bundleid io.alchemists.pennyworth.workflow category Tools connections 3A7EDDC3-8686-4988-998C-9EA7A1B804D1 destinationuid ED21B4FA-CD4A-4F43-8F17-4E6C62C2F6F1 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose destinationuid 9F8D5496-FDF9-42A7-9247-60D15CCCE012 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose F6F8148B-CEA3-47D4-BC24-142C40A03CBC destinationuid 3A7EDDC3-8686-4988-998C-9EA7A1B804D1 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Brooke Kuhlmann description Associated workflows for the Pennyworth Ruby Gem. disabled name Pennyworth objects config lastpathcomponent onlyshowifquerypopulated removeextension text {query} title Pennyworth type alfred.workflow.output.notification uid ED21B4FA-CD4A-4F43-8F17-4E6C62C2F6F1 version 1 config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 0 escaping 0 keyword p queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Displaying Pennyworth options... script cat << EOB { "items": [ { "uid": "aa8c8944-18f8-4165-a2a4-ab073d936dba", "title": "Uppercase", "subtitle": "Convert all characters to uppercase.", "arg": "pennyworth --string --upcase \"{query}\"", "icon": { "path": "string-uppercase.png" } }, { "uid": "de2a88ca-298f-46a7-849a-2cfa8cbdf0d1", "title": "Lowercase", "subtitle": "Convert all characters to lowercase.", "arg": "pennyworth --string --downcase \"{query}\"", "icon": { "path": "string-lowercase.png" } }, { "uid": "b68ce20c-5e07-469a-9d08-08203a921035", "title": "Titleize", "subtitle": "Capitalize each word and delimit with space or forward slash.", "arg": "pennyworth --string --titleize \"{query}\"", "icon": { "path": "string-titleize.png" } }, { "uid": "1ab75806-8cf5-4f79-9094-77946cd2b8ec", "title": "Camelcase", "subtitle": "Capitalize each word and delimit with nothing or double colon.", "arg": "pennyworth --string --camelcase \"{query}\"", "icon": { "path": "string-camelcase.png" } }, { "uid": "06ea20b0-6b54-499c-8c21-c34c9870b621", "title": "Snakecase", "subtitle": "Lowercase each word and delimit with underscore or forward slash.", "arg": "pennyworth --string --snakecase \"{query}\"", "icon": { "path": "string-snakecase.png" } }, { "uid": "f57ef3e2-7d3a-429d-a564-9df0167047c8", "title": "Size", "subtitle": "Calculate string size.", "arg": "pennyworth --string --size \"{query}\"", "icon": { "path": "string-size.png" } } ] } EOB scriptargtype 0 scriptfile subtext Display Pennyworth options. title Pennyworth type 0 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid F6F8148B-CEA3-47D4-BC24-142C40A03CBC version 3 config concurrently escaping 127 script export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" source "$HOME/.bashrc" eval {query} scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 3A7EDDC3-8686-4988-998C-9EA7A1B804D1 version 2 config autopaste clipboardtext {query} transient type alfred.workflow.output.clipboard uid 9F8D5496-FDF9-42A7-9247-60D15CCCE012 version 3 readme = Pennyworth Provides a collection of workflows for interacting with the Pennyworth CLI. uidata 3A7EDDC3-8686-4988-998C-9EA7A1B804D1 xpos 240 ypos 80 9F8D5496-FDF9-42A7-9247-60D15CCCE012 xpos 440 ypos 140 ED21B4FA-CD4A-4F43-8F17-4E6C62C2F6F1 xpos 440 ypos 20 F6F8148B-CEA3-47D4-BC24-142C40A03CBC xpos 40 ypos 80 version 1.1.0 webaddress https://www.alchemists.io