# zine Yet another blog aware static site generator. ## Warning: pre-release code These are the very early days of zine, expect breaking changes. ## Why yet another static blog engine? Written in a #100DaysOfCode challenge -- my [progress log's here](CHANGELOG.md). Despite the [proliferation in these things][engine_list] (450!) I still find it more comfortable to use my own tools. Presented here in the hope it's of use to someone else too. ## Installation Install the gem. ```shell $ gem install zine ``` Then generate a new site scaffold, cd to a new folder and: ```shell $ zine site ``` Then update your site's name, your name & so on in zine.yaml. ## Day to day usage To set up a new blog post: ```shell $ zine post 'Your chosen title' ``` Your new post will have some fields set up in the YAML front matter, feel free to edit them too. Once you're done writing, build your new site: ```shell $ zine build ``` ### Halp! To see the options available: ```shell $ zine ``` ### Up next This is only a first cut at this gem, the stuff I considered a (barely) minimum viable product. Up next are: - CSS preprocessing - file watching - migration scripts from eg Jekyll? Maybe. - Apple News - SSH uploads, as well as - much refactoring - docs - tests, lots of tests - and a few other things ## Contributing Yes please. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mikekreuzer/zine. ## Tests ```shell bundle exec rspec spec # or your alias for that ``` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). [engine_list]: https://staticsitegenerators.net