# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'hexapdf/revisions' require 'hexapdf/document' require 'stringio' describe HexaPDF::Revisions do before do @io = StringIO.new(<<~EOF) %PDF-1.7 1 0 obj 10 endobj 2 0 obj 20 endobj xref 0 3 0000000000 65535 f 0000000009 00000 n 0000000028 00000 n trailer << /Size 3 >> startxref 47 %%EOF 2 0 obj 300 endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /XRef /Size 4 /Index [2 1] /W [1 1 1] /Filter /ASCIIHexDecode /Length 6 >>stream 019E00 endstream endobj 2 0 obj 200 endobj xref 2 2 0000000301 00000 n 0000000178 00000 n trailer << /Size 4 /Prev 47 >> startxref 321 %%EOF 2 0 obj 400 endobj xref 2 1 0000000422 00000 n trailer << /Size 4 /Prev 321 /XRefStm 178 >> startxref 442 %%EOF EOF @doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: @io) @revisions = @doc.revisions end describe "initialize" do it "automatically loads all revisions from the underlying IO object" do assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Parser, @revisions.parser) assert_equal(20, @revisions.all[0].object(2).value) assert_equal(200, @revisions.all[1].object(2).value) assert_equal(400, @revisions.all[2].object(2).value) end it "creates an empty revision when not using initial revisions" do revisions = HexaPDF::Revisions.new(@doc) assert_equal(1, revisions.all.count) end end it "returns the next free oid" do assert_equal(4, @revisions.next_oid) end describe "object" do it "accepts a Reference object as argument" do assert_equal(400, @revisions.object(HexaPDF::Reference.new(2, 0)).value) end it "accepts an object number as arguments" do assert_equal(400, @revisions.object(2).value) end it "returns nil for unknown object references" do assert_nil(@revisions.object(100)) end it "returns a null object for freed objects" do @revisions.delete_object(2) assert(@revisions.object(2).null?) end end describe "object?" do it "works with a Reference object as argument" do assert(@revisions.object?(HexaPDF::Reference.new(2, 0))) end it "works with an object number as arguments" do assert(@revisions.object?(2)) end it "returns false when no object is found" do refute(@revisions.object?(20)) end it "returns true for freed objects" do @revisions.delete_object(2) assert(@revisions.object?(2)) end end describe "add_object" do before do @obj = HexaPDF::Object.new(5) end it "adds the object to the current revision" do @revisions.add_object(@obj) assert_same(@obj, @revisions.current.object(@obj)) end it "returns the added object" do obj = @revisions.add_object(@obj) assert_same(@obj, obj) end it "returns the given object if it is already stored in the document" do obj = @revisions.add_object(@obj) assert_same(obj, @revisions.add_object(obj)) end it "fails if the object number is already associated with another object" do @revisions.add_object(@obj) assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { @revisions.add_object(@doc.wrap(5, oid: @obj.oid)) } end it "automatically assign an object number for direct objects" do assert_equal(4, @revisions.add_object(@obj).oid) end end describe "delete_object" do it "works with a Reference object as argument" do @revisions.delete_object(@doc.object(2)) assert(@revisions.object(2).null?) end it "works with an object number as arguments" do @revisions.delete_object(2) assert(@revisions.object(2).null?) end it "deletes an object only in the most recent revision" do @revisions.delete_object(2) assert_equal(20, @revisions.all[0].object(2).value) assert_equal(200, @revisions.all[1].object(2).value) assert(@revisions.all[2].object(2).null?) end end describe "each_object" do before do @obj3 = @revisions.object(3).value end it "iterates over the current objects" do assert_equal([10, 400, @obj3], @revisions.each_object(only_current: true).sort.map(&:value)) end it "iterates over all objects" do assert_equal([@obj3, 400, 200, @obj3, 10, 20], @revisions.each_object(only_current: false).map(&:value)) end it "iterates over all loaded objects" do assert_equal([@obj3], @revisions.each_object(only_loaded: true).map(&:value)) assert_equal(400, @revisions.object(2).value) assert_equal([400, @obj3], @revisions.each_object(only_loaded: true).sort.map(&:value)) end it "yields the revision as second argument if the block accepts exactly two arguments" do data = [@obj3, @revisions.all[-1], 400, @revisions.all[-1], 10, @revisions.all[0]] @revisions.each_object do |obj, rev| assert_equal(data.shift, obj.value) assert_equal(data.shift, rev) end assert(data.empty?) end end describe "add" do it "adds an empty revision as the current revision" do rev = @revisions.add assert_equal({Size: 4}, rev.trailer.value) assert_equal(rev, @revisions.current) end end describe "merge" do it "does nothing when only one revision is specified" do @revisions.merge(1..1) assert_equal(3, @revisions.all.size) end it "merges the higher into the the lower revision" do @revisions.merge assert_equal(1, @revisions.all.size) assert_equal([10, 400, @doc.object(3).value], @revisions.current.each.to_a.sort.map(&:value)) end it "handles objects correctly that are in multiple revisions" do @revisions.current.add(@revisions.all[0].object(1)) @revisions.merge assert_equal(1, @revisions.each.to_a.size) assert_equal([10, 400, @doc.object(3).value], @revisions.current.each.to_a.sort.map(&:value)) end end it "handles invalid PDFs that have a loop via the xref /Prev or /XRefStm entries" do io = StringIO.new(<<~EOF) %PDF-1.7 1 0 obj 10 endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000000009 00000 n trailer << /Size 2 /Prev 148>> startxref 28 %%EOF 2 0 obj 300 endobj xref 2 1 0000000301 00000 n trailer << /Size 3 /Prev 28 /XRefStm 148>> startxref 148 %%EOF EOF doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io) assert_equal(2, doc.revisions.count) end it "merges a completely empty revision with just a /XRefStm with the previous revision" do io = StringIO.new(<<~EOF) # 2 28 3 47 %PDF-1.7 1 0 obj 10 endobj 2 0 obj 20 endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /XRef /Size 3 /Index [2 1] /W [1 1 1] /Filter /ASCIIHexDecode /Length 6 >>stream 011C00 endstream endobj xref 0 4 0000000000 65535 f 0000000009 00000 n 0000000000 65535 f 0000000047 00000 n trailer << /Size 3 >> startxref 170 %%EOF xref 0 0 trailer << /Size 3 /Prev 170 /XRefStm 47>> startxref 302 %%EOF EOF doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io) assert_equal(1, doc.revisions.count) assert_equal(20, doc.object(2).value) end it "uses the reconstructed revision if errors are found when loading from an IO" do io = StringIO.new(<<~EOF) %PDF-1.7 1 0 obj 10 endobj xref 0 2 0000000000 65535 f 0000000009 00000 n trailer << /Size 5 >> startxref 28 %%EOF 2 0 obj 300 endobj xref 2 1 0000000301 00000 n trailer << /Size 3 /Prev 100>> startxref 139 %%EOF EOF doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io) assert_equal(2, doc.revisions.count) assert_same(doc.revisions.all[0].trailer.value, doc.revisions.all[1].trailer.value) assert_raises(HexaPDF::MalformedPDFError) do HexaPDF::Document.new(io: io, config: {'parser.try_xref_reconstruction' => false}) end end end