/** * @author Jefferson González * @copyright 2010 Jefferson González * * @license * This file is part of Jaris FLV Player. * * Jaris FLV Player is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or GNU LESSER GENERAL * PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version * 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Jaris FLV Player is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and * GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE along with Jaris FLV Player. If not, * see . */ package jaris.player.newcontrols; //{Libraries import flash.display.GradientType; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.Lib; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.net.NetStream; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.text.AntiAliasType; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.utils.Timer; import jaris.animation.Animation; import jaris.events.PlayerEvents; import jaris.player.newcontrols.Loader; import jaris.player.newcontrols.FullscreenIcon; import jaris.player.newcontrols.PauseIcon; import jaris.player.newcontrols.PlayIcon; import jaris.player.newcontrols.VolumeIcon; import jaris.player.Player; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.Stage; import jaris.utils.Utils; //} /** * Default controls for jaris player */ class NewControls extends MovieClip { //{Member Variables private var _thumb:Sprite; private var _track:Sprite; private var _trackDownloaded:Sprite; private var _scrubbing:Bool; private var _stage:Stage; private var _movieClip:MovieClip; private var _player:Player; private var _darkColor:UInt; private var _brightColor:UInt; private var _seekColor:UInt; private var _controlColor:UInt; private var _controlSize:Int; private var _hoverColor:UInt; private var _hideControlsTimer:Timer; private var _hideAspectRatioLabelTimer:Timer; private var _currentPlayTimeLabel:TextField; private var _totalPlayTimeLabel:TextField; private var _percentLoaded:Float; private var _controlsVisible:Bool; private var _seekBar:Sprite; public var _controlsBar:Sprite; private var _playControl:PlayIcon; private var _pauseControl:PauseIcon; private var _fullscreenControl:FullscreenIcon; private var _volumeIcon:VolumeIcon; private var _volumeTrack:Sprite; private var _volumeSlider:Sprite; private var _loader:Loader; private var _aspectRatioLabelContainer:Sprite; private var _aspectRatioLabel:TextField; private var _textFormat:TextFormat; private var _forceHideControls:Bool; private var _shouldBeVisible:Bool; private var _nodeName:String; private var _showLoader:Bool; //} //{Constructor public function new(player:Player, forceHideControls, nodeName, showLoader ) { super(); //{Main variables _nodeName = nodeName; _stage = Lib.current.stage; _movieClip = Lib.current; _player = player; _darkColor = 0x000000; _brightColor = 0x4c4c4c; _controlColor = 0xFFFFFF; _hoverColor = 0x67A8C1; _seekColor = 0x7c7c7c; _controlSize = 40; _percentLoaded = 0.0; _hideControlsTimer = new Timer(500); _hideAspectRatioLabelTimer = new Timer(500); _controlsVisible = false; _showLoader = showLoader; _textFormat = new TextFormat(); _textFormat.font = "arial"; _textFormat.color = _controlColor; _textFormat.size = 14; //} //{Playing controls initialization _controlsBar = new Sprite(); _controlsBar.visible = true; addChild(_controlsBar); _playControl = new PlayIcon(0, 0, 0, 0, _controlColor, _hoverColor); _controlsBar.addChild(_playControl); _pauseControl = new PauseIcon(0, 0, 0, 0, _controlColor, _hoverColor); _pauseControl.visible = false; _controlsBar.addChild(_pauseControl); if(_nodeName == 'video'){ _fullscreenControl = new FullscreenIcon(0, 0, 0, 0, _controlColor, _hoverColor); _controlsBar.addChild(_fullscreenControl); } _volumeIcon = new VolumeIcon(0, 0, 0, 0, _controlColor, _hoverColor); _controlsBar.addChild(_volumeIcon); _volumeSlider = new Sprite(); _volumeSlider.visible = false; _controlsBar.addChild(_volumeSlider); _volumeTrack = new Sprite(); _volumeTrack.visible = false; _volumeTrack.buttonMode = true; _volumeTrack.useHandCursor = true; _volumeTrack.tabEnabled = false; _controlsBar.addChild(_volumeTrack); //} //{Seeking Controls initialization _seekBar = new Sprite(); _controlsBar.addChild(_seekBar); _trackDownloaded = new Sprite( ); _trackDownloaded.tabEnabled = false; _seekBar.addChild(_trackDownloaded); _track = new Sprite( ); _track.tabEnabled = false; _track.buttonMode = true; _track.useHandCursor = true; _seekBar.addChild(_track); _thumb = new Sprite( ); _thumb.buttonMode = true; _thumb.useHandCursor = true; _thumb.tabEnabled = false; _seekBar.addChild(_thumb); _currentPlayTimeLabel = new TextField(); _currentPlayTimeLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; _currentPlayTimeLabel.text = "00:00:00"; _currentPlayTimeLabel.tabEnabled = false; _currentPlayTimeLabel.setTextFormat(_textFormat); _seekBar.addChild(_currentPlayTimeLabel); _totalPlayTimeLabel = new TextField(); _totalPlayTimeLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; _totalPlayTimeLabel.text = "00:00:00"; _totalPlayTimeLabel.tabEnabled = false; _totalPlayTimeLabel.setTextFormat(_textFormat); _seekBar.addChild(_totalPlayTimeLabel); //} //{Aspect ratio label _aspectRatioLabelContainer = new Sprite(); addChild(_aspectRatioLabelContainer); _aspectRatioLabel = new TextField(); _aspectRatioLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; _aspectRatioLabel.text = "original"; _aspectRatioLabel.tabEnabled = false; _aspectRatioLabelContainer.addChild(_aspectRatioLabel); //} redrawControls(); _forceHideControls = forceHideControls == "false"; //{Loader bar if ( _forceHideControls && _showLoader || !_forceHideControls ) { _loader = new Loader(); _loader.hide(); var loaderColors:Array = ["", "", "", ""]; loaderColors[0] = Std.string(_darkColor); loaderColors[1] = Std.string(_controlColor); loaderColors[2] = Std.string(_seekColor); _loader.setColors(loaderColors); addChild(_loader); } //} //{event Listeners _movieClip.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); _thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onThumbMouseDown); _thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onThumbMouseUp); _thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onThumbHover); _thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onThumbMouseOut); _track.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onTrackClick); _playControl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayClick); _pauseControl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPauseClick); if(_nodeName == 'video'){ _fullscreenControl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onFullscreenClick); } _volumeIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onVolumeIconClick); _volumeTrack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onVolumeTrackClick); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.MOUSE_HIDE, onPlayerMouseHide); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.MOUSE_SHOW, onPlayerMouseShow); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.MEDIA_INITIALIZED, onPlayerMediaInitialized); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.BUFFERING, onPlayerBuffering); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.NOT_BUFFERING, onPlayerNotBuffering); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.RESIZE, onPlayerResize); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.PLAY_PAUSE, onPlayerPlayPause); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.PLAYBACK_FINISHED, onPlayerPlaybackFinished); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.CONNECTION_FAILED, onPlayerStreamNotFound); _player.addEventListener(PlayerEvents.ASPECT_RATIO, onPlayerAspectRatio); _stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onThumbMouseUp); _stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onThumbMouseUp); _stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove); _stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize); _hideControlsTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, hideControlsTimer); _hideAspectRatioLabelTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, hideAspectRatioLabelTimer); _hideControlsTimer.start(); if (_forceHideControls) { this.hideControls(); } _shouldBeVisible = true; //} } //} //{Timers /** * Hides the playing controls when not moving mouse. * @param event The timer event associated */ private function hideControlsTimer(event:TimerEvent):Void { if (_player.isPlaying()) { if (_controlsVisible) { if (_stage.mouseX < _controlsBar.x || _stage.mouseX >= _stage.stageWidth - 1 || _stage.mouseY >= _stage.stageHeight - 1 || _stage.mouseY <= 1 ) { _controlsVisible = false; } } else { hideControls(); _hideControlsTimer.stop(); } } } /** * Hides aspect ratio label * @param event */ private function hideAspectRatioLabelTimer(event:TimerEvent):Void { //wait till fade in effect finish if (_aspectRatioLabelContainer.alpha >= 1) { Animation.fadeOut(_aspectRatioLabelContainer, 300); _hideAspectRatioLabelTimer.stop(); } } //} //{Events /** * Keeps syncronized various elements of the controls like the thumb and download track bar * @param event */ private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):Void { if(_player.getDuration() > 0) { if (_scrubbing) { _player.seek(((_thumb.x - _track.x) / _track.width) * _player.getDuration()); } else { _currentPlayTimeLabel.text = Utils.formatTime(_player.getCurrentTime()); _currentPlayTimeLabel.setTextFormat(_textFormat); _thumb.x = _player.getCurrentTime() / _player.getDuration() * (_track.width-_thumb.width) + _track.x; } } _volumeSlider.height = _volumeTrack.height * (_player.getVolume() / 1.0); _volumeSlider.y = (_volumeTrack.y + _volumeTrack.height) - _volumeSlider.height; drawDownloadProgress(); } /** * Show playing controls on mouse movement. * @param event */ private function onMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):Void { if(!_forceHideControls){ if (_stage.mouseX >= _controlsBar.x) { if (!_hideControlsTimer.running) { _hideControlsTimer.start(); } _controlsVisible = true; showControls(); } } } /** * Function fired by a stage resize eventthat redraws the player controls * @param event */ private function onStageResize(event:Event):Void { if(!_forceHideControls){ redrawControls(); } } /** * Toggles pause or play * @param event */ private function onPlayClick(event:MouseEvent):Void { _player.togglePlay(); _playControl.visible = !_player.isPlaying(); _pauseControl.visible = _player.isPlaying(); } /** * Toggles pause or play * @param event */ private function onPauseClick(event:MouseEvent):Void { _player.togglePlay(); _playControl.visible = !_player.isPlaying(); _pauseControl.visible = _player.isPlaying(); } /** * Toggles between window and fullscreen mode * @param event */ private function onFullscreenClick(event:MouseEvent):Void { _player.toggleFullscreen(); } /** * Toggles between mute and unmute * @param event */ private function onVolumeIconClick(event: MouseEvent):Void { if (_volumeSlider.visible) { _volumeSlider.visible = false; _volumeTrack.visible = false; } else { _volumeSlider.visible = true; _volumeTrack.visible = true; } } /** * Detect user click on volume track control and change volume according * @param event */ private function onVolumeTrackClick(event:MouseEvent):Void { var percent:Float = _volumeTrack.height - _volumeTrack.mouseY; var volume:Float = 1.0 * (percent / _volumeTrack.height); _player.setVolume(volume); } /** * Display not found message * @param event */ private function onPlayerStreamNotFound(event:PlayerEvents):Void { //todo: to work on this } /** * Shows the loader bar when buffering * @param event */ private function onPlayerBuffering(event:PlayerEvents):Void { if ( !_forceHideControls ) _loader.show(); } /** * Hides loader bar when not buffering * @param event */ private function onPlayerNotBuffering(event:PlayerEvents):Void { _loader.hide(); } /** * Show the selected aspect ratio * @param event */ private function onPlayerAspectRatio(event:PlayerEvents):Void { _hideAspectRatioLabelTimer.stop(); _aspectRatioLabel.text = _player.getAspectRatioString(); drawAspectRatioLabel(); while (_aspectRatioLabelContainer.visible) { //wait till fade out finishes } Animation.fadeIn(_aspectRatioLabelContainer, 1); _hideAspectRatioLabelTimer.start(); } /** * Monitors playbeack when finishes tu update controls * @param event */ private function onPlayerPlaybackFinished(event:PlayerEvents):Void { _playControl.visible = !_player.isPlaying(); _pauseControl.visible = _player.isPlaying(); showControls(); } /** * Monitors keyboard play pause actions to update icons * @param event */ private function onPlayerPlayPause(event:PlayerEvents):Void { _playControl.visible = !_player.isPlaying(); _pauseControl.visible = _player.isPlaying(); } /** * Resizes the video player on windowed mode substracting the seekbar height * @param event */ private function onPlayerResize(event:PlayerEvents):Void { } /** * Updates media total time duration. * @param event */ private function onPlayerMediaInitialized(event:PlayerEvents):Void { _totalPlayTimeLabel.text = Utils.formatTime(event.duration); _totalPlayTimeLabel.setTextFormat(_textFormat); _playControl.visible = !_player.isPlaying(); _pauseControl.visible = _player.isPlaying(); } /** * Hides seekbar if on fullscreen. * @param event */ private function onPlayerMouseHide(event:PlayerEvents):Void { if (_controlsBar.visible && _player.isFullscreen()) { hideControls(); } } /** * Shows seekbar * @param event */ private function onPlayerMouseShow(event:PlayerEvents):Void { if (!_controlsBar.visible) { if (!_forceHideControls) { _controlsBar.visible = true; } else { _shouldBeVisible = true; } } } /** * Translates a user click in to time and seeks to it * @param event */ private function onTrackClick(event:MouseEvent):Void { var clickPosition:Float = _track.mouseX; _player.seek(_player.getDuration() * (clickPosition / _track.width)); } /** * Enables dragging of thumb for seeking media * @param event */ private function onThumbMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):Void { _scrubbing = true; var rectangle:Rectangle = new Rectangle(_track.x, _track.y, _track.width-_thumb.width, 0); _thumb.startDrag(false, rectangle); } /** * Changes thumb seek control to hover color * @param event */ private function onThumbHover(event:MouseEvent):Void { _thumb.graphics.lineStyle(); _thumb.graphics.beginFill(_hoverColor); _thumb.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, (_seekBar.height/2)-(11/2), 11, 11, 10, 10); _thumb.graphics.endFill(); } /** * Changes thumb seek control to control color * @param event */ private function onThumbMouseOut(event:MouseEvent):Void { var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix( ); matrix.createGradientBox(11, 11, Utils.degreesToRadians(-90), 11, 0); var colors:Array = [_controlColor, _controlColor]; var alphas:Array = [0.75, 1]; var ratios:Array = [0, 255]; _thumb.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); _thumb.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, (_seekBar.height / 2) - (11 / 2), 11, 11, 10, 10); _thumb.graphics.endFill(); } /** * Disables dragging of thumb * @param event */ private function onThumbMouseUp(event:MouseEvent):Void { _scrubbing = false; _thumb.stopDrag( ); } //} //{Drawing functions /** * Clears all current graphics a draw new ones */ private function redrawControls():Void { drawControls(); drawAspectRatioLabel(); } /** * Draws the download progress track bar */ private function drawDownloadProgress():Void { if (_player.getBytesTotal() > 0) { var bytesLoaded:Float = _player.getBytesLoaded(); var bytesTotal:Float = _player.getBytesTotal(); _percentLoaded = bytesLoaded / bytesTotal; } var position:Float = _player.getStartTime() / _player.getDuration(); var startPosition:Float = (position > 0?(position * _track.width):0) + _track.x; _trackDownloaded.graphics.clear(); _trackDownloaded.graphics.lineStyle(); _trackDownloaded.x = startPosition; _trackDownloaded.graphics.beginFill(_seekColor, 0.5); _trackDownloaded.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, (_seekBar.height / 2) - (5 / 2), ((_track.width + _track.x) - _trackDownloaded.x) * _percentLoaded, 5, 3, 3); _trackDownloaded.graphics.endFill(); } /** * Draws NEW control bar player/seek controls */ private function drawControls():Void { //Reset sprites for redraw _controlsBar.graphics.clear(); _volumeTrack.graphics.clear(); _volumeSlider.graphics.clear(); _volumeSlider.visible = false; _volumeTrack.visible = false; //Reset sprites for redraw _seekBar.graphics.clear(); _track.graphics.clear(); _thumb.graphics.clear(); //Draw controls bar var barMargin = 10; var barWidth = _stage.stageWidth; var barHeight = _controlSize; var barCenter = barWidth / 2; var buttonSize = Std.int(((80 / 100) * (barHeight - (barMargin*2)))); var buttonCount = (_nodeName == 'video') ? 2 : 1; _controlsBar.x = 0; _controlsBar.y = (_stage.stageHeight - barHeight); var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix( ); matrix.createGradientBox(barWidth, barHeight, Utils.degreesToRadians(-90), barWidth, 0); var colors:Array = [_brightColor, _darkColor]; var alphas:Array = [1.0, 1]; var ratios:Array = [0, 255]; _controlsBar.graphics.lineStyle(); _controlsBar.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); _controlsBar.graphics.drawRect(0, 2, barWidth, barHeight-2); _controlsBar.graphics.endFill(); _controlsBar.graphics.beginFill(_darkColor, 1); _controlsBar.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, barWidth, 1); _controlsBar.graphics.endFill(); _controlsBar.graphics.beginFill(_brightColor, 1); _controlsBar.graphics.drawRect(0, 1, barWidth, 1); _controlsBar.graphics.endFill(); //Draw seek bar var _seekBarWidth = barWidth - (buttonSize+barMargin)*buttonCount - (_playControl.x + _playControl.width + barMargin) - barMargin; var _seekBarHeight = barHeight; _seekBar.x = _playControl.x + _playControl.width + barMargin; _seekBar.y = 0; _seekBar.graphics.lineStyle(); _seekBar.graphics.beginFill(_darkColor, 0); _seekBar.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, _seekBarWidth, _seekBarHeight); _seekBar.graphics.endFill(); //Draw playbutton _playControl.setNormalColor(_controlColor); _playControl.setHoverColor(_hoverColor); _playControl.setPosition(barMargin, barMargin); _playControl.setSize(buttonSize+5, buttonSize+5); //Draw pausebutton _pauseControl.setNormalColor(_controlColor); _pauseControl.setHoverColor(_hoverColor); _pauseControl.setPosition(_playControl.x, _playControl.y); _pauseControl.setSize(buttonSize+5, buttonSize+5); //Draw current play time label _textFormat.color = _seekColor; _currentPlayTimeLabel.x = 0; _currentPlayTimeLabel.y = _seekBarHeight - (_seekBarHeight / 2) - (_currentPlayTimeLabel.height / 2); _currentPlayTimeLabel.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; _currentPlayTimeLabel.setTextFormat(_textFormat); //Draw total play time label _totalPlayTimeLabel.x = _seekBarWidth - _totalPlayTimeLabel.width; _totalPlayTimeLabel.y = _seekBarHeight - (_seekBarHeight / 2) - (_totalPlayTimeLabel.height / 2); _totalPlayTimeLabel.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; _totalPlayTimeLabel.setTextFormat(_textFormat); //Draw download progress drawDownloadProgress(); //Draw track place holder for drag _track.x = _currentPlayTimeLabel.x + _currentPlayTimeLabel.width + barMargin; _track.graphics.lineStyle(); _track.graphics.beginFill(_seekColor, 0); _track.graphics.drawRect(0, (_seekBarHeight / 2) - ((buttonSize+barMargin) / 2), _totalPlayTimeLabel.x - _totalPlayTimeLabel.width - barMargin - barMargin, buttonSize + barMargin); _track.graphics.endFill(); _track.graphics.lineStyle(); _track.graphics.beginFill(_seekColor, 0.3); _track.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, (_seekBarHeight / 2) - (5 / 2), _totalPlayTimeLabel.x - _totalPlayTimeLabel.width - barMargin - barMargin, 5, 3, 3); _track.graphics.endFill(); //Draw thumb var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix( ); matrix.createGradientBox(11, 11, Utils.degreesToRadians(-90), 11, 0); var colors:Array = [_controlColor, _controlColor]; var alphas:Array = [0.75, 1]; var ratios:Array = [0, 255]; _thumb.x = _currentPlayTimeLabel.width + _currentPlayTimeLabel.x + barMargin; _thumb.graphics.lineStyle(); _thumb.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); //_thumb.graphics.beginFill(_controlColor); _thumb.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, (_seekBarHeight/2)-(11/2), 11, 11, 10, 10); _thumb.graphics.endFill(); //Draw volume icon _volumeIcon.setNormalColor(_controlColor); _volumeIcon.setHoverColor(_hoverColor); _volumeIcon.setPosition(_seekBar.x + _seekBar.width + barMargin, _playControl.y+1); _volumeIcon.setSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); //Draw fullscreen button if(_nodeName == 'video'){ _fullscreenControl.setNormalColor(_controlColor); _fullscreenControl.setHoverColor(_hoverColor); _fullscreenControl.setPosition(_volumeIcon.x + _volumeIcon.width + barMargin, _playControl.y+1); _fullscreenControl.setSize(buttonSize, buttonSize); } //Draw volume track _volumeTrack.x = _controlsBar.width-(buttonSize+barMargin)*buttonCount; _volumeTrack.y = -_controlsBar.height-2; _volumeTrack.graphics.lineStyle(1, _controlColor); _volumeTrack.graphics.beginFill(0x000000, 0); _volumeTrack.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, buttonSize, _controlsBar.height); _volumeTrack.graphics.endFill(); //Draw volume slider var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix( ); matrix.createGradientBox(_volumeTrack.width, _volumeTrack.height, Utils.degreesToRadians(-90), _volumeTrack.width, 0); var colors:Array = [_hoverColor, _hoverColor]; var alphas:Array = [0.75, 1]; var ratios:Array = [0, 255]; _volumeSlider.x = _volumeTrack.x; _volumeSlider.y = _volumeTrack.y; _volumeSlider.graphics.lineStyle(); _volumeSlider.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); //_volumeSlider.graphics.beginFill(_hoverColor, 1); _volumeSlider.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, _volumeTrack.width, _volumeTrack.height); _volumeSlider.graphics.endFill(); } private function drawAspectRatioLabel():Void { _aspectRatioLabelContainer.graphics.clear(); _aspectRatioLabelContainer.visible = false; //Update aspect ratio label var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); textFormat.font = "arial"; textFormat.bold = true; textFormat.size = 40; textFormat.color = _controlColor; _aspectRatioLabel.setTextFormat(textFormat); _aspectRatioLabel.x = (_stage.stageWidth / 2) - (_aspectRatioLabel.width / 2); _aspectRatioLabel.y = (_stage.stageHeight / 2) - (_aspectRatioLabel.height / 2); //Draw aspect ratio label container _aspectRatioLabelContainer.x = _aspectRatioLabel.x - 10; _aspectRatioLabelContainer.y = _aspectRatioLabel.y - 10; _aspectRatioLabelContainer.graphics.lineStyle(0, _darkColor); _aspectRatioLabelContainer.graphics.beginFill(_darkColor, 1); _aspectRatioLabelContainer.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, _aspectRatioLabel.width + 20, _aspectRatioLabel.height + 20, 15, 15); _aspectRatioLabelContainer.graphics.endFill(); _aspectRatioLabel.x = 10; _aspectRatioLabel.y = 10; } //} //{Private Methods /** * Hide the play controls bar */ private function hideControls():Void { if(_controlsBar.visible) { if (_forceHideControls) { _controlsBar.visible = false; } else if(_nodeName == 'video') { drawControls(); Animation.slideOut(_controlsBar, "bottom", 800); } } _shouldBeVisible = false; } public function forceControls(controls:Bool):Void { if(controls){ _forceHideControls = false; if(_shouldBeVisible){ showControls(); } } else { _forceHideControls = true; _controlsBar.visible = false; _loader.hide(); } } /** * Shows play controls bar */ private function showControls():Void { if(!_forceHideControls && !_controlsBar.visible) { drawControls(); _controlsBar.visible = true; } _shouldBeVisible = true; } //} //{Setters /** * Sets the player colors and redraw them * @param colors Array of colors in the following order: darkColor, brightColor, controlColor, hoverColor */ public function setControlColors(colors:Array):Void { _darkColor = colors[0].length > 0? Std.parseInt("0x" + colors[0]) : 0x000000; _brightColor = colors[1].length > 0? Std.parseInt("0x" + colors[1]) : 0x4c4c4c; _controlColor = colors[2].length > 0? Std.parseInt("0x" + colors[2]) : 0xFFFFFF; _hoverColor = colors[3].length > 0? Std.parseInt("0x" + colors[3]) : 0x67A8C1; _seekColor = colors[4].length > 0? Std.parseInt("0x" + colors[4]) : 0x7c7c7c; var loaderColors:Array = ["", ""]; loaderColors[0] = colors[0]; loaderColors[1] = colors[2]; loaderColors[2] = colors[4]; if ( _forceHideControls && _showLoader || !_forceHideControls ) _loader.setColors(loaderColors); redrawControls(); } /** * Sets the player controls size (height) * @param size int: for e.g. 50 */ public function setControlSize(size:Int):Void { if (size == 0) return; _controlSize = size; redrawControls(); } /** * To set the duration label when autostart parameter is false * @param duration in seconds or formatted string in format hh:mm:ss */ public function setDurationLabel(duration:String):Void { //Person passed time already formatted if (duration.indexOf(":") != -1) { _totalPlayTimeLabel.text = duration; } //Time passed in seconds else { _totalPlayTimeLabel.text = Std.string(Utils.formatTime(Std.parseFloat(duration))); } _totalPlayTimeLabel.setTextFormat(_textFormat); } //} }