# version_fu [![Ruby](https://github.com/webtranslateit/version_fu/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/webtranslateit/version_fu/actions/workflows/ci.yml) version_fu is a ActiveRecord versioning plugin that that is based on the dirty attribute checking introduced in Rails 2.1. ## Installation Add below to your Gemfile `gem 'version_fu'` ## Usage Let's say I have a pages table: ```ruby class Page < ActiveRecord::Base # attributes: id, type, title, body, created_at, updated_at, creator_id, author_id end ``` I want to track any changes made. First step will be to make a new page_versions table: ```ruby class CreatePageVersions < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :page_versions do |t| t.integer :page_id, :version, :author_id t.string :title t.text :body t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :page_versions end end ``` In this case, the author_id column represents the last person to edit the page. We want to track this attribute with every version. However, the creator_id is the person who created the page. The will never change, so it's not part of the versioned table. Don't forget to add a version column to your pages table. Have it default to 1 just to be safe (although the plugin should account for this): ```ruby class AddVersionToPages < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :pages, :version, :integer, :default=>1 end def self.down remove_column :pages, :version end end ``` Of course if you're adding this plugin to a table with existing data, you'll probably want to instantiate some initial versions to start with. Alright, so now that the database tables are in place, we can fire up version_fu. It's quite simple: ``` class Page < ActiveRecord::Base version_fu end ``` That's it. ## Configuration You can pass a few configuration options if need be. If you stick with the defaults above, you can skip all this. ```ruby class Page < ActiveRecord::Base version_fu :class_name=>'Version', :foreign_key=>'page_id', :table_name=>'page_versions', :version_column=>'version' end ``` * :class_name - The name of the versioned class. It will be a submodule of the versioning class - e.g. Page::Version * :foreign_key - The column in the versioned table associated with the versioning class * :table_name - The name of the versioned table * :version_column - The name of the version column ## Extensions Now that you've got some versions, it would be nice to use ActiveRecord associations on it. For example, Page.first.versions.latest.author wouldn't currently work because the Page::Version class doesn't know about the author method. The version_fu call does all you to pass a block which is executed by the versioned class. There is just one gotcha for associations: ```ruby class Page < ActiveRecord::Base version_fu do belongs_to :author, :class_name=>'::Author' end end ``` Don't forget the class name, or you'll get a warning ## When to Version By default a new version will be saved whenever a versioned column is changed. However, you can control this at a more fine grained level. Just override the create_new_version? method. For example, let's say you only want to save a new version if both the page title and body changed. Taking advantage of the dirty attribute methods, you could do something like this: ```ruby class Page < ActiveRecord::Base version_fu do belongs_to :author, :class_name=>'::Author' end def create_new_version? title_changed? && body_changed? end end ``` ## Author * version_fu was created by Jordan McKible http://jordan.mckible.com * Available on GitHub at http://github.com/jmckible/version_fu * Available on RubyGems.org at http://rubygems.org/gems/version_fu * acts_as_versioned by Rick Olson http://github.com/technoweenie/acts_as_versioned/tree/master