class Firehose.LongPoll extends Firehose.Transport messageSequenceHeader: 'Pragma' name: -> 'LongPoll' # CORS is kinda supported in IE8+ except that its implementation cannot # access "simple request" response headers. This means we don't yet have a # plan to support IE<10 (when it gets a real XHR2 implementation). Sucks... @ieSupported: -> $.browser.msie and parseInt($.browser.version) >= 8 @supported: -> # IE 8+, FF 3.5+, Chrome 4+, Safari 4+, Opera 12+, iOS 3.2+, Android 2.1+ if xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr() "withCredentials" of xhr || Firehose.LongPoll.ieSupported() constructor: (args) -> super args # Configrations specifically for web sockets @config.longPoll ||= {} # Protocol schema we should use for talking to WS server. @config.longPoll.url ||= "http:#{@config.uri}" # How many ms should we wait before timing out the AJAX connection? @config.longPoll.timeout ||= 25000 # TODO - What is @_lagTime for? Can't we just use the @_timeout value? # We use the lag time to make the client live longer than the server. @_lagTime = 5000 @_timeout = @config.longPoll.timeout + @_lagTime @_okInterval = 0 @_isConnected = false @_stopRequestLoop = false connect: (delay = 0) => unless @_isConnected @_isConnected = true @config.connected() super(delay) _request: => # Set the Last Message Sequence in a query string. # Ideally we'd use an HTTP header, but android devices don't let us # set any HTTP headers for CORS requests. data = @config.params data.last_message_sequence = @_lastMessageSequence # TODO: Some of these options will be deprecated in jQuery 1.8 # See: $.ajax url: @config.longPoll.url crossDomain: true data: data timeout: @_timeout success: @_success error: @_error cache: false stop: => @_stopRequestLoop = true _success: (data, status, jqXhr) => @_open data unless @_succeeded return if @_stopRequestLoop if jqXhr.status is 200 # Of course, IE's XDomainRequest doesn't support non-200 success codes. try {message, last_sequence} = JSON.parse jqXhr.responseText @_lastMessageSequence = last_sequence @config.message @config.parse message catch e @connect @_okInterval _ping: => # Ping long poll server to verify internet connectivity # jQuery CORS doesn't support timeouts and there is no way to access xhr2 object # directly so we can't manually set a timeout. $.ajax url: @config.longPoll.url method: 'HEAD' crossDomain: true data: @config.params success: @config.connected # We need this custom handler to have the connection status # properly displayed _error: (jqXhr, status, error) => @_isConnected = false @config.disconnected() unless @_stopRequestLoop # Ping the server to make sure this isn't a network connectivity error setTimeout @_ping, @_retryDelay + @_lagTime # Reconnect with delay setTimeout @_request, @_retryDelay # Let's try to hack in support for IE8-9 via the XDomainRequest object! # This was adapted from code shamelessly stolen from: # if $.browser.msie and parseInt($.browser.version, 10) in [8, 9] jQuery.ajaxTransport (s) -> if s.crossDomain and s.async if s.timeout s.xdrTimeout = s.timeout delete s.timeout xdr = undefined return { send: (_, complete) -> callback = (status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders) -> xdr.onload = xdr.onerror = xdr.ontimeout = jQuery.noop xdr = undefined complete status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders xdr = new XDomainRequest() s.type, s.url xdr.onload = -> headers = "Content-Type: #{xdr.contentType}" callback 200, "OK", {text: xdr.responseText}, headers xdr.onerror = -> callback 404, "Not Found" if s.xdrTimeout? xdr.ontimeout = -> callback 0, "timeout" xdr.timeout = s.xdrTimeout xdr.send (s.hasContent and or null abort: -> if xdr? xdr.onerror = jQuery.noop() xdr.abort() }