require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper]) class Account include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Token field :name token :length => 16, :contains => :fixed_numeric end class Person include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Token field :email token :length => 6, :contains => :numeric end class Link include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Token field :url token :length => 3, :contains => :alphanumeric end class FailLink include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Token field :url token :length => 3, :contains => :alphanumeric, :retry => 0 end class Video include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Token field :name token :length => 8, :contains => :alpha, :field_name => :vid end class Node include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Token field :name token :length => 8, :contains => :fixed_numeric embedded_in :cluster end class Cluster include Mongoid::Document field :name embeds_many :nodes end describe Mongoid::Token do before :each do @account = Account.create(:name => "Involved Pty. Ltd.") @link = Link.create(:url => "") @video = Video.create(:name => "Nyan nyan") Account.create_indexes Link.create_indexes FailLink.create_indexes Video.create_indexes Node.create_indexes end it "should have a token field" do @account.attributes.include?('token').should == true @link.attributes.include?('token').should == true @video.attributes.include?('vid').should == true end it "should have a token of correct length" do @account.token.length.should == 16 @link.token.length.should == 3 @video.vid.length.should == 8 end it "should only generate unique tokens" do Link.create_indexes 1000.times do @link = Link.create(:url => "") Link.count(:conditions => {:token => @link.token}).should == 1 end end it "should have a token containing only the specified characters" do 50.times do @account = Account.create(:name => "Smith & Co. LLC") @person = Person.create(:email => "") @account.token.gsub(/[0-9]/, "").length.should == 0 @person.token.gsub(/[0-9]/, "").length.should == 0 end 50.times do @link = Link.create(:url => "") @link.token.gsub(/[A-Za-z0-9]/, "").length.should == 0 end 50.times do |index| @video = Video.create(:name => "A test video") @video.vid.gsub(/[A-Za-z]/, "").length.should == 0 end end it "should create the only after the first save" do @account = => "Smith & Co. LLC") @account.token.should be_nil! @account.token.should_not be_nil initial_token = @account.token! initial_token.should == @account.token end it "should return the token as its parameter" do @account.to_param.should == @account.token @link.to_param.should == @link.token @video.to_param.should == @video.vid end it "should be findable by token" do 50.times do |index| Account.create(:name => "A random company #{index}") end Account.find_by_token(@account.token).id.should == Account.find_by_token(Account.last.token).id.should == 10.times do |index| Video.create(:name => "Lord of the Rings, Super Special Edition part #{index}") end Video.find_by_token(@video.vid).id.should == Video.find_by_token(Video.last.vid).id.should == end it "should create a token, if the token is missing" do @account.token = nil! @account.token.should_not be_nil end it "should fail with an exception after 3 retries (by default)" do Link.destroy_all Link.create_indexes @first_link = Link.create(:url => "") @link = => "") def @link.create_token(l,c) # override to always generate a duplicate super self.token = Link.first.token end lambda{ }.should raise_error(Mongoid::Token::CollisionRetriesExceeded) Link.count.should == 1 Link.where(:token => @first_link.token).count.should == 1 end it "should not raise a custom exception if retries are set to zero" do FailLink.destroy_all FailLink.create_indexes @first_link = FailLink.create(:url => "") @link = => "") def @link.create_token(l,c) # override to always generate a duplicate super self.token = FailLink.first.token end lambda{ }.should_not raise_error(Mongoid::Token::CollisionRetriesExceeded) end it "should create unique indexes on embedded documents" do @cluster = => "CLUSTER_001") 5.times do |index| @cluster.nodes.create!(:name => "NODE_#{index.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}") end @cluster.nodes.each do |node| node.attributes.include?('token').should == true node.token.match(/[0-9]{8}/).should_not == nil end end end