require "uri" require "pact_broker/hash_refinements" module PactBroker module Config module RuntimeConfigurationLoggingMethods using PactBroker::HashRefinements module ClassMethods def sensitive_values(*values) @sensitive_values ||= [] if values @sensitive_values.concat([*values]) else @sensitive_values end end def sensitive_value?(value) sensitive_values.any? { |key| key == value || key == value.to_sym || key.kind_of?(Regexp) && key =~ value } end end module InstanceMethods # base_url raises a not implemented error def log_configuration(logger) source_info = to_source_trace (self.class.config_attributes - [:base_url]).collect(&:to_s).each_with_object({})do | key, new_hash | new_hash[key] = { value: self.send(key.to_sym), source: source_info.dig(key, :source) || {:type=>:defaults} } end.sort_by { |key, _| key }.each { |key, value| log_config_inner(key, value, logger) } if self.webhook_redact_sensitive_data == false logger.warn("WARNING!!! webhook_redact_sensitive_data is set to false. This will allow authentication information to be included in the webhook logs. This should only be used for debugging purposes. Do not run the application permanently in production with this value.") end end def log_config_inner(key, value, logger) # TODO fix the source display for webhook_certificates set by environment variables if !value.has_key? :value value.sort_by { |inner_key, _| inner_key }.each { |inner_key, inner_value| log_config_inner("#{key}.#{inner_key}", inner_value, logger) } elsif self.class.sensitive_value?(key) "#{key}=#{redact(key, value[:value])} source=#{value[:source]}" else "#{key}=#{value[:value].inspect} source=#{value[:source]}" end end private :log_config_inner def redact name, value if value && name.to_s.end_with?("_url") begin uri = URI(value) if uri.password uri.password = "*****" uri.to_s else value end rescue StandardError "*****" end elsif !value.nil? "*****" else nil end end private :redact end def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend ClassMethods receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods end end end end