require 'test/unit' require 'axlsx.rb' class TestRow < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup p = @ws = p.workbook.add_worksheet :name=>"hmmm" @row = @ws.add_row end def test_initialize assert(@row.cells.empty?, "no cells by default") assert_equal(@row.worksheet, @ws, "has a reference to the worksheet") assert_nil(@row.height, "height defaults to nil") assert(!@row.custom_height?, "no custom height by default") end def test_initialize_with_fixed_height row = @ws.add_row([1,2,3,4,5], :height=>40) assert_equal(40, row.height) assert(row.custom_height?) end def test_style r = @ws.add_row([1,2,3,4,5]) r.cells.each { |c| assert_equal(,1) } end def test_index assert_equal(@row.index, @row.worksheet.rows.index(@row)) end def test_add_cell c = @row.add_cell(1) assert_equal(@row.cells.last, c) end def test_array_to_cells r = @ws.add_row [1,2,3], :style=>0, :types=>:integer assert_equal(r.cells.size, 3) end def test_custom_height @row.height = 20 assert(@row.custom_height?) end def test_height assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @row.height = -3 } assert_nothing_raised { @row.height = 15 } assert_equal(15, @row.height) end def test_to_xml_without_custom_height xml = @row.to_xml(xml) doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml.to_xml) assert_equal(0, doc.xpath(".//row[@ht]").size) assert_equal(0, doc.xpath(".//row[@customHeight]").size) end def test_to_xml_with_custom_height @row.height = 20 xml = @row.to_xml(xml) doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml.to_xml) assert_equal(1, doc.xpath(".//row[@ht=20][@customHeight=1]").size) end end