#!/usr/bin/env rspec #encoding: utf-8 BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent libdir = basedir + 'lib' $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir.to_s ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s ) } require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'timeout' require 'pg' describe PG::Connection do before( :all ) do @conn = setup_testing_db( "PG_Connection" ) end before( :each ) do @conn.exec( 'BEGIN' ) unless example.metadata[:without_transaction] end after( :each ) do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) unless example.metadata[:without_transaction] end after( :all ) do teardown_testing_db( @conn ) end # # Examples # it "can create a connection option string from a Hash of options" do optstring = described_class.parse_connect_args( :host => 'pgsql.example.com', :dbname => 'db01', 'sslmode' => 'require' ) optstring.should be_a( String ) optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)host='pgsql.example.com'/ optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)dbname='db01'/ optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)sslmode='require'/ end it "can create a connection option string from positional parameters" do optstring = described_class.parse_connect_args( 'pgsql.example.com', nil, '-c geqo=off', nil, 'sales' ) optstring.should be_a( String ) optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)host='pgsql.example.com'/ optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)dbname='sales'/ optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)options='-c geqo=off'/ optstring.should_not =~ /port=/ optstring.should_not =~ /tty=/ end it "can create a connection option string from a mix of positional and hash parameters" do optstring = described_class.parse_connect_args( 'pgsql.example.com', :dbname => 'licensing', :user => 'jrandom' ) optstring.should be_a( String ) optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)host='pgsql.example.com'/ optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)dbname='licensing'/ optstring.should =~ /(^|\s)user='jrandom'/ end it "escapes single quotes and backslashes in connection parameters" do described_class.parse_connect_args( "DB 'browser' \\" ).should == "host='DB \\'browser\\' \\\\'" end it "connects with defaults if no connection parameters are given" do described_class.parse_connect_args.should == '' end it "connects successfully with connection string" do tmpconn = described_class.connect(@conninfo) tmpconn.status.should== PG::CONNECTION_OK tmpconn.finish end it "connects using 7 arguments converted to strings" do tmpconn = described_class.connect('localhost', @port, nil, nil, :test, nil, nil) tmpconn.status.should== PG::CONNECTION_OK tmpconn.finish end it "connects using a hash of connection parameters" do tmpconn = described_class.connect( :host => 'localhost', :port => @port, :dbname => :test) tmpconn.status.should== PG::CONNECTION_OK tmpconn.finish end it "raises an exception when connecting with an invalid number of arguments" do expect { described_class.connect( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 'extra' ) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /extra positional parameter/i ) end it "can connect asynchronously" do tmpconn = described_class.connect_start( @conninfo ) tmpconn.should be_a( described_class ) socket = IO.for_fd( tmpconn.socket ) status = tmpconn.connect_poll while status != PG::PGRES_POLLING_OK if status == PG::PGRES_POLLING_READING select( [socket], [], [], 5.0 ) or raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!" elsif status == PG::PGRES_POLLING_WRITING select( [], [socket], [], 5.0 ) or raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!" end status = tmpconn.connect_poll end tmpconn.status.should == PG::CONNECTION_OK tmpconn.finish end it "can connect asynchronously for the duration of a block" do conn = nil described_class.connect_start(@conninfo) do |tmpconn| tmpconn.should be_a( described_class ) conn = tmpconn socket = IO.for_fd(tmpconn.socket) status = tmpconn.connect_poll while status != PG::PGRES_POLLING_OK if status == PG::PGRES_POLLING_READING if(not select([socket],[],[],5.0)) raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!" end elsif(status == PG::PGRES_POLLING_WRITING) if(not select([],[socket],[],5.0)) raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!" end end status = tmpconn.connect_poll end tmpconn.status.should == PG::CONNECTION_OK end conn.should be_finished() end it "doesn't leave stale server connections after finish" do described_class.connect(@conninfo).finish sleep 0.5 res = @conn.exec(%[SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename IS NOT NULL]) # there's still the global @conn, but should be no more res[0]['n'].should == '1' end EXPECTED_TRACE_OUTPUT = %{ To backend> Msg Q To backend> "SELECT 1 AS one" To backend> Msg complete, length 21 From backend> T From backend (#4)> 28 From backend (#2)> 1 From backend> "one" From backend (#4)> 0 From backend (#2)> 0 From backend (#4)> 23 From backend (#2)> 4 From backend (#4)> -1 From backend (#2)> 0 From backend> D From backend (#4)> 11 From backend (#2)> 1 From backend (#4)> 1 From backend (1)> 1 From backend> C From backend (#4)> 13 From backend> "SELECT 1" From backend> Z From backend (#4)> 5 From backend> Z From backend (#4)> 5 From backend> T }.gsub( /^\t{2}/, '' ).lstrip unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/ it "trace and untrace client-server communication" do # be careful to explicitly close files so that the # directory can be removed and we don't have to wait for # the GC to run. trace_file = TEST_DIRECTORY + "test_trace.out" trace_io = trace_file.open( 'w', 0600 ) @conn.trace( trace_io ) trace_io.close res = @conn.exec("SELECT 1 AS one") @conn.untrace res = @conn.exec("SELECT 2 AS two") trace_data = trace_file.read expected_trace_output = EXPECTED_TRACE_OUTPUT.dup # For PostgreSQL < 9.0, the output will be different: # -From backend (#4)> 13 # -From backend> "SELECT 1" # +From backend (#4)> 11 # +From backend> "SELECT" if @conn.server_version < 90000 expected_trace_output.sub!( /From backend \(#4\)> 13/, 'From backend (#4)> 11' ) expected_trace_output.sub!( /From backend> "SELECT 1"/, 'From backend> "SELECT"' ) end trace_data.should == expected_trace_output end end it "allows a query to be cancelled" do error = false @conn.send_query("SELECT pg_sleep(1000)") @conn.cancel tmpres = @conn.get_result if(tmpres.result_status != PG::PGRES_TUPLES_OK) error = true end error.should == true end it "automatically rolls back a transaction started with described_class#transaction if an exception " + "is raised" do # abort the per-example transaction so we can test our own @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) res = nil @conn.exec( "CREATE TABLE pie ( flavor TEXT )" ) expect { res = @conn.transaction do @conn.exec( "INSERT INTO pie VALUES ('rhubarb'), ('cherry'), ('schizophrenia')" ) raise "Oh noes! All pie is gone!" end }.to raise_exception( RuntimeError, /all pie is gone/i ) res = @conn.exec( "SELECT * FROM pie" ) res.ntuples.should == 0 end it "not read past the end of a large object" do @conn.transaction do oid = @conn.lo_create( 0 ) fd = @conn.lo_open( oid, PG::INV_READ|PG::INV_WRITE ) @conn.lo_write( fd, "foobar" ) @conn.lo_read( fd, 10 ).should be_nil() @conn.lo_lseek( fd, 0, PG::SEEK_SET ) @conn.lo_read( fd, 10 ).should == 'foobar' end end it "can wait for NOTIFY events" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN woo' ) pid = fork do begin conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) sleep 1 conn.exec( 'NOTIFY woo' ) ensure conn.finish exit! end end @conn.wait_for_notify( 10 ).should == 'woo' @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN woo' ) Process.wait( pid ) end it "calls a block for NOTIFY events if one is given" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN woo' ) pid = fork do begin conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) sleep 1 conn.exec( 'NOTIFY woo' ) ensure conn.finish exit! end end eventpid = event = nil @conn.wait_for_notify( 10 ) {|*args| event, eventpid = args } event.should == 'woo' eventpid.should be_an( Integer ) @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN woo' ) Process.wait( pid ) end it "doesn't collapse sequential notifications" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN woo' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN war' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN woz' ) pid = fork do begin conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( 'NOTIFY woo' ) conn.exec( 'NOTIFY war' ) conn.exec( 'NOTIFY woz' ) ensure conn.finish exit! end end Process.wait( pid ) channels = [] 3.times do channels << @conn.wait_for_notify( 2 ) end channels.should have( 3 ).members channels.should include( 'woo', 'war', 'woz' ) @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN woz' ) @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN war' ) @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN woo' ) end it "returns notifications which are already in the queue before wait_for_notify is called " + "without waiting for the socket to become readable" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN woo' ) pid = fork do begin conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( 'NOTIFY woo' ) ensure conn.finish exit! end end # Wait for the forked child to send the notification Process.wait( pid ) # Cause the notification to buffer, but not be read yet @conn.exec( 'SELECT 1' ) @conn.wait_for_notify( 10 ).should == 'woo' @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN woo' ) end context "under PostgreSQL 9" do before( :each ) do pending "only works under PostgreSQL 9" if @conn.server_version < 9_00_00 end it "calls the block supplied to wait_for_notify with the notify payload if it accepts " + "any number of arguments" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN knees' ) pid = fork do conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( %Q{NOTIFY knees, 'skirt and boots'} ) conn.finish exit! end Process.wait( pid ) event, pid, msg = nil @conn.wait_for_notify( 10 ) do |*args| event, pid, msg = *args end @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN knees' ) event.should == 'knees' pid.should be_a_kind_of( Integer ) msg.should == 'skirt and boots' end it "accepts nil as the timeout in #wait_for_notify " do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN knees' ) pid = fork do conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( %Q{NOTIFY knees} ) conn.finish exit! end Process.wait( pid ) event, pid = nil @conn.wait_for_notify( nil ) do |*args| event, pid = *args end @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN knees' ) event.should == 'knees' pid.should be_a_kind_of( Integer ) end it "sends nil as the payload if the notification wasn't given one" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN knees' ) pid = fork do conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( %Q{NOTIFY knees} ) conn.finish exit! end Process.wait( pid ) payload = :notnil @conn.wait_for_notify( nil ) do |*args| payload = args[ 2 ] end @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN knees' ) payload.should be_nil() end it "calls the block supplied to wait_for_notify with the notify payload if it accepts " + "two arguments" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN knees' ) pid = fork do conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( %Q{NOTIFY knees, 'skirt and boots'} ) conn.finish exit! end Process.wait( pid ) event, pid, msg = nil @conn.wait_for_notify( 10 ) do |arg1, arg2| event, pid, msg = arg1, arg2 end @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN knees' ) event.should == 'knees' pid.should be_a_kind_of( Integer ) msg.should be_nil() end it "calls the block supplied to wait_for_notify with the notify payload if it " + "doesn't accept arguments" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN knees' ) pid = fork do conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( %Q{NOTIFY knees, 'skirt and boots'} ) conn.finish exit! end Process.wait( pid ) notification_received = false @conn.wait_for_notify( 10 ) do notification_received = true end @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN knees' ) notification_received.should be_true() end it "calls the block supplied to wait_for_notify with the notify payload if it accepts " + "three arguments" do @conn.exec( 'ROLLBACK' ) @conn.exec( 'LISTEN knees' ) pid = fork do conn = described_class.connect( @conninfo ) conn.exec( %Q{NOTIFY knees, 'skirt and boots'} ) conn.finish exit! end Process.wait( pid ) event, pid, msg = nil @conn.wait_for_notify( 10 ) do |arg1, arg2, arg3| event, pid, msg = arg1, arg2, arg3 end @conn.exec( 'UNLISTEN knees' ) event.should == 'knees' pid.should be_a_kind_of( Integer ) msg.should == 'skirt and boots' end end it "yields the result if block is given to exec" do rval = @conn.exec( "select 1234::int as a union select 5678::int as a" ) do |result| values = [] result.should be_kind_of( PG::Result ) result.ntuples.should == 2 result.each do |tuple| values << tuple['a'] end values end rval.should have( 2 ).members rval.should include( '5678', '1234' ) end it "correctly finishes COPY queries passed to #async_exec" do @conn.async_exec( "COPY (SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2) TO STDOUT" ) results = [] begin data = @conn.get_copy_data( true ) if false == data @conn.block( 2.0 ) data = @conn.get_copy_data( true ) end results << data if data end until data.nil? results.should have( 2 ).members results.should include( "1\n", "2\n" ) end it "described_class#block shouldn't block a second thread" do t = Thread.new do @conn.send_query( "select pg_sleep(3)" ) @conn.block end # :FIXME: There's a race here, but hopefully it's pretty small. t.should be_alive() @conn.cancel t.join end it "described_class#block should allow a timeout" do @conn.send_query( "select pg_sleep(3)" ) start = Time.now @conn.block( 0.1 ) finish = Time.now (finish - start).should be_within( 0.05 ).of( 0.1 ) end it "can encrypt a string given a password and username" do described_class.encrypt_password("postgres", "postgres"). should =~ /\S+/ end it "raises an appropriate error if either of the required arguments for encrypt_password " + "is not valid" do expect { described_class.encrypt_password( nil, nil ) }.to raise_error( TypeError ) expect { described_class.encrypt_password( "postgres", nil ) }.to raise_error( TypeError ) expect { described_class.encrypt_password( nil, "postgres" ) }.to raise_error( TypeError ) end it "allows fetching a column of values from a result by column number" do res = @conn.exec( 'VALUES (1,2),(2,3),(3,4)' ) res.column_values( 0 ).should == %w[1 2 3] res.column_values( 1 ).should == %w[2 3 4] end it "allows fetching a column of values from a result by field name" do res = @conn.exec( 'VALUES (1,2),(2,3),(3,4)' ) res.field_values( 'column1' ).should == %w[1 2 3] res.field_values( 'column2' ).should == %w[2 3 4] end it "raises an error if selecting an invalid column index" do res = @conn.exec( 'VALUES (1,2),(2,3),(3,4)' ) expect { res.column_values( 20 ) }.to raise_error( IndexError ) end it "raises an error if selecting an invalid field name" do res = @conn.exec( 'VALUES (1,2),(2,3),(3,4)' ) expect { res.field_values( 'hUUuurrg' ) }.to raise_error( IndexError ) end it "raises an error if column index is not a number" do res = @conn.exec( 'VALUES (1,2),(2,3),(3,4)' ) expect { res.column_values( 'hUUuurrg' ) }.to raise_error( TypeError ) end it "can connect asynchronously" do serv = TCPServer.new( '', 54320 ) conn = described_class.connect_start( '', 54320, "", "", "me", "xxxx", "somedb" ) conn.connect_poll.should == PG::PGRES_POLLING_WRITING select( nil, [IO.for_fd(conn.socket)], nil, 0.2 ) serv.close if conn.connect_poll == PG::PGRES_POLLING_READING select( [IO.for_fd(conn.socket)], nil, nil, 0.2 ) end conn.connect_poll.should == PG::PGRES_POLLING_FAILED end it "discards previous results (if any) before waiting on an #async_exec" it "calls the block if one is provided to #async_exec" do result = nil @conn.async_exec( "select 47 as one" ) do |pg_res| result = pg_res[0] end result.should == { 'one' => '47' } end describe "multinationalization support", :ruby_19 => true do it "should return the same bytes in text format that are sent as inline text" do binary_file = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec/data', 'random_binary_data') in_bytes = File.open(binary_file, 'r:ASCII-8BIT').read escaped_bytes = described_class.escape_bytea( in_bytes ) out_bytes = nil @conn.transaction do |conn| conn.exec("SET standard_conforming_strings=on") res = conn.exec("VALUES ('#{escaped_bytes}'::bytea)", [], 0) out_bytes = described_class.unescape_bytea( res[0]['column1'] ) end out_bytes.should == in_bytes end describe "rubyforge #22925: m17n support" do it "should return results in the same encoding as the client (iso-8859-1)" do out_string = nil @conn.transaction do |conn| conn.internal_encoding = 'iso8859-1' res = conn.exec("VALUES ('fantasia')", [], 0) out_string = res[0]['column1'] end out_string.should == 'fantasia' out_string.encoding.should == Encoding::ISO8859_1 end it "should return results in the same encoding as the client (utf-8)" do out_string = nil @conn.transaction do |conn| conn.internal_encoding = 'utf-8' res = conn.exec("VALUES ('世界線航跡蔵')", [], 0) out_string = res[0]['column1'] end out_string.should == '世界線航跡蔵' out_string.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "should return results in the same encoding as the client (EUC-JP)" do out_string = nil @conn.transaction do |conn| conn.internal_encoding = 'EUC-JP' stmt = "VALUES ('世界線航跡蔵')".encode('EUC-JP') res = conn.exec(stmt, [], 0) out_string = res[0]['column1'] end out_string.should == '世界線航跡蔵'.encode('EUC-JP') out_string.encoding.should == Encoding::EUC_JP end it "returns the results in the correct encoding even if the client_encoding has " + "changed since the results were fetched" do out_string = nil @conn.transaction do |conn| conn.internal_encoding = 'EUC-JP' stmt = "VALUES ('世界線航跡蔵')".encode('EUC-JP') res = conn.exec(stmt, [], 0) conn.internal_encoding = 'utf-8' out_string = res[0]['column1'] end out_string.should == '世界線航跡蔵'.encode('EUC-JP') out_string.encoding.should == Encoding::EUC_JP end it "the connection should return ASCII-8BIT when it's set to SQL_ASCII" do @conn.exec "SET client_encoding TO SQL_ASCII" @conn.internal_encoding.should == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT end it "works around the unsupported JOHAB encoding by returning stuff in 'ASCII_8BIT'" do pending "figuring out how to create a string in the JOHAB encoding" do out_string = nil @conn.transaction do |conn| conn.exec( "set client_encoding = 'JOHAB';" ) stmt = "VALUES ('foo')".encode('JOHAB') res = conn.exec( stmt, [], 0 ) out_string = res[0]['column1'] end out_string.should == 'foo'.encode( Encoding::ASCII_8BIT ) out_string.encoding.should == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT end end it "uses the client encoding for escaped string" do original = "string to escape".force_encoding( "euc-jp" ) @conn.set_client_encoding( "euc_jp" ) escaped = @conn.escape( original ) escaped.encoding.should == Encoding::EUC_JP end end describe "Ruby 1.9.x default_internal encoding" do it "honors the Encoding.default_internal if it's set and the synchronous interface is used" do @conn.transaction do |txn_conn| txn_conn.internal_encoding = Encoding::ISO8859_1 txn_conn.exec( "CREATE TABLE defaultinternaltest ( foo text )" ) txn_conn.exec( "INSERT INTO defaultinternaltest VALUES ('Grün und Weiß')" ) end begin prev_encoding = Encoding.default_internal Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8 conn = PG.connect( @conninfo ) conn.internal_encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 res = conn.exec( "SELECT foo FROM defaultinternaltest" ) res[0]['foo'].encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 ensure conn.finish if conn Encoding.default_internal = prev_encoding end end end it "encodes exception messages with the connection's encoding (#96)", :without_transaction do # Use a new connection so the client_encoding isn't set outside of this example conn = PG.connect( @conninfo ) conn.client_encoding = 'iso-8859-15' conn.transaction do conn.exec "CREATE TABLE foo (bar TEXT)" begin query = "INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('Côte d'Ivoire')".encode( 'iso-8859-15' ) conn.exec( query ) rescue => err err.message.encoding.should == Encoding::ISO8859_15 else fail "No exception raised?!" end end conn.finish if conn end end end