#ifndef KMEANS_HARTIGAN_WONG_HPP #define KMEANS_HARTIGAN_WONG_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Base.hpp" #include "Details.hpp" #include "compute_centroids.hpp" #include "compute_wcss.hpp" #include "is_edge_case.hpp" /** * @file HartiganWong.hpp * * @brief Implements the Hartigan-Wong algorithm for k-means clustering. */ namespace kmeans { /** * @brief Implements the Hartigan-Wong algorithm for k-means clustering. * * The Hartigan-Wong algorithm performs several iterations of transferring points between clusters, * involving a computationally expensive "optimal transfer" step that checks each observation against each cluster for the lowest squared distance; * followed by a cheaper "quick transfer" step, which iterates between the best and second-best cluster choices for each observation. * The latter enables rapid exploration of the local solution space without the unnecessary expense of repeatedly comparing to all clusters for all observations. * In addition, each distance calculation to a cluster accounts for the shift in the means when a point is transferred. * The algorithm terminates when no observation wishes to transfer between clusters. * * This implementation is derived from the Fortran code underlying the `kmeans` function in the **stats** R package, * which in turn is derived from Hartigan and Wong (1979). * * @tparam DATA_t Floating-point type for the data and centroids. * @tparam CLUSTER_t Integer type for the cluster assignments. * @tparam INDEX_t Integer type for the observation index. * This should have a maximum positive value that is at least 50 times greater than the maximum expected number of observations. * * @see * Hartigan, J. A. and Wong, M. A. (1979). * Algorithm AS 136: A K-means clustering algorithm. * _Applied Statistics_, 28, 100-108. */ template class HartiganWong : public Refine { int num_dim; INDEX_t num_obs; const DATA_t* data_ptr; CLUSTER_t num_centers; DATA_t* centers_ptr; // Array arguments in the same order as supplied to R's kmns_ function. CLUSTER_t * ic1; std::vector ic2; std::vector nc; std::vector an1, an2; std::vector ncp; std::vector d; std::vector itran; std::vector live; private: static constexpr double big = 1e30; // Define BIG to be a very large positive number /* The following comparisons to 'ncp' are wrapped in functions to account * for the fact that we need to shift all the 'ncp' values by two to give * some space for the error codes when dealing with unsigned integers in * 'INDEX_t'. All interactions with 'ncp' should occur via these utilities. */ static constexpr INDEX_t ncp_init = 0; static constexpr INDEX_t ncp_unchanged = 1; static constexpr INDEX_t ncp_shift = 2; void initialize_ncp() { std::fill(ncp.begin(), ncp.end(), ncp_init); } void reset_ncp() { std::fill(ncp.begin(), ncp.end(), ncp_unchanged); } void set_ncp(INDEX_t obs, INDEX_t val) { ncp[obs] = val + ncp_shift; } bool unchanged_ncp(INDEX_t obs) const { return ncp[obs] == ncp_unchanged; } bool lt_ncp(INDEX_t obs, INDEX_t val) const { return ncp[obs] > val + ncp_shift; } bool le_ncp(INDEX_t obs, INDEX_t val) const { return ncp[obs] >= val + ncp_shift; } public: /** * @brief Default parameter values for `HartiganWong`. */ struct Defaults { /** * See `set_max_iterations()` for more details. */ static constexpr int max_iterations = 10; /** * See `set_num_threads()` for more details. */ static constexpr int num_threads = 1; }; private: int maxiter = Defaults::max_iterations; int nthreads = Defaults::num_threads; public: /** * @param m Maximum number of iterations. * More iterations increase the opportunity for convergence at the cost of more computational time. * * @return A reference to this `HartiganWong` object. */ HartiganWong& set_max_iterations(int m = Defaults::max_iterations) { maxiter = m; return *this; } /** * @param n Number of threads to use. * * @return A reference to this `HartiganWong` object. */ HartiganWong& set_num_threads(int n = Defaults::num_threads) { nthreads = n; return *this; } public: Details run(int ndim, INDEX_t nobs, const DATA_t* data, CLUSTER_t ncenters, DATA_t* centers, CLUSTER_t* clusters) { num_dim = ndim; num_obs = nobs; data_ptr = data; num_centers = ncenters; centers_ptr = centers; ic1 = clusters; // Sizes taken from the .Fortran() call in stats::kmeans(). ic2.resize(num_obs); nc.resize(num_centers); an1.resize(num_centers); an2.resize(num_centers); d.resize(num_obs); /* ITRAN(L) = 1 if cluster L is updated in the quick-transfer stage, * = 0 otherwise * In the optimal-transfer stage, NCP(L) stores the step at which * cluster L is last updated. * In the quick-transfer stage, NCP(L) stores the step at which * cluster L is last updated plus M. */ ncp.resize(num_centers); itran.resize(num_centers); live.resize(num_centers); if (is_edge_case(num_obs, num_centers)) { return process_edge_case(num_dim, num_obs, data_ptr, num_centers, centers_ptr, ic1); } /* For each point I, find its two closest centres, IC1(I) and * IC2(I). Assign it to IC1(I). */ #ifndef KMEANS_CUSTOM_PARALLEL #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) for (INDEX_t obs = 0; obs < num_obs; ++obs) { #else KMEANS_CUSTOM_PARALLEL(num_obs, [&](INDEX_t first, INDEX_t last) -> void { for (INDEX_t obs = first; obs < last; ++obs) { #endif auto& best = ic1[obs]; best = 0; DATA_t best_dist = squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, best); auto& second = ic2[obs]; second = 1; DATA_t second_dist = squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, second); if (best_dist > second_dist) { std::swap(best, second); std::swap(best_dist, second_dist); } for (CLUSTER_t cen = 2; cen < num_centers; ++cen) { DATA_t candidate_dist = squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, cen); if (candidate_dist < second_dist) { second_dist = candidate_dist; second = cen; if (candidate_dist < best_dist) { std::swap(best_dist, second_dist); std::swap(best, second); } } } #ifndef KMEANS_CUSTOM_PARALLEL } #else } }, nthreads); #endif /* Update cluster centres to be the average of points contained * within them. * NC(L) := #{units in cluster L}, L = 1..K */ std::fill(nc.begin(), nc.end(), 0); for (INDEX_t obs = 0; obs < num_obs; ++obs) { ++nc[ic1[obs]]; } compute_centroids(num_dim, num_obs, data_ptr, num_centers, centers_ptr, ic1, nc); // Check to see if there is any empty cluster at this stage for (CLUSTER_t cen = 0; cen < num_centers; ++cen) { if (nc[cen] == 0) { return Details(0, 1); // i.e., ifault = 1 here. } /* Initialize AN1, AN2. * AN1(L) = NC(L) / (NC(L) - 1) * AN2(L) = NC(L) / (NC(L) + 1) */ const DATA_t num = nc[cen]; an2[cen] = num / (num + 1); an1[cen] = (num > 1 ? num / (num - 1) : big); } INDEX_t indx = 0; if (std::numeric_limits::max() / 50 < num_obs) { throw std::runtime_error("too many observations for the index integer type"); } INDEX_t imaxqtr = num_obs * 50; // default derived from stats::kmeans() initialize_ncp(); std::fill(itran.begin(), itran.end(), true); std::fill(live.begin(), live.end(), 0); int iter = 0; int ifault = 0; for (iter = 1; iter <= maxiter; ++iter) { /* OPtimal-TRAnsfer stage: there is only one pass through the data. * Each point is re-allocated, if necessary, to the cluster that will * induce the maximum reduction in within-cluster sum of squares. */ optimal_transfer(indx); // Stop if no transfer took place in the last M optimal transfer steps. if (indx == num_obs) { break; } /* Quick-TRANSfer stage: Each point is tested in turn to see if it should * be re-allocated to the cluster to which it is most likely to be * transferred, IC2(I), from its present cluster, IC1(I). * Loop through the data until no further change is to take place. */ quick_transfer(indx, imaxqtr); if (imaxqtr < 0) { ifault = 4; break; } // If there are only two clusters, there is no need to re-enter the optimal transfer stage. if (num_centers == 2) { break; } // NCP has to be reset before entering optimal_transfer(). reset_ncp(); } /* Since the specified number of iterations has been exceeded, set * IFAULT = 2. This may indicate unforeseen looping. */ if (iter == maxiter + 1) { ifault = 2; } compute_centroids(num_dim, num_obs, data_ptr, num_centers, centers_ptr, ic1, nc); return Details( std::move(nc), compute_wcss(num_dim, num_obs, data_ptr, num_centers, centers_ptr, ic1), iter, ifault ); } private: #ifdef DEBUG template void print_vector(const T& vec, const char* msg) { std::cout << msg << std::endl; for (auto c : vec) { std::cout << c << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } #endif DATA_t squared_distance_from_cluster(INDEX_t pt, CLUSTER_t clust) const { const DATA_t* acopy = data_ptr + pt * num_dim; const DATA_t* ccopy = centers_ptr + clust * num_dim; DATA_t output = 0; for (int dim = 0; dim < num_dim; ++dim, ++acopy, ++ccopy) { output += (*acopy - *ccopy) * (*acopy - *ccopy); } return output; } private: /* ALGORITHM AS 136.1 APPL. STATIST. (1979) VOL.28, NO.1 * This is the OPtimal TRAnsfer stage. * ---------------------- * Each point is re-allocated, if necessary, to the cluster that * will induce a maximum reduction in the within-cluster sum of * squares. */ void optimal_transfer(INDEX_t& indx) { /* If cluster L is updated in the last quick-transfer stage, it * belongs to the live set throughout this stage. Otherwise, at * each step, it is not in the live set if it has not been updated * in the last M optimal transfer steps. (AL: M being a synonym for * the number of observations, here and in other functions.) */ for (CLUSTER_t cen = 0; cen < num_centers; ++cen) { if (itran[cen]) { live[cen] = num_obs; // AL: using 0-index, so no need for +1. } } for (INDEX_t obs = 0; obs < num_obs; ++obs) { ++indx; auto l1 = ic1[obs]; // If point I is the only member of cluster L1, no transfer. if (nc[l1] != 1) { // If L1 has not yet been updated in this stage, no need to re-compute D(I). if (!unchanged_ncp(l1)) { d[obs] = squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, l1) * an1[l1]; } // Find the cluster with minimum R2. auto l2 = ic2[obs]; auto ll = l2; DATA_t r2 = squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, l2) * an2[l2]; for (CLUSTER_t cen = 0; cen < num_centers; ++cen) { /* If I >= LIVE(L1), then L1 is not in the live set. If this is * true, we only need to consider clusters that are in the live * set for possible transfer of point I. Otherwise, we need to * consider all possible clusters. */ if (obs >= live[l1] && obs >= live[cen] || cen == l1 || cen == ll) { continue; } DATA_t rr = r2 / an2[cen]; DATA_t dc = squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, cen); if (dc < rr) { r2 = dc * an2[cen]; l2 = cen; } } if (r2 >= d[obs]) { // If no transfer is necessary, L2 is the new IC2(I). ic2[obs] = l2; } else { /* Update cluster centres, LIVE, NCP, AN1 & AN2 for clusters L1 and * L2, and update IC1(I) & IC2(I). */ indx = 0; live[l1] = num_obs + obs; live[l2] = num_obs + obs; set_ncp(l1, obs); set_ncp(l2, obs); transfer_point(obs, l1, l2); } } if (indx == num_obs) { return; } } for (CLUSTER_t cen = 0; cen < num_centers; ++cen) { itran[cen] = false; // LIVE(L) has to be decreased by M before re-entering OPTRA. // This means that if I >= LIVE(L1) in the next OPTRA call, // the last update must be >= M steps ago, as we effectively // 'lapped' the previous update for this cluster. live[cen] -= num_obs; } return; } private: /* ALGORITHM AS 136.2 APPL. STATIST. (1979) VOL.28, NO.1 * This is the Quick TRANsfer stage. * -------------------- * IC1(I) is the cluster which point I belongs to. * IC2(I) is the cluster which point I is most likely to be * transferred to. * * For each point I, IC1(I) & IC2(I) are switched, if necessary, to * reduce within-cluster sum of squares. The cluster centres are * updated after each step. */ void quick_transfer (INDEX_t& indx, INDEX_t& imaxqtr) { INDEX_t icoun = 0; INDEX_t istep = 0; while (1) { for (INDEX_t obs = 0; obs < num_obs; ++obs) { ++icoun; auto l1 = ic1[obs]; // point I is the only member of cluster L1, no transfer. if (nc[l1] != 1) { /* NCP(L) is equal to the step at which cluster L is last updated plus M. * (AL: M is the notation for the number of observations, a.k.a. 'num_obs'). * * If ISTEP > NCP(L1), no need to re-compute distance from point I to * cluster L1. Note that if cluster L1 is last updated exactly M * steps ago, we still need to compute the distance from point I to * cluster L1. */ if (le_ncp(l1, istep)) { d[obs] = squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, l1) * an1[l1]; } // If ISTEP >= both NCP(L1) & NCP(L2) there will be no transfer of point I at this step. auto l2 = ic2[obs]; if (lt_ncp(l1, istep) || lt_ncp(l2, istep)) { if (squared_distance_from_cluster(obs, l2) < d[obs] / an2[l2]) { /* Update cluster centres, NCP, NC, ITRAN, AN1 & AN2 for clusters * L1 & L2. Also update IC1(I) & IC2(I). Note that if any * updating occurs in this stage, INDX is set back to 0. */ icoun = 0; indx = 0; itran[l1] = true; itran[l2] = true; set_ncp(l1, istep + num_obs); set_ncp(l2, istep + num_obs); transfer_point(obs, l1, l2); } } } // If no re-allocation took place in the last M steps, return. if (icoun == num_obs) { return; } // AL: incrementing ISTEP after checks against NCP(L1), to avoid off-by-one // errors after switching to zero-indexing for the observations. ++istep; if (istep >= imaxqtr) { imaxqtr = -1; return; } } } } private: void transfer_point(INDEX_t obs, CLUSTER_t l1, CLUSTER_t l2) { const DATA_t al1 = nc[l1], alw = al1 - 1; const DATA_t al2 = nc[l2], alt = al2 + 1; auto copy1 = centers_ptr + l1 * num_dim; auto copy2 = centers_ptr + l2 * num_dim; auto acopy = data_ptr + obs * num_dim; for (int dim = 0; dim < num_dim; ++dim, ++copy1, ++copy2, ++acopy) { *copy1 = (*copy1 * al1 - *acopy) / alw; *copy2 = (*copy2 * al2 + *acopy) / alt; } --nc[l1]; ++nc[l2]; an2[l1] = alw / al1; an1[l1] = (alw > 1 ? alw / (alw - 1) : big); an1[l2] = alt / al2; an2[l2] = alt / (alt + 1); ic1[obs] = l2; ic2[obs] = l1; } }; } #endif