { size_t i, size; VALUE val; if (CLASS_OF(ary) == rb_cRange) ary = rb_gsl_range2ary(ary); Check_Type(ary, T_ARRAY); // size = RARRAY(ary)->len; size = RARRAY_LEN(ary); if (size == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { val = rb_ary_entry(ary, i); Need_Float(val); a[i] = NUM2DBL(val); // a[i] = RFLOAT(val)->value; } } #ifdef HAVE_NARRAY_H /* NArray -> CArray */ void carray_set_from_narray(double *a, VALUE ary) { int size; VALUE ary2; if (!NA_IsNArray(ary)) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(ary))); size = NA_TOTAL(ary); if (size == 0) return; ary2 = na_change_type(ary, NA_DFLOAT); memcpy(a, NA_PTR_TYPE(ary2,double*), size*sizeof(double)); } /* NArray -> GSL::Vector */ gsl_vector* make_cvector_from_narray(VALUE ary) { gsl_vector *v = NULL; size_t size; VALUE ary2; if (!NA_IsNArray(ary)) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(ary))); size = NA_TOTAL(ary); v = gsl_vector_alloc(size); if (v == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_alloc failed"); ary2 = na_change_type(ary, NA_DFLOAT); memcpy(v->data, NA_PTR_TYPE(ary2,double*), size*sizeof(double)); /* cvector_set_from_narray(v, ary);*/ return v; } #endif gsl_vector_complex* make_vector_complex_clone(const gsl_vector_complex *v) { gsl_vector_complex *vnew = NULL; vnew = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size); if (vnew == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); gsl_vector_complex_memcpy(vnew, v); return vnew; } gsl_matrix* make_matrix_clone(const gsl_matrix *m) { gsl_matrix *mnew = NULL; mnew = gsl_matrix_alloc(m->size1, m->size2); if (mnew == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_matrix_alloc failed"); gsl_matrix_memcpy(mnew, m); return mnew; } gsl_matrix_int* make_matrix_int_clone(const gsl_matrix_int *m) { gsl_matrix_int *mnew = NULL; mnew = gsl_matrix_int_alloc(m->size1, m->size2); if (mnew == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_matrix_alloc failed"); gsl_matrix_int_memcpy(mnew, m); return mnew; } VALUE make_matrix_clone2(VALUE vm) { gsl_matrix *m = NULL, *mnew = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(vm, gsl_matrix, m); mnew = gsl_matrix_alloc(m->size1, m->size2); if (mnew == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_matrix_alloc failed"); gsl_matrix_memcpy(mnew, m); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix, 0, gsl_matrix_free, mnew); } gsl_matrix_complex* make_matrix_complex_clone(const gsl_matrix_complex *m) { gsl_matrix_complex *mnew = NULL; mnew = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(m->size1, m->size2); if (mnew == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_matrix_complex_alloc failed"); gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(mnew, m); return mnew; } gsl_vector_complex* vector_to_complex(const gsl_vector *v) { gsl_vector_complex *cv = NULL; gsl_complex z; size_t i; cv = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(v->size); if (cv == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_vector_complex_alloc failed"); for (i = 0; i < v->size; i++) { z = gsl_complex_rect(gsl_vector_get(v, i), 0.0); gsl_vector_complex_set(cv, i, z); } return cv; } gsl_matrix_complex* matrix_to_complex(const gsl_matrix *m) { gsl_matrix_complex *cm = NULL; gsl_complex z; size_t i, j; cm = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(m->size1, m->size2); if (cm == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "gsl_matrix_complex_alloc failed"); for (i = 0; i < m->size1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m->size2; j++) { z = gsl_complex_rect(gsl_matrix_get(m, i, j), 0.0); gsl_matrix_complex_set(cm, i, j, z); } } return cm; } void gsl_matrix_complex_mul(gsl_matrix_complex *mnew, const gsl_matrix_complex *m, const gsl_matrix_complex *mb) { gsl_complex a, b, c, sum; size_t i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < m->size1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m->size2; j++) { sum = gsl_complex_rect(0.0, 0.0); for (k = 0; k < m->size2; k++) { a = gsl_matrix_complex_get(m, j, k); b = gsl_matrix_complex_get(mb, k, i); c = gsl_complex_mul(a, b); sum = gsl_complex_add(sum, c); } gsl_matrix_complex_set(mnew, j, i, sum); } } } void gsl_matrix_mul_vector(gsl_vector *vnew, const gsl_matrix *m, const gsl_vector *v) { size_t i, j; double val; for (i = 0; i < m->size1; i++) { val = 0; for (j = 0; j < m->size2; j++) val += gsl_matrix_get(m, i, j)*gsl_vector_get(v, j); gsl_vector_set(vnew, i, val); } } void gsl_matrix_int_mul_vector(gsl_vector_int *vnew, const gsl_matrix_int *m, const gsl_vector_int *v) { size_t i, j; int val; for (i = 0; i < m->size1; i++) { val = 0; for (j = 0; j < m->size2; j++) val += gsl_matrix_int_get(m, i, j)*gsl_vector_int_get(v, j); gsl_vector_int_set(vnew, i, val); } } void gsl_matrix_complex_mul_vector(gsl_vector_complex *vnew, const gsl_matrix_complex *m, const gsl_vector_complex *v) { gsl_complex a, b, c, sum; size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < m->size1; i++) { sum = gsl_complex_rect(0.0, 0.0); for (j = 0; j < m->size2; j++) { a = gsl_matrix_complex_get(m, i, j); b = gsl_vector_complex_get(v, j); c = gsl_complex_mul(a, b); sum = gsl_complex_add(sum, c); } gsl_vector_complex_set(vnew, i, sum); } } VALUE rb_gsl_range2ary(VALUE obj) { // double beg, en; // size_t n; // int step; VALUE ary; if (CLASS_OF(obj) != rb_cRange) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Range expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); ary = rb_funcall(obj, rb_gsl_id_to_a, 0); return ary; } void get_range_beg_en_n(VALUE range, double *beg, double *en, size_t *n, int *step); VALUE rb_gsl_range2vector(VALUE obj) { double beg, en; size_t n; int i, step; gsl_vector *v; if (CLASS_OF(obj) != rb_cRange) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Range expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); get_range_beg_en_n(obj, &beg, &en, &n, &step); v = gsl_vector_alloc(n); for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) gsl_vector_set(v, i, (double) (beg+i)); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector, 0, gsl_vector_free, v); } void get_range_int_beg_en_n(VALUE range, int *beg, int *en, size_t *n, int *step); VALUE rb_gsl_range2vector_int(VALUE obj) { int beg, en, i, step; size_t n; gsl_vector_int *v; if (CLASS_OF(obj) != rb_cRange) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (Range expected)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); get_range_int_beg_en_n(obj, &beg, &en, &n, &step); v = gsl_vector_int_alloc(n); for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) gsl_vector_int_set(v, i, beg+i); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_vector_int, 0, gsl_vector_int_free, v); } gsl_vector_int_view* rb_gsl_vector_int_view_alloc(size_t n) { gsl_vector_int_view *v; v = ALLOC(gsl_vector_int_view); v->vector.size = n; v->vector.stride = 1; v->vector.owner = 0; return v; } void rb_gsl_vector_int_view_free(gsl_vector_int_view *v) { free((gsl_vector_int_view *) v); } gsl_matrix_view* rb_gsl_matrix_view_alloc() { gsl_matrix_view *mv = NULL; mv = ALLOC(gsl_matrix_view); if (mv == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "malloc failed"); return mv; } void rb_gsl_matrix_view_free(gsl_matrix_view * mv) { free((gsl_matrix_view *) mv); } gsl_matrix_int_view* rb_gsl_matrix_int_view_alloc() { gsl_matrix_int_view *mv = NULL; mv = ALLOC(gsl_matrix_int_view); if (mv == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "malloc failed"); return mv; } void rb_gsl_matrix_int_view_free(gsl_matrix_int_view * mv) { free((gsl_matrix_int_view *) mv); } void Init_gsl_array(VALUE module) { cgsl_block = rb_define_class_under(module, "Block", cGSL_Object); cgsl_block_int = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_block, "Int", cGSL_Object); cgsl_block_uchar = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_block, "Byte", cGSL_Object); cgsl_block_complex = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_block, "Complex", cgsl_block); cgsl_vector = rb_define_class_under(module, "Vector", cGSL_Object); cgsl_vector_col = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector, "Col", cgsl_vector); cgsl_vector_complex = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector, "Complex", cGSL_Object); cgsl_vector_complex_col = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_complex, "Col", cgsl_vector_complex); cgsl_matrix = rb_define_class_under(module, "Matrix", cGSL_Object); cgsl_matrix_complex = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix, "Complex", cGSL_Object); cgsl_vector_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector, "View", cgsl_vector); cgsl_vector_col_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_col, "View", cgsl_vector_col); cgsl_vector_complex_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_complex, "View", cgsl_vector_complex); cgsl_vector_complex_col_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_complex_col, "View", cgsl_vector_complex_col); cgsl_vector_int = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector, "Int", cGSL_Object); cgsl_vector_int_col = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_int, "Col", cgsl_vector_int); cgsl_vector_int_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_int, "View", cgsl_vector_int); cgsl_vector_int_col_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_int_col, "View", cgsl_vector_int_col); /*****/ cgsl_matrix_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix, "View", cgsl_matrix); cgsl_matrix_complex_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix_complex, "View", cgsl_matrix_complex); cgsl_permutation = rb_define_class_under(module, "Permutation", cGSL_Object); cgsl_index = rb_define_class_under(module, "Index", cgsl_permutation); cgsl_vector_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_vector_view); cgsl_vector_col_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_col_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_vector_col_view); cgsl_vector_int_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_int_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_vector_int_view); cgsl_vector_int_col_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_int_col_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_vector_int_col_view); cgsl_matrix_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_matrix_view); cgsl_vector_complex_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_vector_complex_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_vector_complex_view); cgsl_matrix_complex_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix_complex_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_matrix_complex_view); /*****/ cgsl_matrix_int = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix, "Int", cGSL_Object); cgsl_matrix_int_view = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix_int, "View", cgsl_matrix_int); cgsl_matrix_int_view_ro = rb_define_class_under(cgsl_matrix_int_view, "ReadOnly", cgsl_matrix_int_view); /*****/ Init_gsl_block_init(module); Init_gsl_block_int_init(module); Init_gsl_block_uchar_init(module); Init_gsl_vector(module); Init_gsl_vector_int(module); Init_gsl_vector_complex(module); Init_gsl_matrix(module); Init_gsl_matrix_int(module); Init_gsl_matrix_complex(module); Init_gsl_permutation(module); Init_gsl_combination(module); Init_gsl_array_complex(module); Init_gsl_matrix_nmf(); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_view_ro, "set", rb_gsl_obj_read_only, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_matrix_view_ro, "set", rb_gsl_obj_read_only, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_int_view_ro, "set", rb_gsl_obj_read_only, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_matrix_int_view_ro, "set", rb_gsl_obj_read_only, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_vector_complex_view_ro, "set", rb_gsl_obj_read_only, -1); rb_define_method(cgsl_matrix_complex_view_ro, "set", rb_gsl_obj_read_only, -1); }