module Autobuild TARGETS = %w{import prepare build} class << self attr_accessor :ignore_errors end # Basic block for the autobuilder # # The build is done in three phases: # - import # - prepare # - build & install # # In the first stage checks the source out and/or updates it. # # In the second stage, packages create their dependency structure to handle # specific build systems. For instance, it is there that build systems like # CMake are handled so that reconfiguration happens if needed. In the same # way, it is there that code generation will happen as well. # # Finally, the build stage actually calls the package's build targets (of # the form "package_name-build", which will trigger the build if needed. class Package @@packages = {} @@provides = {} # the package name attr_reader :name # set the source directory. If a relative path is given, # it is relative to Autobuild.srcdir. Defaults to #name attr_writer :srcdir # set the importdir, this can be different than the sourcedir # if the source-root is in an subfolder of the package itself # then the importdir will be the root attr_writer :importdir # set the installation directory. If a relative path is given, # it is relative to Autobuild.prefix. Defaults to '' attr_writer :prefix # Sets the log directory. If no value is set, the package will use # Autobuild.logdir attr_writer :logdir # The set of utilities attached to this package # @return [{String=>Utility}] attr_reader :utilities # Sets importer object for this package. Defined for backwards compatibility. # Use the #importer attribute instead def import=(value) @importer = value end # Sets an importer object for this package attr_accessor :importer # The list of packages this one depends upon attr_reader :dependencies # Some statistics about the commands that have been run attr_reader :statistics def add_stat(phase, duration) @statistics[phase] ||= 0 @statistics[phase] += duration end # Absolute path to the source directory. See #srcdir= def srcdir; File.expand_path(@srcdir || name, Autobuild.srcdir) end # Absolute path to the import directory. See #importdir= def importdir; File.expand_path(@importdir || srcdir, Autobuild.srcdir) end # Absolute path to the installation directory. See #prefix= def prefix; File.expand_path(@prefix || '', Autobuild.prefix) end # Absolute path to the log directory for this package. See #logdir= def logdir if @logdir File.expand_path(@logdir, prefix) else Autobuild.logdir end end # The file which marks when the last sucessful install # has finished. The path is absolute # # A package is sucessfully built when it is installed def installstamp File.join(logdir, "#{name}-#{STAMPFILE}") end # Sets whether this package should update itself or not. If false, the # only importer operation that will be performed is checkout # # If nil, the global setting Autobuild.do_update is used attr_writer :update # True if this package should update itself when #import is called def update? if @update.nil? Autobuild.do_update else @update end end attr_writer :updated # Returns true if this package has already been updated. It will not be # true if the importer has been called while Autobuild.do_update was # false. def updated?; !!@updated end def initialize(spec = @srcdir = @importdir = @logdir = nil @update = nil @failed = nil @dependencies = @provides = @parallel_build_level = nil @statistics = @failures = @post_install_blocks = @in_dir_stack = @utilities = if Hash === spec name, depends = spec.to_a.first else name, depends = spec, nil end name = name.to_s @name = name raise ConfigException, "package #{name} is already defined" if Autobuild::Package[name] @@packages[name] = self # Call the config block (if any) yield(self) if block_given? self.doc_utility.source_dir ||= 'doc' self.doc_utility.target_dir ||= name # Define the default tasks task "#{name}-import" do isolate_errors { import } end task :import => "#{name}-import" # Define the prepare task task "#{name}-prepare" => "#{name}-import" do isolate_errors { prepare } end task :prepare => "#{name}-prepare" task "#{name}-build" => "#{name}-prepare" task :build => "#{name}-build" task(name) do Rake::Task["#{name}-import"].invoke Rake::Task["#{name}-prepare"].invoke Rake::Task["#{name}-build"].invoke if has_doc? && Autobuild.do_doc Rake::Task["#{name}-doc"].invoke end end task :default => name # The dependencies will be declared in the import phase, so save # them there for now @spec_dependencies = depends end # Called before a forced build. It should remove all the timestamp and # target files so that all the build phases of this package gets # retriggered. However, it should not clean the build products. def prepare_for_forced_build if File.exist?(installstamp) FileUtils.rm_f installstamp end end # Called when the user asked for a full rebuild. It should delete the # build products so that a full build is retriggered. def prepare_for_rebuild prepare_for_forced_build if File.exist?(installstamp) FileUtils.rm_f installstamp end end # Returns true if one of the operations applied on this package failed def failed? @failed end # If something failed on this package, returns the corresponding # exception object. Otherwise, returns nil attr_reader :failures # If Autobuild.ignore_errors is set, an exception raised from within the # provided block will be filtered out, only displaying a message instead # of stopping the build # # Moreover, the package will be marked as "failed" and isolate_errors # will subsequently be a noop. I.e. if +build+ fails, +install+ will do # nothing. def isolate_errors(mark_as_failed = true) # Don't do anything if we already have failed return if failed? begin toplevel = !Thread.current[:isolate_errors] Thread.current[:isolate_errors] = true yield rescue Interrupt raise rescue ::Exception => e @failures << e if mark_as_failed @failed = true end if Autobuild.ignore_errors lines = e.to_s.split("\n") if lines.empty? lines = e.message.split("\n") end if lines.empty? lines = ["unknown error"] end message(lines.shift, :red, :bold) lines.each do |line| message(line) end nil else raise end ensure if toplevel Thread.current[:isolate_errors] = false end end end # Call the importer if there is one. Autodetection of "provides" should # be done there as well. # # (see Importer#import) def import(options = if !options.respond_to?(:to_hash) options = Hash[only_local: options] end if @importer @importer.import(self, options) elsif update? message "%s: no importer defined, doing nothing" end # Add the dependencies declared in spec depends_on(*@spec_dependencies) if @spec_dependencies update_environment end # Called to set/update all environment variables at import and after # install time def update_environment super if defined? super Autobuild.update_environment prefix end # Create all the dependencies required to reconfigure and/or rebuild the # package when required. The package's build target is called # "package_name-build". def prepare super if defined? super stamps = { |p| Package[p].installstamp } file installstamp => stamps do isolate_errors { install } end task "#{name}-build" => installstamp end def process_formatting_string(msg, *prefix_style) prefix, suffix = [], [] msg.split(" ").each do |token| if token =~ /%s/ suffix << token.gsub(/%s/, name) elsif suffix.empty? prefix << token else suffix << token end end if suffix.empty? return msg elsif prefix_style.empty? return (prefix + suffix).join(" ") else return [Autobuild.color(prefix.join(" "), *prefix_style), *suffix].join(" ") end end # Display a progress message. %s in the string is replaced by the # package name def warn(warning_string) message(" WARN: #{warning_string}", :magenta) end # Display a progress message. %s in the string is replaced by the # package name def error(error_string) message(" ERROR: #{error_string}", :red, :bold) end # Display a progress message. %s in the string is replaced by the # package name def message(*args) if !args.empty? args[0] = " #{process_formatting_string(args[0])}" end Autobuild.message(*args) end def progress_start(*args, &block) args[0] = process_formatting_string(args[0], :bold) if args.last.kind_of?(Hash) options, raw_options = Kernel.filter_options args.last, :done_message if options[:done_message] options[:done_message] = process_formatting_string(options[:done_message]) end args[-1] = options.merge(raw_options) end Autobuild.progress_start(self, *args, &block) end def progress(*args) args[0] = process_formatting_string(args[0], :bold) Autobuild.progress(self, *args) end def progress_done(done_message = nil) if done_message && Autobuild.has_progress_for?(self) progress(process_formatting_string(done_message)) end Autobuild.progress_done(self) end # Install the result in prefix def install Autobuild.post_install_handlers.each do |b| Autobuild.apply_post_install(self, b) end @post_install_blocks.each do |b| Autobuild.apply_post_install(self, b) end # Safety net for forgotten progress_done progress_done Autobuild.touch_stamp(installstamp) update_environment end def run(*args, &block), *args, &block) end module TaskExtension attr_accessor :package end def source_tree(*args, &block) task = Autobuild.source_tree(*args, &block) task.extend TaskExtension task.package = self task end # Calls Rake to define a file task and then extends it with TaskExtension def file(*args, &block) task = super task.extend TaskExtension task.package = self task end # Calls Rake to define a plain task and then extends it with TaskExtension def task(*args, &block) task = super task.extend TaskExtension task.package = self task end def doc_dir=(value); doc_utility.source_dir = value end def doc_dir; doc_utility.source_dir end def doc_target_dir=(value); doc_utility.target_dir = value end def doc_target_dir; doc_utility.target_dir end def doc_task(&block); doc_utility.task(&block) end def generates_doc?; doc_utility.enabled? end def enable_doc; doc_utility.enabled = true end def disable_doc; doc_utility.enabled = false end def install_doc; doc_utility.install end def doc_disabled; doc_utility.disabled end def has_doc?; doc_utility.has_task? end def post_install(*args, &block) if args.empty? @post_install_blocks << block elsif !block @post_install_blocks << args else raise ArgumentError, "cannot set both arguments and block" end end # Returns the name of all the packages +self+ depends on def all_dependencies(result = dependencies.each do |pkg_name| pkg = Autobuild::Package[pkg_name] if !result.include?( result << pkg.all_dependencies(result) end end result end # Returns true if this package depends on +package_name+ and false # otherwise. def depends_on?(package_name) @dependencies.include?(package_name) end # This package depends on +packages+. It means that its build will # always be triggered after the packages listed in +packages+ are built # and installed. def depends_on(*packages) packages.each do |p| p = if p.respond_to?(:name) raise ArgumentError, "#{p.inspect} should be a string" if !p.respond_to? :to_str p = p.to_str next if p == name unless pkg = Package[p] raise, "package #{p}, listed as a dependency of #{}, is not defined" end next if @dependencies.include?( if Autobuild.verbose Autobuild.message "#{name} depends on #{}" end task "#{name}-import" => "#{}-import" task "#{name}-prepare" => "#{}-prepare" task "#{name}-build" => "#{}-build" @dependencies << end end # Declare that this package provides +packages+. In effect, the names # listed in +packages+ are aliases for this package. def provides(*packages) packages.each do |p| raise ArgumentError, "#{p.inspect} should be a string" if !p.respond_to? :to_str p = p.to_str next if p == name next if @provides.include?(name) @@provides[p] = self if Autobuild.verbose Autobuild.message "#{name} provides #{p}" end task p => name task "#{p}-import" => "#{name}-import" task "#{p}-prepare" => "#{name}-prepare" task "#{p}-build" => "#{name}-build" @provides << p end end # Iterates on all available packages # if with_provides is true, includes the list # of package aliases def self.each(with_provides = false, &p) if !p return enum_for(:each, with_provides) end @@packages.each(&p) @@provides.each(&p) if with_provides end # Gets a package from its name def self.[](name) @@packages[name.to_s] || @@provides[name.to_s] end # Removes all package definitions def self.clear @@packages.clear @@provides.clear end # Sets the level of parallelism authorized while building this package # # See #parallel_build_level and Autobuild.parallel_build_level for more # information. # # Note that not all package types use this value def parallel_build_level=(value) @parallel_build_level = Integer(value) end # Returns the level of parallelism authorized during the build for this # particular package. If not set, defaults to the system-wide option # (Autobuild.parallel_build_level and Autobuild.parallel_build_level=). # # The default value is the number of CPUs on this system. def parallel_build_level if @parallel_build_level.nil? Autobuild.parallel_build_level elsif !@parallel_build_level || @parallel_build_level <= 0 1 else @parallel_build_level end end def working_directory @in_dir_stack.last end def in_dir(directory) @in_dir_stack << directory yield ensure @in_dir_stack.pop end def disabled? @disabled end # Makes sure that the specified phases of this package will be no-ops def disable_phases(*phases) phases.each do |phase| task "#{name}-#{phase}" t = Rake::Task["#{name}-#{phase}"] t.disable! end end # Make sure that this package will be ignored in the build def disable(phases = Autobuild.all_phases) @disabled = true disable_phases(*phases) task(installstamp) t = Rake::Task[installstamp] t.disable! end def utility(utility_name) utilities[utility_name] ||= Autobuild.create_utility(utility_name, self) end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) case m.to_s when /(\w+)_utility$/ utility_name = $1 if !args.empty? raise ArgumentError, "expected 0 arguments and got #{args.size}" end begin return utility(utility_name) rescue ArgumentError => e raise, e.message, e.backtrace end end super end # For forward compatibility with autobuild 1.11+ # # It simply calls the corresponding method on {Autobuild} def env_add(name, *values) Autobuild.env_add(name, *values) end # For forward compatibility with autobuild 1.11+ # # It simply calls the corresponding method on {Autobuild} def env_add_path(name, *values) Autobuild.env_add_path(name, *values) end # For forward compatibility with autobuild 1.11+ # # It simply calls the corresponding method on {Autobuild} def env_set(name, *values) Autobuild.env_add_path(name, *values) end # For forward compatibility with autobuild 1.11+ # # It simply calls the corresponding method on {Autobuild} def env_add_prefix(newprefix, includes = nil) Autobuild.update_environment(newprefix, includes) end # For forward compatibility with autobuild 1.11+ # # It returns ENV as the environment is global on autobuild 1.10 def resolved_env(_ignored = nil) ENV.dup end end def self.package_set(spec) spec.each do |name, packages| Autobuild::TARGETS.each do |target| task "#{name}-#{target}" => { |dep| "#{dep}-#{target}" } end end end end