# USAGE: Hash.from_xml:(YOUR_XML_STRING) require 'nokogiri' # modified from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1230741/convert-a-nokogiri-document-to-a-ruby-hash/1231297#1231297 class Hash class << self def from_xml(xml_io) begin result = Nokogiri::XML(xml_io) return { result.root.name.to_sym => xml_node_to_hash(result.root)} rescue Exception => e raise e end end def xml_node_to_hash(node) # If we are at the root of the document, start the hash if node.element? result_hash = {} if node.attributes != {} result_hash[:attributes] = {} node.attributes.keys.each do |key| result_hash[:attributes][node.attributes[key].name.to_sym] = prepare(node.attributes[key].value) end end if node.children.size > 0 node.children.each do |child| result = xml_node_to_hash(child) if child.name == "text" unless child.next_sibling || child.previous_sibling return prepare(result) end elsif result_hash[child.name.to_sym] if result_hash[child.name.to_sym].is_a?(Object::Array) result_hash[child.name.to_sym] << prepare(result) else result_hash[child.name.to_sym] = [result_hash[child.name.to_sym]] << prepare(result) end else result_hash[child.name.to_sym] = prepare(result) end end return result_hash else return result_hash end else return prepare(node.content.to_s) end end def prepare(data) return data if data.class != String return true if data.strip == "true" return false if data.strip == "false" data.to_i.to_s == data ? data.to_i : data end end def to_struct(struct_name) Struct.new(struct_name,*keys).new(*values) end end