# # Specifying rufus-scheduler # # Wed Apr 17 06:00:59 JST 2013 # Thread.abort_on_exception = true require 'stringio' require 'rufus-scheduler' def local(*args) Time.local(*args) end alias lo local def utc(*args) Time.utc(*args) end def sleep_until_next_minute min = Time.now.min while Time.now.min == min; sleep 2; end end def sleep_until_next_second sec = Time.now.sec while Time.now.sec == sec; sleep 0.2; end end #require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :be_within_1s_of do |expected| match do |actual| if actual.respond_to?(:asctime) (actual.to_f - expected.to_f).abs <= 1.0 else false end end failure_message_for_should do |actual| if actual.respond_to?(:asctime) "expected #{actual.inspect} to be within 1 second of #{expected}" else "expected Time instance, got a #{actual.inspect}" end end end #RSpec.configure do |config| #end