// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey // Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/ #ifndef TAO_JSON_PEGTL_BUFFER_INPUT_HPP #define TAO_JSON_PEGTL_BUFFER_INPUT_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.hpp" #include "eol.hpp" #include "memory_input.hpp" #include "position.hpp" #include "tracking_mode.hpp" #include "internal/action_input.hpp" #include "internal/bump.hpp" #include "internal/iterator.hpp" #include "internal/marker.hpp" namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE { template< typename Reader, typename Eol = eol::lf_crlf, typename Source = std::string, std::size_t Chunk = 64 > class buffer_input { public: using reader_t = Reader; using eol_t = Eol; using source_t = Source; using iterator_t = internal::iterator; using action_t = internal::action_input< buffer_input >; static constexpr std::size_t chunk_size = Chunk; static constexpr tracking_mode tracking_mode_v = tracking_mode::eager; template< typename T, typename... As > buffer_input( T&& in_source, const std::size_t maximum, As&&... as ) : m_reader( std::forward< As >( as )... ), m_maximum( maximum + Chunk ), m_buffer( new char[ maximum + Chunk ] ), m_current( m_buffer.get() ), m_end( m_buffer.get() ), m_source( std::forward< T >( in_source ) ) { static_assert( Chunk, "zero chunk size not implemented" ); assert( m_maximum > maximum ); // Catches overflow; change to >= when zero chunk size is implemented. } buffer_input( const buffer_input& ) = delete; buffer_input( buffer_input&& ) = delete; ~buffer_input() = default; void operator=( const buffer_input& ) = delete; void operator=( buffer_input&& ) = delete; [[nodiscard]] bool empty() { require( 1 ); return m_current.data == m_end; } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t size( const std::size_t amount ) { require( amount ); return buffer_occupied(); } [[nodiscard]] const char* current() const noexcept { return m_current.data; } [[nodiscard]] const char* end( const std::size_t amount ) { require( amount ); return m_end; } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t byte() const noexcept { return m_current.byte; } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t line() const noexcept { return m_current.line; } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t byte_in_line() const noexcept { return m_current.byte_in_line; } [[nodiscard]] const Source& source() const noexcept { return m_source; } [[nodiscard]] char peek_char( const std::size_t offset = 0 ) const noexcept { return m_current.data[ offset ]; } [[nodiscard]] std::uint8_t peek_uint8( const std::size_t offset = 0 ) const noexcept { return static_cast< std::uint8_t >( peek_char( offset ) ); } void bump( const std::size_t in_count = 1 ) noexcept { internal::bump( m_current, in_count, Eol::ch ); } void bump_in_this_line( const std::size_t in_count = 1 ) noexcept { internal::bump_in_this_line( m_current, in_count ); } void bump_to_next_line( const std::size_t in_count = 1 ) noexcept { internal::bump_to_next_line( m_current, in_count ); } void discard() noexcept { if( m_current.data > m_buffer.get() + Chunk ) { const auto s = m_end - m_current.data; std::memmove( m_buffer.get(), m_current.data, s ); m_current.data = m_buffer.get(); m_end = m_buffer.get() + s; } } void require( const std::size_t amount ) { if( m_current.data + amount <= m_end ) { return; } if( m_current.data + amount > m_buffer.get() + m_maximum ) { throw std::overflow_error( "require beyond end of buffer" ); } if( const auto r = m_reader( m_end, ( std::min )( buffer_free_after_end(), ( std::max )( amount, Chunk ) ) ) ) { m_end += r; } } template< rewind_mode M > [[nodiscard]] internal::marker< iterator_t, M > mark() noexcept { return internal::marker< iterator_t, M >( m_current ); } [[nodiscard]] TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::position position( const iterator_t& it ) const { return TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::position( it, m_source ); } [[nodiscard]] TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::position position() const { return position( m_current ); } [[nodiscard]] const iterator_t& iterator() const noexcept { return m_current; } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_capacity() const noexcept { return m_maximum; } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_occupied() const noexcept { assert( m_end >= m_current.data ); return std::size_t( m_end - m_current.data ); } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_free_before_current() const noexcept { assert( m_current.data >= m_buffer.get() ); return std::size_t( m_current.data - m_buffer.get() ); } [[nodiscard]] std::size_t buffer_free_after_end() const noexcept { assert( m_buffer.get() + m_maximum >= m_end ); return std::size_t( m_buffer.get() + m_maximum - m_end ); } private: Reader m_reader; std::size_t m_maximum; std::unique_ptr< char[] > m_buffer; iterator_t m_current; char* m_end; const Source m_source; }; } // namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE #endif