require 'oembed/http_helper'
module OEmbed
# Uses {oEmbed Discover}[] to generate a new Provider
# instance about a URL for which a Provider didn't previously exist.
class ProviderDiscovery
class << self
include OEmbed::HttpHelper
# Discover the Provider for the given url, then call Provider#raw on that provider.
# The query parameter will be passed to both discover_provider and Provider#raw
# @deprecated *Note*: This method will be made private in the future.
def raw(url, query={})
provider = discover_provider(url, query)
provider.raw(url, query)
# Discover the Provider for the given url, then call Provider#get on that provider.
# The query parameter will be passed to both discover_provider and Provider#get
def get(url, query={})
provider = discover_provider(url, query)
provider.get(url, query)
# Returns a new Provider instance based on information from oEmbed discovery
# performed on the given url.
# The options Hash recognizes the following keys:
# :format:: If given only discover endpoints for the given format. If not format is given, use the first available format found.
# :timeout:: specifies the timeout (in seconds) for the http request.
# :max_redirects:: the number of times this request will follow 3XX redirects before throwing an error. Default: 4
def discover_provider(url, options = {})
uri = URI.parse(url)
res = http_get(uri, options)
format = options[:format]
if format.nil? || format == :json
provider_endpoint ||= /]*href=['"]*([^\s'"]+)['"]*[^>]*application\/json\+oembed[^>]*>/.match(res)[1] rescue nil
provider_endpoint ||= /]*application\/json\+oembed[^>]*href=['"]*([^\s'"]+)['"]*[^>]*>/.match(res)[1] rescue nil
format ||= :json if provider_endpoint
if format.nil? || format == :xml
# {The specification}[] says XML discovery should have
# type="text/xml+oembed" but some providers use type="application/xml+oembed"
provider_endpoint ||= /]*href=['"]*([^\s'"]+)['"]*[^>]*(application|text)\/xml\+oembed[^>]*>/.match(res)[1] rescue nil
provider_endpoint ||= /]*(application|text)\/xml\+oembed[^>]*href=['"]*([^\s'"]+)['"]*[^>]*>/.match(res)[2] rescue nil
format ||= :xml if provider_endpoint
provider_endpoint = URI.parse(provider_endpoint)
provider_endpoint.query = nil
provider_endpoint = provider_endpoint.to_s
rescue URI::Error
raise OEmbed::NotFound, url
end, format || OEmbed::Formatter.default)