# frozen_string_literal: true module Coverband class Configuration attr_accessor :root_paths, :root, :additional_files, :verbose, :reporter, :redis_namespace, :redis_ttl, :background_reporting_enabled, :test_env, :web_enable_clear, :gem_details, :web_debug, :report_on_exit, :simulate_oneshot_lines_coverage, :view_tracker attr_writer :logger, :s3_region, :s3_bucket, :s3_access_key_id, :s3_secret_access_key, :password, :api_key, :service_url, :coverband_timeout, :service_dev_mode, :service_test_mode, :proces_type, :report_period, :track_views, :background_reporting_sleep_seconds, :reporting_wiggle attr_reader :track_gems, :ignore, :use_oneshot_lines_coverage ##### # TODO: This is is brittle and not a great solution to avoid deploy time # actions polluting the 'runtime' metrics # # * should we skip /bin/rails webpacker:compile ? # * Perhaps detect heroku deployment ENV var opposed to tasks? ##### IGNORE_TASKS = ["coverband:clear", "coverband:coverage", "coverband:coverage_server", "coverband:migrate", "assets:precompile", "db:version", "db:create", "db:drop", "db:seed", "db:setup", "db:test:prepare", "db:structure:dump", "db:structure:load", "db:version"] # Heroku when building assets runs code from a dynamic directory # /tmp was added to avoid coverage from /tmp/build directories during # heroku asset compilation IGNORE_DEFAULTS = %w[vendor/ .erb$ .slim$ /tmp internal:prelude db/schema.rb] # Add in missing files which were never loaded # we need to know what all paths to check for unloaded files TRACKED_DEFAULT_PATHS = %w[app lib config] def initialize reset end def reset @root = Dir.pwd @root_paths = [] @ignore = IGNORE_DEFAULTS.dup @search_paths = TRACKED_DEFAULT_PATHS.dup @additional_files = [] @verbose = false @reporter = "scov" @logger = nil @store = nil @background_reporting_enabled = true @background_reporting_sleep_seconds = nil @test_env = nil @web_enable_clear = false @track_gems = false @gem_details = false @track_views = true @view_tracker = nil @web_debug = false @report_on_exit = true @use_oneshot_lines_coverage = ENV["ONESHOT"] || false @simulate_oneshot_lines_coverage = ENV["SIMULATE_ONESHOT"] || false @current_root = nil @all_root_paths = nil @all_root_patterns = nil @password = nil # coverband service settings @api_key = nil @service_url = nil @coverband_timeout = nil @service_dev_mode = nil @service_test_mode = nil @proces_type = nil @report_period = nil # TODO: these are deprecated @s3_region = nil @s3_bucket = nil @s3_access_key_id = nil @s3_secret_access_key = nil @redis_namespace = nil @redis_ttl = 2_592_000 # in seconds. Default is 30 days. @reporting_wiggle = nil end def logger @logger ||= if defined?(Rails.logger) && Rails.logger Rails.logger else Logger.new(STDOUT) end end def password @password || ENV["COVERBAND_PASSWORD"] end def s3_bucket puts "deprecated, s3 is no longer support" end def s3_region puts "deprecated, s3 is no longer support" end def s3_access_key_id puts "deprecated, s3 is no longer support" end def s3_secret_access_key puts "deprecated, s3 is no longer support" end def background_reporting_sleep_seconds @background_reporting_sleep_seconds ||= if Coverband.coverband_service? Coverband.configuration.coverband_env == "production" ? Coverband.configuration.report_period : 60 else 60 end end def reporting_wiggle @reporting_wiggle ||= 30 end def store @store ||= if Coverband.coverband_service? require "coverband/adapters/web_service_store" Coverband::Adapters::WebServiceStore.new(service_url) else Coverband::Adapters::RedisStore.new(Redis.new(url: redis_url), redis_store_options) end end def track_views @track_views ||= service_disabled_dev_test_env? ? false : true end def store=(store) raise "Pass in an instance of Coverband::Adapters" unless store.is_a?(Coverband::Adapters::Base) # Default to 5 minutes if using the hash redis store # This is a safer default for the high server volumes that need the hash store # it should avoid overloading the redis with lots of load @background_reporting_sleep_seconds = 300 if store.is_a?(Coverband::Adapters::HashRedisStore) @store = store end ### # Search Paths ### def tracked_search_paths "#{Coverband.configuration.current_root}/{#{@search_paths.join(",")}}/**/*.{rb}" end ### # Don't allow the to override defaults ### def search_paths=(path_array) @search_paths = (@search_paths + path_array).uniq end ### # Don't allow the ignore to override things like gem tracking ### def ignore=(ignored_array) @ignore = (@ignore + ignored_array).uniq end def track_gems=(_value) puts "gem tracking is deprecated, setting this will be ignored" end def current_root @current_root ||= File.expand_path(Coverband.configuration.root).freeze end def all_root_paths return @all_root_paths if @all_root_paths @all_root_paths = Coverband.configuration.root_paths.dup @all_root_paths << "#{Coverband.configuration.current_root}/" @all_root_paths end def all_root_patterns @all_root_patterns ||= all_root_paths.map { |path| /^#{path}/ }.freeze end SKIPPED_SETTINGS = %w[@s3_secret_access_key @store] def to_h instance_variables .each_with_object({}) do |var, hash| hash[var.to_s.delete("@")] = instance_variable_get(var) unless SKIPPED_SETTINGS.include?(var.to_s) end end def use_oneshot_lines_coverage=(value) raise(StandardError, "One shot line coverage is only available in ruby >= 2.6") unless one_shot_coverage_implemented_in_ruby_version? || !value @use_oneshot_lines_coverage = value end def one_shot_coverage_implemented_in_ruby_version? Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new("2.6.0") end def api_key @api_key ||= ENV["COVERBAND_API_KEY"] end def service_url @service_url ||= ENV["COVERBAND_URL"] || "https://coverband.io" end def coverband_env ENV["RACK_ENV"] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || (defined?(Rails) && Rails.respond_to?(:env) ? Rails.env : "unknown") end def coverband_timeout @coverband_timeout ||= coverband_env == "development" ? 5 : 2 end def service_dev_mode @service_dev_mode ||= ENV["COVERBAND_ENABLE_DEV_MODE"] || false end def service_test_mode @service_dev_mode ||= ENV["COVERBAND_ENABLE_TEST_MODE"] || false end def proces_type @process_type ||= ENV["PROCESS_TYPE"] || "unknown" end def report_period @process_type ||= (ENV["COVERBAND_REPORT_PERIOD"] || 600).to_i end def service_disabled_dev_test_env? (coverband_env == "test" && !Coverband.configuration.service_test_mode) || (coverband_env == "development" && !Coverband.configuration.service_dev_mode) end private def redis_url ENV["COVERBAND_REDIS_URL"] || ENV["REDIS_URL"] end def redis_store_options {ttl: Coverband.configuration.redis_ttl, redis_namespace: Coverband.configuration.redis_namespace} end end end