# # Author:: Adam Edwards (<adamed@chef.io>) # Copyright:: Copyright 2013-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/platform/query_helpers" require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Resource::WindowsScript::PowershellScript, :windows_only do include_context Chef::Resource::WindowsScript let (:architecture_command) { "echo $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" } let (:output_command) { " | out-file -encoding ASCII " } it_behaves_like "a Windows script running on Windows" let(:successful_executable_script_content) { "#{ENV['SystemRoot']}\\system32\\attrib.exe $env:systemroot" } let(:failed_executable_script_content) { "#{ENV['SystemRoot']}\\system32\\attrib.exe /badargument" } let(:processor_architecture_script_content) { "echo $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" } let(:native_architecture_script_content) { "echo $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTUREW6432" } let(:cmdlet_exit_code_not_found_content) { "get-item '.\\thisdoesnotexist'" } let(:cmdlet_exit_code_success_content) { "get-item ." } let(:windows_process_exit_code_success_content) { "#{ENV['SystemRoot']}\\system32\\attrib.exe $env:systemroot" } let(:windows_process_exit_code_not_found_content) { "findstr /notavalidswitch" } let(:arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code) { 4193 } let(:arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code_content) { "exit #{arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code}" } let(:invalid_powershell_interpreter_flag) { "/thisflagisinvalid" } let(:valid_powershell_interpreter_flag) { "-Sta" } let!(:resource) do r = Chef::Resource::WindowsScript::PowershellScript.new("PowerShell resource functional test", @run_context) r.code(successful_executable_script_content) r end describe "when the run action is invoked on Windows" do it "successfully executes a non-cmdlet Windows binary as the last command of the script" do resource.code(successful_executable_script_content + " | out-file -encoding ASCII #{script_output_path}") resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns the exit status 27 for a powershell script that exits with 27" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? file = Tempfile.new(["foo", ".ps1"]) begin file.write "exit 27" file.close resource.code(". \"#{file.path}\"") resource.returns(27) resource.run_action(:run) ensure file.close file.unlink end end let (:negative_exit_status) { -27 } let (:unsigned_exit_status) { (-negative_exit_status ^ 65535) + 1 } it "returns the exit status -27 as a signed integer or an unsigned 16-bit 2's complement value of 65509 for a powershell script that exits with -27" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? # Versions of PowerShell prior to 4.0 return a 16-bit unsigned value -- # PowerShell 4.0 and later versions return a 32-bit signed value. file = Tempfile.new(["foo", ".ps1"]) begin file.write "exit #{negative_exit_status}" file.close resource.code(". \"#{file.path}\"") # PowerShell earlier than 4.0 takes negative exit codes # and returns them as the underlying unsigned 16-bit # 2's complement representation. We cover multiple versions # of PowerShell in this example by including both the signed # exit code and its converted counterpart as permitted return values. # See http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2646183/zh-cn resource.returns([negative_exit_status, unsigned_exit_status]) expect { resource.run_action(:run) }.not_to raise_error ensure file.close file.unlink end end it "returns the process exit code" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code(arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code_content) resource.returns(arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 0 if the last command was a cmdlet that succeeded" do resource.code(cmdlet_exit_code_success_content) resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 0 if the last command was a cmdlet that succeeded and was preceded by a non-cmdlet Windows binary that failed" do resource.code([windows_process_exit_code_not_found_content, cmdlet_exit_code_success_content].join(";")) resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 1 if the last command was a cmdlet that failed" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code(cmdlet_exit_code_not_found_content) resource.returns(1) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 1 if the last command was a cmdlet that failed and was preceded by a successfully executed non-cmdlet Windows binary" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code([windows_process_exit_code_success_content, cmdlet_exit_code_not_found_content].join(";")) resource.returns(1) expect { resource.run_action(:run) }.not_to raise_error end it "raises a Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed error if the script is not syntactically correct" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code("if({)") resource.returns(0) expect { resource.run_action(:run) }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end it "raises an error if the script is not syntactically correct even if returns is set to 1 which is what powershell.exe returns for syntactically invalid scripts" do # This test fails because shell_out expects the exit status to be 1, but it is actually 0 # The error is a false-positive. skip "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code("if({)") resource.returns(1) expect { resource.run_action(:run) }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end # This somewhat ambiguous case, two failures of different types, # seems to violate the principle of returning the status of the # last line executed -- in this case, we return the status of the # second to last line. This happens because PowerShell gives no # way for us to determine whether the last operation was a cmdlet # or Windows process. Because the latter gives more specific # errors than 0 or 1, we return that instead, which is acceptable # since callers can test for nonzero rather than testing for 1. it "returns 1 if the last command was a cmdlet that failed and was preceded by an unsuccessfully executed non-cmdlet Windows binary" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code([arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code_content, cmdlet_exit_code_not_found_content].join(";")) resource.returns(arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 0 if the last command was a non-cmdlet Windows binary that succeeded and was preceded by a failed cmdlet" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code([cmdlet_exit_code_success_content, arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code_content].join(";")) resource.returns(arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns a specific error code if the last command was a non-cmdlet Windows binary that failed and was preceded by cmdlet that succeeded" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code([cmdlet_exit_code_success_content, arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code_content].join(";")) resource.returns(arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns a specific error code if the last command was a non-cmdlet Windows binary that failed and was preceded by cmdlet that failed" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code([cmdlet_exit_code_not_found_content, arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code_content].join(";")) resource.returns(arbitrary_nonzero_process_exit_code) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 0 for $false as the last line of the script when convert_boolean_return is false" do resource.code "$false" resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 0 for $true as the last line of the script when convert_boolean_return is false" do resource.code "$true" resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 1 for $false as the last line of the script when convert_boolean_return is true" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.code "$false" resource.returns(1) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 0 for $true as the last line of the script when convert_boolean_return is true" do resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.code "$true" resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) end it "executes a script with a 64-bit process on a 64-bit OS, otherwise a 32-bit process" do resource.code(processor_architecture_script_content + " | out-file -encoding ASCII #{script_output_path}") resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) is_64_bit = (ENV["PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"] == "AMD64") || (ENV["PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"] == "AMD64") detected_64_bit = source_contains_case_insensitive_content?( get_script_output, "AMD64" ) expect(is_64_bit).to eq(detected_64_bit) end it "returns 1 if an invalid flag is passed to the interpreter" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.code(cmdlet_exit_code_success_content) resource.flags(invalid_powershell_interpreter_flag) resource.returns(1) resource.run_action(:run) end it "returns 0 if a valid flag is passed to the interpreter" do resource.code(cmdlet_exit_code_success_content) resource.flags(valid_powershell_interpreter_flag) resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) end it "raises an error when given a block and a guard_interpreter" do resource.guard_interpreter :sh resource.only_if { true } expect { resource.should_skip?(:run) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /guard_interpreter does not support blocks/) end context "when dsc is supported", :windows_powershell_dsc_only do it "can execute LCM configuration code" do resource.code <<~EOF configuration LCM { param ($thumbprint) localconfigurationmanager { RebootNodeIfNeeded = $false ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyOnly' } } EOF expect { resource.run_action(:run) }.not_to raise_error end end end context "when running on a 32-bit version of Ruby", :ruby32_only do it "executes a script with a 32-bit process if process architecture :i386 is specified" do resource.code(processor_architecture_script_content + " | out-file -encoding ASCII #{script_output_path}") resource.architecture(:i386) resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) expect(source_contains_case_insensitive_content?( get_script_output, "x86" )).to eq(true) end context "when running on a 64-bit version of Windows", :windows64_only do it "executes a script with a 64-bit process if :x86_64 arch is specified" do resource.code(processor_architecture_script_content + " | out-file -encoding ASCII #{script_output_path}") resource.architecture(:x86_64) resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) expect(source_contains_case_insensitive_content?( get_script_output, "AMD64" )).to eq(true) end end context "when running on a 32-bit version of Windows", :windows32_only do it "raises an exception if :x86_64 process architecture is specified" do begin expect(resource.architecture(:x86_64)).to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::Win32ArchitectureIncorrect rescue Chef::Exceptions::Win32ArchitectureIncorrect end end end end context "when running on a 64-bit version of Ruby", :ruby64_only do it "executes a script with a 64-bit process if :x86_64 arch is specified" do resource.code(processor_architecture_script_content + " | out-file -encoding ASCII #{script_output_path}") resource.architecture(:x86_64) resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) expect(source_contains_case_insensitive_content?( get_script_output, "AMD64" )).to eq(true) end it "executes a script with a 32-bit process if :i386 arch is specified", :not_supported_on_nano do resource.code(processor_architecture_script_content + " | out-file -encoding ASCII #{script_output_path}") resource.architecture(:i386) resource.returns(0) resource.run_action(:run) expect(source_contains_case_insensitive_content?( get_script_output, "x86" )).to eq(true) end it "raises an error when executing a script with a 32-bit process on Windows Nano Server", :windows_nano_only do resource.code(processor_architecture_script_content + " | out-file -encoding ASCII #{script_output_path}") expect { resource.architecture(:i386) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Win32ArchitectureIncorrect, "cannot execute script with requested architecture 'i386' on Windows Nano Server") end end describe "when executing guards" do before(:each) do resource.not_if.clear resource.only_if.clear end context "when the guard_interpreter's default value of :powershell_script is overridden to :default" do before(:each) do resource.guard_interpreter :default end it "evaluates a succeeding not_if block using cmd.exe as false by default" do resource.not_if "exit /b 0" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a failing not_if block using cmd.exe as true by default" do resource.not_if "exit /b 2" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates an succeeding only_if block using cmd.exe as true by default" do resource.only_if "exit /b 0" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a failing only_if block using cmd.exe as false by default" do resource.only_if "exit /b 2" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end end context "the only_if is specified before the guard" do before do resource.guard_interpreter :default end it "evaluates a powershell $true for a only_if block as true" do resource.only_if "$true" resource.guard_interpreter :powershell_script expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end end context "with powershell_script as the guard_interpreter" do it "has a guard_interpreter attribute set to :powershell_script" do expect(resource.guard_interpreter).to eq(:powershell_script) end it "evaluates a powershell $false for a not_if block as true" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with $true on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.not_if "$false" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a powershell $true for a not_if block as false" do resource.not_if "$true" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a powershell $false for an only_if block as false" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with $true on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.only_if "$false" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a powershell $true for a only_if block as true" do resource.only_if "$true" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a not_if block using powershell.exe" do resource.not_if "exit([int32](![System.Environment]::CommandLine.Contains('powershell.exe')))" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates an only_if block using powershell.exe" do resource.only_if "exit([int32](![System.Environment]::CommandLine.Contains('powershell.exe')))" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a non-zero powershell exit status for not_if as true" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.not_if "exit 37" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a zero powershell exit status for not_if as false" do resource.not_if "exit 0" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a failed executable exit status for not_if as false" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with success on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.not_if windows_process_exit_code_not_found_content expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a successful executable exit status for not_if as true" do resource.not_if windows_process_exit_code_success_content expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a failed executable exit status for only_if as false" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with success on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.only_if windows_process_exit_code_not_found_content expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a successful executable exit status for only_if as true" do resource.only_if windows_process_exit_code_success_content expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a failed cmdlet exit status for not_if as true" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with success on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.not_if "throw 'up'" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a successful cmdlet exit status for not_if as true" do resource.not_if "cd ." expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a failed cmdlet exit status for only_if as false" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with success on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.only_if "throw 'up'" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a successful cmdlet exit status for only_if as true" do resource.only_if "cd ." expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a not_if block using the cwd guard parameter" do custom_cwd = "#{ENV['SystemRoot']}\\system32\\drivers\\etc" resource.not_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')", cwd: custom_cwd expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates an only_if block using the cwd guard parameter" do custom_cwd = "#{ENV['SystemRoot']}\\system32\\drivers\\etc" resource.only_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')", cwd: custom_cwd expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "inherits cwd from the parent resource for only_if" do custom_cwd = "#{ENV['SystemRoot']}\\system32\\drivers\\etc" resource.cwd custom_cwd resource.only_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "inherits cwd from the parent resource for not_if" do custom_cwd = "#{ENV['SystemRoot']}\\system32\\drivers\\etc" resource.cwd custom_cwd resource.not_if "exit ! [int32]($pwd.path -eq '#{custom_cwd}')" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a 64-bit resource with a 64-bit guard and interprets boolean false as zero status code", :windows64_only do resource.architecture :x86_64 resource.only_if "exit [int32]($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -ne 'AMD64')" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a 64-bit resource with a 64-bit guard and interprets boolean true as nonzero status code", :windows64_only do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.architecture :x86_64 resource.only_if "exit [int32]($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'AMD64')" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a 32-bit resource with a 32-bit guard and interprets boolean false as zero status code", :not_supported_on_nano do resource.architecture :i386 resource.only_if "exit [int32]($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -ne 'X86')" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a 32-bit resource with a 32-bit guard and interprets boolean true as nonzero status code", :not_supported_on_nano do resource.architecture :i386 resource.only_if "exit [int32]($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'X86')" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a simple boolean false as nonzero status code when convert_boolean_return is true for only_if" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.only_if "$false" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a simple boolean false as nonzero status code when convert_boolean_return is true for not_if" do pending "powershell.exe always exits with 0 on nano" if Chef::Platform.windows_nano_server? resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.not_if "$false" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a simple boolean true as 0 status code when convert_boolean_return is true for only_if" do resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.only_if "$true" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a simple boolean true as 0 status code when convert_boolean_return is true for not_if" do resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.not_if "$true" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a 32-bit resource with a 32-bit guard and interprets boolean false as zero status code using convert_boolean_return for only_if", :not_supported_on_nano do resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.architecture :i386 resource.only_if "$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'X86'" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a 32-bit resource with a 32-bit guard and interprets boolean false as zero status code using convert_boolean_return for not_if", :not_supported_on_nano do resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.architecture :i386 resource.not_if "$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -ne 'X86'" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey end it "evaluates a 32-bit resource with a 32-bit guard and interprets boolean true as nonzero status code using convert_boolean_return for only_if", :not_supported_on_nano do resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.architecture :i386 resource.only_if "$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -ne 'X86'" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "evaluates a 32-bit resource with a 32-bit guard and interprets boolean true as nonzero status code using convert_boolean_return for not_if", :not_supported_on_nano do resource.convert_boolean_return true resource.architecture :i386 resource.not_if "$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'X86'" expect(resource.should_skip?(:run)).to be_truthy end it "raises an error when a 32-bit guard is used on Windows Nano Server", :windows_nano_only do resource.only_if "$true", architecture: :i386 expect { resource.run_action(:run) }.to raise_error( Chef::Exceptions::Win32ArchitectureIncorrect, /cannot execute script with requested architecture 'i386' on Windows Nano Server/) end end end def get_script_output script_output = File.read(script_output_path) end def source_contains_case_insensitive_content?( source, content ) source.downcase.include?(content.downcase) end end