# typed: strict # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY # This file was pulled from a central RBI files repository. # Please run `bin/tapioca annotations` to update it. class ActionController::API MODULES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) end module ActionController::Flash::ClassMethods sig { params(types: Symbol).void } def add_flash_types(*types); end end module ActionController::Helpers::ClassMethods sig { returns(ActionView::Base) } def helpers; end end class ActionController::Metal < AbstractController::Base sig { returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def params; end sig { returns(ActionDispatch::Request) } def request; end sig { returns(ActionDispatch::Response) } def response; end end module ActionController::MimeResponds sig { params(mimes: T.nilable(Symbol), block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(arg0: ActionController::MimeResponds::Collector).void)).void } def respond_to(*mimes, &block); end end class ActionController::Parameters sig { params(other: T.any(String, ActionController::Parameters)).returns(T::Boolean) } def ==(other); end sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol), value: T.untyped).void } def []=(key, value); end sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Array[T.any(String, Symbol)])) } def always_permitted_parameters; end sig { params(obj: T.nilable(T::Array[T.any(String, Symbol)])).void } def always_permitted_parameters=(obj); end sig { returns(T.untyped) } def deep_dup; end sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol), block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def delete(key, &block); end sig { params(keys: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(T.untyped) } def dig(*keys); end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def each_pair(&block); end # each is an alias of each_pair sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def each(&block); end sig { params(keys: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def except(*keys); end sig { params(keys: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(T.untyped) } def extract!(*keys); end sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol), args: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def fetch(key, *args); end sig { returns(String) } def inspect; end sig { params(other_hash: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def merge!(other_hash); end sig { params(other_hash: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def merge(other_hash); end sig { returns(T.untyped) } def parameters; end sig { returns(T.self_type) } def permit!; end # You can pass _a lot_ of stuff to permit, so filters is left untyped for now. sig { params(filters: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def permit(*filters); end sig { params(new_permitted: T.untyped).void } def permitted=(new_permitted); end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def permitted?; end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def reject!(&block); end # delete_if is an alias of reject! sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def delete_if(&block); end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def reject(&block); end sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(T.nilable(T.any(String, Numeric, ActionController::Parameters))) } def [](key); end sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol, T::Array[T.any(String, Symbol)])).returns(T.any(String, Numeric, T::Array[T.untyped], ActionController::Parameters)) } def require(key); end # required is an alias of require sig { params(key: T.any(String, Symbol, T::Array[T.any(String, Symbol)])).returns(T.any(String, Numeric, T::Array[T.untyped], ActionController::Parameters)) } def required(key); end sig { params(other_hash: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end # with_defaults! is an alias of reverse_merge! sig { params(other_hash: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def with_defaults!(other_hash); end sig { params(other_hash: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def reverse_merge(other_hash); end # with_defaults is an alias of reverse_merge sig { params(other_hash: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def with_defaults(other_hash); end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.nilable(ActionController::Parameters)) } def select!(&block); end # keep_if is an alias of select! sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.nilable(ActionController::Parameters)) } def keep_if(&block); end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def select(&block); end sig { returns(T.any(Symbol, T::Boolean)) } def self.action_on_unpermitted_parameters; end sig { params(obj: T.any(Symbol, T::Boolean)).void } def self.action_on_unpermitted_parameters=(obj); end sig { returns(T::Array[T.any(String, Symbol)]) } def self.always_permitted_parameters; end sig { params(obj: T::Array[T.any(String, Symbol)]).void } def self.always_permitted_parameters=(obj); end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def self.permit_all_parameters; end sig { params(obj: T::Boolean).void } def self.permit_all_parameters=(obj); end sig { params(keys: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def slice!(*keys); end sig { params(keys: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def slice(*keys); end sig { returns(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess) } def to_h; end sig { returns(T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) } def to_hash; end # to_param is an alias of to_query sig { params(args: String).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def to_param(*args); end sig { params(args: String).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def to_query(*args); end sig { returns(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess) } def to_unsafe_h; end # to_unsafe_hash is an alias of to_unsafe_h sig { returns(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess) } def to_unsafe_hash; end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def transform_keys!(&block); end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def transform_keys(&block); end sig { returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def transform_values!; end sig { returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def transform_values; end sig { params(keys: T.any(String, Symbol)).returns(T.untyped) } def values_at(*keys); end end module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def protect_against_forgery?; end sig { params(form_options: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).returns(String) } def form_authenticity_token(form_options: {}); end end module ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection::ClassMethods sig { params(options: T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]).void } def skip_forgery_protection(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end end module ActionController::StrongParameters sig { returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def params; end end module ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters sig { returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def parameters; end # params is an alias of parameters sig { returns(ActionController::Parameters) } def params; end end module ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { params(host: String).returns(String) } def host!(host); end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { params(flag: T::Boolean).returns(T::Boolean) } def https!(flag = true); end end class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest # The following methods are accessible on `IntegrationTest` # through the following delegation chain: # - `IntegrationTest` includes `IntegrationTest::Behavior` # - `IntegrationTest::Behavior` includes `Integration::Runner` # - `Integration::Runner#method_missing` delegates to `Integration::Session` # # Then `Integration::Session` either implements the methods # directly or further delegates to `TestProcess` (included) or # `TestResponse` / `Request` (via `delegate`). # # Cf. https://github.com/Shopify/rbi-central/pull/138 for more context. # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::TestProcess sig { returns(ActionDispatch::Flash::FlashHash) } def flash; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::TestProcess sig { returns(ActionDispatch::Request::Session) } def session; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::TestResponse sig { returns(T.nilable(Integer)) } def status; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::TestResponse sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } def status_message; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::TestResponse sig { returns(T.nilable(ActionDispatch::Response::Header)) } def headers; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::TestResponse sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } def body; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::TestResponse sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Boolean)) } def redirect?; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Request sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } def path; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(String) } def host; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { params(host: String).returns(String) } attr_writer :host # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } attr_accessor :remote_addr # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(T.nilable(String)) } attr_accessor :accept # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(Rack::Test::CookieJar) } def cookies; end # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(T.nilable(ActionController::Base)) } attr_reader :controller # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(ActionDispatch::TestRequest) } attr_reader :request # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(ActionDispatch::TestResponse) } attr_reader :response # @method_missing: delegated to ActionDispatch::Integration::Session sig { returns(Integer) } attr_accessor :request_count end class ActionDispatch::Request # Provides access to the request's HTTP headers, for example: # # ```ruby # request.headers["Content-Type"] # => "text/plain" # ``` sig { returns(ActionDispatch::Http::Headers) } def headers; end # Returns a `String` with the last requested path including their params. # # ```ruby # # get '/foo' # request.original_fullpath # => '/foo' # # # get '/foo?bar' # request.original_fullpath # => '/foo?bar' # ``` sig { returns(String) } def original_fullpath; end # Returns the `String` full path including params of the last URL requested. # # ```ruby # # get "/articles" # request.fullpath # => "/articles" # # # get "/articles?page=2" # request.fullpath # => "/articles?page=2" # ``` sig { returns(String) } def fullpath; end # Returns the original request URL as a `String`. # # ```ruby # # get "/articles?page=2" # request.original_url # => "http://www.example.com/articles?page=2" # ``` sig { returns(String) } def original_url; end # The `String` MIME type of the request. # # ``` # # get "/articles" # request.media_type # => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" # ``` sig { returns(String) } def media_type; end # Returns the content length of the request as an integer. sig { returns(Integer) } def content_length; end # Returns the IP address of client as a `String`. sig { returns(String) } def ip; end # Returns the IP address of client as a `String`, # usually set by the RemoteIp middleware. sig { returns(String) } def remote_ip; end # Returns the unique request id, which is based on either the X-Request-Id header that can # be generated by a firewall, load balancer, or web server or by the RequestId middleware # (which sets the action_dispatch.request_id environment variable). # # This unique ID is useful for tracing a request from end-to-end as part of logging or debugging. # This relies on the Rack variable set by the ActionDispatch::RequestId middleware. sig { returns(String) } def request_id; end # Returns true if the request has a header matching the given key parameter. # # ```ruby # request.key? :ip_spoofing_check # => true # ``` sig { params(key: Symbol).returns(T::Boolean) } def key?(key); end # True if the request came from localhost,, or ::1. sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def local?; end end module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Resources sig { params(name: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def action_path(name); end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def collection(&block); end sig { params(block: T.untyped).returns(T.untyped) } def member(&block); end sig { returns(T.untyped) } def shallow; end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def shallow?; end end class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet sig { params(block: T.proc.bind(ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper).void).void } def draw(&block); end end