/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "common.h" #ifndef GIT_WINHTTP #include "git2.h" #include "http_parser.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "net.h" #include "netops.h" #include "global.h" #include "remote.h" #include "git2/sys/credential.h" #include "smart.h" #include "auth.h" #include "http.h" #include "auth_negotiate.h" #include "auth_ntlm.h" #include "trace.h" #include "streams/tls.h" #include "streams/socket.h" #include "httpclient.h" bool git_http__expect_continue = false; typedef enum { HTTP_STATE_NONE = 0, HTTP_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST, HTTP_STATE_RECEIVING_RESPONSE, HTTP_STATE_DONE } http_state; typedef struct { git_http_method method; const char *url; const char *request_type; const char *response_type; unsigned chunked : 1; } http_service; typedef struct { git_smart_subtransport_stream parent; const http_service *service; http_state state; unsigned replay_count; } http_stream; typedef struct { git_net_url url; git_credential *cred; unsigned auth_schemetypes; unsigned url_cred_presented : 1; } http_server; typedef struct { git_smart_subtransport parent; transport_smart *owner; http_server server; http_server proxy; git_http_client *http_client; } http_subtransport; static const http_service upload_pack_ls_service = { GIT_HTTP_METHOD_GET, "/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack", NULL, "application/x-git-upload-pack-advertisement", 0 }; static const http_service upload_pack_service = { GIT_HTTP_METHOD_POST, "/git-upload-pack", "application/x-git-upload-pack-request", "application/x-git-upload-pack-result", 0 }; static const http_service receive_pack_ls_service = { GIT_HTTP_METHOD_GET, "/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack", NULL, "application/x-git-receive-pack-advertisement", 0 }; static const http_service receive_pack_service = { GIT_HTTP_METHOD_POST, "/git-receive-pack", "application/x-git-receive-pack-request", "application/x-git-receive-pack-result", 1 }; #define SERVER_TYPE_REMOTE "remote" #define SERVER_TYPE_PROXY "proxy" #define OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(s) ((http_subtransport *)(s)->parent.subtransport) static int apply_url_credentials( git_credential **cred, unsigned int allowed_types, const char *username, const char *password) { if (allowed_types & GIT_CREDENTIAL_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT) return git_credential_userpass_plaintext_new(cred, username, password); if ((allowed_types & GIT_CREDENTIAL_DEFAULT) && *username == '\0' && *password == '\0') return git_credential_default_new(cred); return GIT_PASSTHROUGH; } GIT_INLINE(void) free_cred(git_credential **cred) { if (*cred) { git_credential_free(*cred); (*cred) = NULL; } } static int handle_auth( http_server *server, const char *server_type, const char *url, unsigned int allowed_schemetypes, unsigned int allowed_credtypes, git_credential_acquire_cb callback, void *callback_payload) { int error = 1; if (server->cred) free_cred(&server->cred); /* Start with URL-specified credentials, if there were any. */ if ((allowed_credtypes & GIT_CREDENTIAL_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT) && !server->url_cred_presented && server->url.username && server->url.password) { error = apply_url_credentials(&server->cred, allowed_credtypes, server->url.username, server->url.password); server->url_cred_presented = 1; /* treat GIT_PASSTHROUGH as if callback isn't set */ if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) error = 1; } if (error > 0 && callback) { error = callback(&server->cred, url, server->url.username, allowed_credtypes, callback_payload); /* treat GIT_PASSTHROUGH as if callback isn't set */ if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) error = 1; } if (error > 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "%s authentication required but no callback set", server_type); error = -1; } if (!error) server->auth_schemetypes = allowed_schemetypes; return error; } GIT_INLINE(int) handle_remote_auth( http_stream *stream, git_http_response *response) { http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); if (response->server_auth_credtypes == 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "server requires authentication that we do not support"); return -1; } /* Otherwise, prompt for credentials. */ return handle_auth( &transport->server, SERVER_TYPE_REMOTE, transport->owner->url, response->server_auth_schemetypes, response->server_auth_credtypes, transport->owner->cred_acquire_cb, transport->owner->cred_acquire_payload); } GIT_INLINE(int) handle_proxy_auth( http_stream *stream, git_http_response *response) { http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); if (response->proxy_auth_credtypes == 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "proxy requires authentication that we do not support"); return -1; } /* Otherwise, prompt for credentials. */ return handle_auth( &transport->proxy, SERVER_TYPE_PROXY, transport->owner->proxy.url, response->server_auth_schemetypes, response->proxy_auth_credtypes, transport->owner->proxy.credentials, transport->owner->proxy.payload); } static int handle_response( bool *complete, http_stream *stream, git_http_response *response, bool allow_replay) { http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); int error; *complete = false; if (allow_replay && git_http_response_is_redirect(response)) { if (!response->location) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "redirect without location"); return -1; } if (git_net_url_apply_redirect(&transport->server.url, response->location, stream->service->url) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } else if (git_http_response_is_redirect(response)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "unexpected redirect"); return -1; } /* If we're in the middle of challenge/response auth, continue. */ if (allow_replay && response->resend_credentials) { return 0; } else if (allow_replay && response->status == GIT_HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) { if ((error = handle_remote_auth(stream, response)) < 0) return error; return git_http_client_skip_body(transport->http_client); } else if (allow_replay && response->status == GIT_HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED) { if ((error = handle_proxy_auth(stream, response)) < 0) return error; return git_http_client_skip_body(transport->http_client); } else if (response->status == GIT_HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED || response->status == GIT_HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "unexpected authentication failure"); return -1; } if (response->status != GIT_HTTP_STATUS_OK) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "unexpected http status code: %d", response->status); return -1; } /* The response must contain a Content-Type header. */ if (!response->content_type) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "no content-type header in response"); return -1; } /* The Content-Type header must match our expectation. */ if (strcmp(response->content_type, stream->service->response_type) != 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "invalid content-type: '%s'", response->content_type); return -1; } *complete = true; stream->state = HTTP_STATE_RECEIVING_RESPONSE; return 0; } static int lookup_proxy( bool *out_use, http_subtransport *transport) { const char *proxy; git_remote *remote; bool use_ssl; char *config = NULL; int error = 0; *out_use = false; git_net_url_dispose(&transport->proxy.url); switch (transport->owner->proxy.type) { case GIT_PROXY_SPECIFIED: proxy = transport->owner->proxy.url; break; case GIT_PROXY_AUTO: remote = transport->owner->owner; use_ssl = !strcmp(transport->server.url.scheme, "https"); error = git_remote__get_http_proxy(remote, use_ssl, &config); if (error || !config) goto done; proxy = config; break; default: return 0; } if (!proxy || (error = git_net_url_parse(&transport->proxy.url, proxy)) < 0) goto done; *out_use = true; done: git__free(config); return error; } static int generate_request( git_net_url *url, git_http_request *request, http_stream *stream, size_t len) { http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); bool use_proxy = false; int error; if ((error = git_net_url_joinpath(url, &transport->server.url, stream->service->url)) < 0 || (error = lookup_proxy(&use_proxy, transport)) < 0) return error; request->method = stream->service->method; request->url = url; request->credentials = transport->server.cred; request->proxy = use_proxy ? &transport->proxy.url : NULL; request->proxy_credentials = transport->proxy.cred; request->custom_headers = &transport->owner->custom_headers; if (stream->service->method == GIT_HTTP_METHOD_POST) { request->chunked = stream->service->chunked; request->content_length = stream->service->chunked ? 0 : len; request->content_type = stream->service->request_type; request->accept = stream->service->response_type; request->expect_continue = git_http__expect_continue; } return 0; } /* * Read from an HTTP transport - for the first invocation of this function * (ie, when stream->state == HTTP_STATE_NONE), we'll send a GET request * to the remote host. We will stream that data back on all subsequent * calls. */ static int http_stream_read( git_smart_subtransport_stream *s, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *out_len) { http_stream *stream = (http_stream *)s; http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); git_net_url url = GIT_NET_URL_INIT; git_net_url proxy_url = GIT_NET_URL_INIT; git_http_request request = {0}; git_http_response response = {0}; bool complete; int error; *out_len = 0; if (stream->state == HTTP_STATE_NONE) { stream->state = HTTP_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST; stream->replay_count = 0; } /* * Formulate the URL, send the request and read the response * headers. Some of the request body may also be read. */ while (stream->state == HTTP_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST && stream->replay_count < GIT_HTTP_REPLAY_MAX) { git_net_url_dispose(&url); git_net_url_dispose(&proxy_url); git_http_response_dispose(&response); if ((error = generate_request(&url, &request, stream, 0)) < 0 || (error = git_http_client_send_request( transport->http_client, &request)) < 0 || (error = git_http_client_read_response( &response, transport->http_client)) < 0 || (error = handle_response(&complete, stream, &response, true)) < 0) goto done; if (complete) break; stream->replay_count++; } if (stream->state == HTTP_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "too many redirects or authentication replays"); error = -1; goto done; } assert (stream->state == HTTP_STATE_RECEIVING_RESPONSE); error = git_http_client_read_body(transport->http_client, buffer, buffer_size); if (error > 0) { *out_len = error; error = 0; } done: git_net_url_dispose(&url); git_net_url_dispose(&proxy_url); git_http_response_dispose(&response); return error; } static bool needs_probe(http_stream *stream) { http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); return (transport->server.auth_schemetypes == GIT_HTTP_AUTH_NTLM || transport->server.auth_schemetypes == GIT_HTTP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE); } static int send_probe(http_stream *stream) { http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); git_http_client *client = transport->http_client; const char *probe = "0000"; size_t len = 4; git_net_url url = GIT_NET_URL_INIT; git_http_request request = {0}; git_http_response response = {0}; bool complete = false; size_t step, steps = 1; int error; /* NTLM requires a full challenge/response */ if (transport->server.auth_schemetypes == GIT_HTTP_AUTH_NTLM) steps = GIT_AUTH_STEPS_NTLM; /* * Send at most two requests: one without any authentication to see * if we get prompted to authenticate. If we do, send a second one * with the first authentication message. The final authentication * message with the response will occur with the *actual* POST data. */ for (step = 0; step < steps && !complete; step++) { git_net_url_dispose(&url); git_http_response_dispose(&response); if ((error = generate_request(&url, &request, stream, len)) < 0 || (error = git_http_client_send_request(client, &request)) < 0 || (error = git_http_client_send_body(client, probe, len)) < 0 || (error = git_http_client_read_response(&response, client)) < 0 || (error = git_http_client_skip_body(client)) < 0 || (error = handle_response(&complete, stream, &response, true)) < 0) goto done; } done: git_http_response_dispose(&response); git_net_url_dispose(&url); return error; } /* * Write to an HTTP transport - for the first invocation of this function * (ie, when stream->state == HTTP_STATE_NONE), we'll send a POST request * to the remote host. If we're sending chunked data, then subsequent calls * will write the additional data given in the buffer. If we're not chunking, * then the caller should have given us all the data in the original call. * The caller should call http_stream_read_response to get the result. */ static int http_stream_write( git_smart_subtransport_stream *s, const char *buffer, size_t len) { http_stream *stream = GIT_CONTAINER_OF(s, http_stream, parent); http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); git_net_url url = GIT_NET_URL_INIT; git_http_request request = {0}; git_http_response response = {0}; int error; while (stream->state == HTTP_STATE_NONE && stream->replay_count < GIT_HTTP_REPLAY_MAX) { git_net_url_dispose(&url); git_http_response_dispose(&response); /* * If we're authenticating with a connection-based mechanism * (NTLM, Kerberos), send a "probe" packet. Servers SHOULD * authenticate an entire keep-alive connection, so ideally * we should not need to authenticate but some servers do * not support this. By sending a probe packet, we'll be * able to follow up with a second POST using the actual * data (and, in the degenerate case, the authentication * header as well). */ if (needs_probe(stream) && (error = send_probe(stream)) < 0) goto done; /* Send the regular POST request. */ if ((error = generate_request(&url, &request, stream, len)) < 0 || (error = git_http_client_send_request( transport->http_client, &request)) < 0) goto done; if (request.expect_continue && git_http_client_has_response(transport->http_client)) { bool complete; /* * If we got a response to an expect/continue, then * it's something other than a 100 and we should * deal with the response somehow. */ if ((error = git_http_client_read_response(&response, transport->http_client)) < 0 || (error = handle_response(&complete, stream, &response, true)) < 0) goto done; } else { stream->state = HTTP_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST; } stream->replay_count++; } if (stream->state == HTTP_STATE_NONE) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "too many redirects or authentication replays"); error = -1; goto done; } assert(stream->state == HTTP_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST); error = git_http_client_send_body(transport->http_client, buffer, len); done: git_http_response_dispose(&response); git_net_url_dispose(&url); return error; } /* * Read from an HTTP transport after it has been written to. This is the * response from a POST request made by http_stream_write. */ static int http_stream_read_response( git_smart_subtransport_stream *s, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *out_len) { http_stream *stream = (http_stream *)s; http_subtransport *transport = OWNING_SUBTRANSPORT(stream); git_http_client *client = transport->http_client; git_http_response response = {0}; bool complete; int error; *out_len = 0; if (stream->state == HTTP_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST) { if ((error = git_http_client_read_response(&response, client)) < 0 || (error = handle_response(&complete, stream, &response, false)) < 0) goto done; assert(complete); stream->state = HTTP_STATE_RECEIVING_RESPONSE; } error = git_http_client_read_body(client, buffer, buffer_size); if (error > 0) { *out_len = error; error = 0; } done: git_http_response_dispose(&response); return error; } static void http_stream_free(git_smart_subtransport_stream *stream) { http_stream *s = GIT_CONTAINER_OF(stream, http_stream, parent); git__free(s); } static const http_service *select_service(git_smart_service_t action) { switch (action) { case GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK_LS: return &upload_pack_ls_service; case GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK: return &upload_pack_service; case GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK_LS: return &receive_pack_ls_service; case GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK: return &receive_pack_service; } return NULL; } static int http_action( git_smart_subtransport_stream **out, git_smart_subtransport *t, const char *url, git_smart_service_t action) { http_subtransport *transport = GIT_CONTAINER_OF(t, http_subtransport, parent); http_stream *stream; const http_service *service; int error; assert(out && t); *out = NULL; /* * If we've seen a redirect then preserve the location that we've * been given. This is important to continue authorization against * the redirect target, not the user-given source; the endpoint may * have redirected us from HTTP->HTTPS and is using an auth mechanism * that would be insecure in plaintext (eg, HTTP Basic). */ if (!git_net_url_valid(&transport->server.url) && (error = git_net_url_parse(&transport->server.url, url)) < 0) return error; if ((service = select_service(action)) == NULL) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_HTTP, "invalid action"); return -1; } stream = git__calloc(sizeof(http_stream), 1); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(stream); if (!transport->http_client) { git_http_client_options opts = {0}; opts.server_certificate_check_cb = transport->owner->certificate_check_cb; opts.server_certificate_check_payload = transport->owner->message_cb_payload; opts.proxy_certificate_check_cb = transport->owner->proxy.certificate_check; opts.proxy_certificate_check_payload = transport->owner->proxy.payload; if (git_http_client_new(&transport->http_client, &opts) < 0) return -1; } stream->service = service; stream->parent.subtransport = &transport->parent; if (service->method == GIT_HTTP_METHOD_GET) { stream->parent.read = http_stream_read; } else { stream->parent.write = http_stream_write; stream->parent.read = http_stream_read_response; } stream->parent.free = http_stream_free; *out = (git_smart_subtransport_stream *)stream; return 0; } static int http_close(git_smart_subtransport *t) { http_subtransport *transport = GIT_CONTAINER_OF(t, http_subtransport, parent); free_cred(&transport->server.cred); free_cred(&transport->proxy.cred); transport->server.url_cred_presented = false; transport->proxy.url_cred_presented = false; git_net_url_dispose(&transport->server.url); git_net_url_dispose(&transport->proxy.url); return 0; } static void http_free(git_smart_subtransport *t) { http_subtransport *transport = GIT_CONTAINER_OF(t, http_subtransport, parent); git_http_client_free(transport->http_client); http_close(t); git__free(transport); } int git_smart_subtransport_http(git_smart_subtransport **out, git_transport *owner, void *param) { http_subtransport *transport; GIT_UNUSED(param); assert(out); transport = git__calloc(sizeof(http_subtransport), 1); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(transport); transport->owner = (transport_smart *)owner; transport->parent.action = http_action; transport->parent.close = http_close; transport->parent.free = http_free; *out = (git_smart_subtransport *) transport; return 0; } #endif /* !GIT_WINHTTP */