require 'date' def version contents = File.expand_path('../lib/chronic.rb', __FILE__) contents[/VERSION = "([^"]+)"/, 1] end def do_test $:.unshift './test' Dir.glob('test/test_*.rb').each { |t| require File.basename(t) } end def open_command case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince|emc/ 'start' when /darwin|mac os/ 'open' else 'xdg-open' end end task :test do do_test end desc "Generate SimpleCov test coverage and open in your browser" task :coverage do require 'simplecov' FileUtils.rm_rf("./coverage") SimpleCov.command_name 'Unit Tests' SimpleCov.at_exit do SimpleCov.result.format! sh "#{open_command} #{SimpleCov.coverage_path}/index.html" end SimpleCov.start do_test end desc "Open an irb session preloaded with this library" task :console do sh "irb -Ilib -rchronic" end desc "Release Chronic version #{version}" task :release => :build do unless `git branch` =~ /^\* master$/ puts "You must be on the master branch to release!" exit! end sh "git commit --allow-empty -a -m 'Release #{version}'" sh "git tag v#{version}" sh "git push origin master" sh "git push origin v#{version}" sh "gem push pkg/chronic-#{version}.gem" end desc "Build a gem from the gemspec" task :build do FileUtils.mkdir_p "pkg" sh "gem build chronic.gemspec""./chronic-#{version}.gem", "pkg") end task :default => :test