/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ #include "atn/ATNConfigSet.h" #include "atn/SemanticContext.h" #include "atn/ATNConfig.h" #include "misc/MurmurHash.h" #include "dfa/DFAState.h" using namespace antlr4::dfa; using namespace antlr4::atn; DFAState::PredPrediction::PredPrediction(const Ref &pred, int alt) : pred(pred) { InitializeInstanceFields(); this->alt = alt; } DFAState::PredPrediction::~PredPrediction() { } std::string DFAState::PredPrediction::toString() { return std::string("(") + pred->toString() + ", " + std::to_string(alt) + ")"; } void DFAState::PredPrediction::InitializeInstanceFields() { alt = 0; } DFAState::DFAState() { InitializeInstanceFields(); } DFAState::DFAState(int state) : DFAState() { stateNumber = state; } DFAState::DFAState(std::unique_ptr configs_) : DFAState() { configs = std::move(configs_); } DFAState::~DFAState() { for (auto *predicate : predicates) { delete predicate; } } std::set DFAState::getAltSet() { std::set alts; if (configs != nullptr) { for (size_t i = 0; i < configs->size(); i++) { alts.insert(configs->get(i)->alt); } } return alts; } size_t DFAState::hashCode() const { size_t hash = misc::MurmurHash::initialize(7); hash = misc::MurmurHash::update(hash, configs->hashCode()); hash = misc::MurmurHash::finish(hash, 1); return hash; } bool DFAState::operator == (const DFAState &o) const { // compare set of ATN configurations in this set with other if (this == &o) { return true; } return *configs == *o.configs; } std::string DFAState::toString() { std::stringstream ss; ss << stateNumber; if (configs) { ss << ":" << configs->toString(); } if (isAcceptState) { ss << " => "; if (!predicates.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < predicates.size(); i++) { ss << predicates[i]->toString(); } } else { ss << prediction; } } return ss.str(); } void DFAState::InitializeInstanceFields() { stateNumber = -1; isAcceptState = false; prediction = 0; requiresFullContext = false; }