.meurio_header .contain-to-grid, .top-bar // TODO: implement Foundation in the gem so we can set // $topbar-bg then this and many other lines of css become useless background: $blue .top-bar img height: 28px display: inherit ul.title-area, section.top-bar-section ul.left padding: 7px 0 ul.title-area li.name height: auto border-right: $light-blue 1px solid padding-right: 1em padding-left: .5em a padding-left: 0 li.toggle-topbar.icon-list margin-top: 5px &:before color: white font-size: rem-calc(32) cursor: pointer section.top-bar-section padding: 0 !important ul li background: none ul.left background: none a.organization background: none li:first-child padding-left: 1em .divider border: 0 background: image-url("mrui_divider.jpg") no-repeat center center width: 5px height: 28px li.has-form height: auto background: none a.button top: 0 background: $blue2 letter-spacing: .5px ul.right background: none li a background: none &:hover background: $dark-blue li.has-dropdown &:hover background: $dark-blue img display: inline margin-right: .25em +border-radius(100%) ul.dropdown background: $dark-blue a background: $dark-blue li a:hover background: $blue .meurio_apps_and_application_menu line-height: 59px background: white padding: 10px 0 .meurio_apps cursor: pointer position: relative overflow: visible font-size: 20px font-weight: bold a color: black .current_app img vertical-align: middle margin-right: .5em float: left span display: block float: left span.icon-arrow-box position: relative top: 19px margin-left: 1em color: #a7a8ac font-size: .9em .other_apps position: absolute background: white top: 59px z-index: 1000 width: 904px padding: 2em 1em 1em 1em display: none .meurio_app font-size: .7em font-weight: normal display: block color: black float: left width: 88px margin: 0 10px text-align: center line-height: normal span display: block img display: inline-block margin-bottom: .5em height: 60px &:hover opacity: 0.8 // TODO: implement Foundation in the gem so we can set // dropdown variables instead of overwrite CSS attributes .alert min-height: 10px a.icon-warning color: $dark-orange display: inline-block line-height: 30px &:before position: relative top: 1px left: 8px .f-dropdown.content.open background: $dark-orange border: none padding: .75em color: white font-size: .8em line-height: normal max-width: 250px width: 250px +border-radius(2px) a color: yellow &:before border-bottom-color: $dark-orange .application_menu text-align: right a display: inline-block margin-left: 1.5em font-size: 14px font-weight: bold color: black &.btn +border-radius(2px) background: $orange color: white padding: .5em display: inline-block width: auto line-height: normal &:hover text-decoration: none &:hover text-decoration: underline a.hollow_btn color: white border: 2px solid white padding: 5px 10px font-weight: bolder font-size: 14px +border-radius(3px) &:hover color: $blue background: white .clear clear: both