© Department of Communities and Local Government. © Crown copyright, 2007. The Home Condition Report logo and associated wording is a registered trade mark - any unlicensed use is not permitted. Copyright in the typographical arrangement of this document rests with the Crown. This publication, excluding logos, may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for research, private study, for internal circulation within an organisation or by registered scheme users. This is subject to it being reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Enumerated Domains (EnumeratedDomains.xsd) are explicit lists of pre-defined values that may be assigned to a data-item and any value assigned to an instance of that data-item must be a member of that defined list. For example a Boolean could be considered an enumerated Domain, with "True" or "False" as the only allowed values, as are {Days of Week} and {Country Codes}. In fact Enumerated Domain is actually a bit of a misnomer because it covers all pre-defined lists of allowed values, classification schemes and taxonomies not just "numbered values". Types of roof that a Property may have. None Flat Pitched. This is retained for backwards compatibility only and should not be used. A pitched roof should be 4, 5 or 6. Another dwelling above Pitched (slates or tiles), access to loft Pitched (slates or tiles), no access to loft Pitched (thatch) Same dwelling above Not recorded Basement Ground 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st or above granite or whinstone sandstone solid brick cavity timber frame system built cob wall Internal External House Bungalow Flat Maisonette Code which indicates the type of heating fuel, as defined in SAP table 12. To be used only when there is no heating/hot-water system mains gas - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used LPG - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used bottled LPG oil - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used anthracite wood logs bulk wood pellets wood chips dual fuel - mineral + wood electricity - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used waste combustion - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used biomass - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used biogas - landfill - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used house coal - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used smokeless coal wood pellets in bags for secondary heating LPG special condition B30K (not community) bioethanol mains gas (community) LPG (community) oil (community) B30D (community) coal (community) electricity (community) mains gas (not community) LPG (not community) oil (not community) electricity (not community) waste combustion (community) biomass (community) biogas (community) house coal (not community) biodiesel from any biomass source biodiesel from used cooking oil only rapeseed oil appliances able to use mineral oil or liquid biofuel None full partial boiler community heating storage heaters warm air heat pump - wet system heat pump - dry system electric ceiling heating electric underfloor heating room heater none private mains Code which indicates the country within the UK, taken from BS 6879. England and Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Code which indicates the region within the UK. Borders East Anglia East Pennines East Scotland Highland Midlands North East England North East Scotland North West England / South West Scotland Northern Ireland Orkney Severn Valley Shetland South East England South West England Southern England Thames Valley Wales West Pennines West Scotland Western Isles Jersey Guernsey Isle of Man marketed sale non marketed sale rental (social) - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used rental (private) - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used none of the above new dwelling not recorded - this is for backwards compatibility only and should not be used rental assessment for green deal following green deal FiT application Code indicating any potential conflicts of interest or commercial relationships with other parties. No related party Relative of homeowner or of occupier of the property Residing at the property Financial interest in the property Owner or Director of the organisation dealing with the property transaction Employed by the professional dealing with the property transaction Relative of the professional dealing with the property transaction owner-occupied rented (social) rented (private) unknown