# frozen-string-literal: true if RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" require "open3" else require "posix-spawn" end require "http_parser" require "down/backend" require "tempfile" require "uri" require "cgi" module Down class Wget < Backend def initialize(*arguments) @arguments = [max_redirect: 2, user_agent: "Down/#{VERSION}"] + arguments end def download(url, *args, max_size: nil, content_length_proc: nil, progress_proc: nil, **options) io = open(url, **options, rewindable: false) content_length_proc.call(io.size) if content_length_proc && io.size if max_size && io.size && io.size > max_size raise Down::TooLarge, "file is too large (max is #{max_size/1024/1024}MB)" end extname = File.extname(URI(url).path) tempfile = Tempfile.new(["down-wget", extname], binmode: true) until io.eof? tempfile.write(io.readpartial) progress_proc.call(tempfile.size) if progress_proc if max_size && tempfile.size > max_size raise Down::TooLarge, "file is too large (max is #{max_size/1024/1024}MB)" end end tempfile.open # flush written content tempfile.extend DownloadedFile tempfile.url = url tempfile.headers = io.data[:headers] tempfile rescue tempfile.close! if tempfile raise ensure io.close if io end def open(url, *args, rewindable: true, **options) arguments = generate_command(url, *args, **options) command = Command.execute(arguments) output = Down::ChunkedIO.new( chunks: command.enum_for(:output), on_close: command.method(:terminate), rewindable: false, ) # https://github.com/tmm1/http_parser.rb/issues/29#issuecomment-309976363 header_string = output.readpartial header_string << output.readpartial until header_string.include?("\r\n\r\n") header_string, first_chunk = header_string.split("\r\n\r\n", 2) parser = HTTP::Parser.new parser << header_string if parser.headers.nil? output.close raise Down::Error, "failed to parse response headers" end headers = parser.headers status = parser.status_code content_length = headers["Content-Length"].to_i if headers["Content-Length"] charset = headers["Content-Type"][/;\s*charset=([^;]+)/i, 1] if headers["Content-Type"] chunks = Enumerator.new do |yielder| yielder << first_chunk if first_chunk yielder << output.readpartial until output.eof? end Down::ChunkedIO.new( chunks: chunks, size: content_length, encoding: charset, rewindable: rewindable, on_close: output.method(:close), data: { status: status, headers: headers }, ) end private def generate_command(url, *args, **options) command = %W[wget --no-verbose --save-headers -O -] options = @arguments.grep(Hash).inject({}, :merge).merge(options) args = @arguments.grep(Symbol) + args (args + options.to_a).each do |option, value| if option.length == 1 command << "-#{option}" else command << "--#{option.to_s.gsub("_", "-")}" end command << value.to_s unless value.nil? end command << url command end class Command PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE = 64*1024 def self.execute(arguments) if RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" stdin_pipe, stdout_pipe, stderr_pipe, status_reaper = Open3.popen3(*arguments) else pid, stdin_pipe, stdout_pipe, stderr_pipe = POSIX::Spawn.popen4(*arguments) status_reaper = Process.detach(pid) end stdin_pipe.close [stdout_pipe, stderr_pipe].each(&:binmode) new(stdout_pipe, stderr_pipe, status_reaper) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise Down::Error, "wget is not installed" end def initialize(stdout_pipe, stderr_pipe, status_reaper) @status_reaper = status_reaper @stdout_pipe = stdout_pipe @stderr_pipe = stderr_pipe end def output # Keep emptying the stderr buffer, to allow the subprocess to send more # than 64KB if it wants to. stderr_reader = Thread.new { @stderr_pipe.read } yield @stdout_pipe.readpartial(PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE) until @stdout_pipe.eof? status = @status_reaper.value stderr = stderr_reader.value close case status.exitstatus when 0 # No problems occurred # success when 1, # Generic error code 2, # Parse error---for instance, when parsing command-line options, the .wgetrc or .netrc... 3 # File I/O error raise Down::Error, stderr when 4 # Network failure raise Down::TimeoutError, stderr if stderr.include?("timed out") raise Down::ConnectionError, stderr when 5 # SSL verification failure raise Down::SSLError, stderr when 6 # Username/password authentication failure raise Down::ClientError, stderr when 7 # Protocol errors raise Down::Error, stderr when 8 # Server issued an error response raise Down::TooManyRedirects, stderr if stderr.include?("redirections exceeded") raise Down::ResponseError, stderr end end def terminate begin Process.kill("TERM", @status_reaper[:pid]) rescue Errno::ESRCH # process has already terminated end close end def close @stdout_pipe.close unless @stdout_pipe.closed? @stderr_pipe.close unless @stderr_pipe.closed? end end module DownloadedFile attr_accessor :url, :headers def original_filename filename_from_content_disposition || filename_from_url end def content_type headers["Content-Type"].to_s.split(";").first end def charset headers["Content-Type"].to_s[/;\s*charset=([^;]+)/i, 1] end private def filename_from_content_disposition content_disposition = headers["Content-Disposition"].to_s filename = content_disposition[/filename="([^"]*)"/, 1] || content_disposition[/filename=(.+)/, 1] filename = CGI.unescape(filename.to_s.strip) filename unless filename.empty? end def filename_from_url path = URI(url).path filename = path.split("/").last CGI.unescape(filename) if filename end end end end