require 'rack/test' require 'logger' describe "integrating with sidekiq web", type: :integration do include Rack::Test::Methods before :all do require 'sidekiq/restart' require 'sidekiq/testing' Sidekiq.logger = Sidekiq::Testing.disable! end let(:app) do Sidekiq::Web end it "overrides the workers index" do get '/workers' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to match 'Controls' end context "when there are stuck workers" do before do hash = { queue: 'test', payload: { class: Class, args: [], queue: 'test' }, run_at: } Sidekiq.redis do |conn| conn.del 'queue:test' conn.sadd('workers', 'my_id') conn.set("worker:my_id:started", conn.set("worker:my_id", Sidekiq.dump_json(hash)) end end it "allows the developer to restart workers" do get '/workers' expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to match( %r%
]*>.*]*>Restart.*%m ) end it "will restart a stuck job" do delete "/workers/my_id" expect(last_response).to be_redirect expect(last_response.location).to eq '' Sidekiq.redis do |conn| expect(conn.llen('queue:test')).to eq 1 end end end context "when there are no stuck workers" do it "is idemoptent against non existant jobs" do delete "/workers/my_id" expect(last_response).to be_redirect expect(last_response.location).to eq '' end end end